38 research outputs found

    On the use of structured adsorbents in cyclic adsorption processes

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    Structured adsorbents have been around for some time. However, commercialization for use in PSA and TSA processes has been extremely limited. There are just a few examples that the authors know about. Yet, the potential for a structured adsorbent to minimize pressure drop and alleviate particle fluidization and attrition issues is enormous. The objective of this work is to provide an overview on the use of structured adsorbents in cyclic adsorption processes, such as PSA and TSA processes. This objective will be accomplished by first presenting a brief literature review of the subject, then by discussing one of the successful commercial applications, and finally by presenting the efforts ongoing in Ritter’s adsorption laboratory. They have been working with Catacel (now owned by Johnson Matthey) on a metal foil, parallel channel, structured adsorbent coated with zeolite crystals. A photograph is this type of structure is shown in the photographs below. This material is being studied for use in both PSA and TSA processes. The latest results from Ritter’s group will be presented at this conference. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Simulation of Unique Pressure Changing Steps and Situations in Psa Processes

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    A more rigorous cyclic adsorption process simulator is being developed for use in the development and understanding of new and existing PSA processes. Unique features of this new version of the simulator that Ritter and co-workers have been developing for the past decade or so include: multiple absorbent layers in each bed, pressure drop in the column, valves for entering and exiting flows and predicting real-time pressurization and depressurization rates, ability to account for choked flow conditions, ability to pressurize and depressurize simultaneously from both ends of the columns, ability to equalize between multiple pairs of columns, ability to equalize simultaneously from both ends of pairs of columns, and ability to handle very large pressure ratios and hence velocities associated with deep vacuum systems. These changes to the simulator now provide for unique opportunities to study the effects of novel pressure changing steps and extreme process conditions on the performance of virtually any commercial or developmental PSA process. This presentation will provide an overview of the cyclic adsorption process simulator equations and algorithms used in the new adaptation. It will focus primarily on the novel pressure changing steps and their effects on the performance of a PSA system that epitomizes the extremes of PSA process design and operation. This PSA process is a sorbent-based atmosphere revitalization (SBAR) system that NASA is developing for new manned exploration vehicles. This SBAR system consists of a 2-bed 3-step 3-layer system that operates between atmospheric pressure and the vacuum of space, evacuates from both ends of the column simultaneously, experiences choked flow conditions during pressure changing steps, and experiences a continuously changing feed composition, as it removes metabolic CO2 and H20 from a closed and fixed volume, i.e., the spacecraft cabin. Important process performance indicators of this SBAR system are size, and the corresponding CO2 and H20 removal efficiencies, and N2 and O2 loss rates. Results of the fundamental behavior of this PSA process during extreme operating conditions will be presented and discussed

    CO2 Capacity Sorbent Analysis using Volumetric Measurement Approach

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    In support of air revitalization system sorbent selection for future space missions, Ames Research Center (ARC) has performed CO2 capacity tests on various sorbents to complement structural strength tests from Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). The materials of interest are: Grace Davison Grade 544 13x, Honeywell UOP APG III, VSA-10, BASF 13x, and Grace Davison Grade 522 5A. Each sorbents CO2 capacity was measured using a Micromeritics ASAP 2020 Physisorption Volumetric Analysis machine to produce 0C, 10C, 25C, 50C, and 75C isotherms. These datasets were then extrapolated using Langmuir 3-Site and Toth isotherm models to compare with previously measured capacity data from MSFC using a thermogravimetric analysis approach. The modeling and extrapolation from ARC data correlated well with data measured at MSFC

    A Reference High-Pressure CO2 Adsorption Isotherm for Ammonium ZSM-5 Zeolite: Results of an Interlaboratory Study

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    © 2018, The Author(s). This paper reports the results of an international interlaboratory study led by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on the measurement of high-pressure surface excess carbon dioxide adsorption isotherms on NIST Reference Material RM 8852 (ammonium ZSM-5 zeolite), at 293.15 K (20 °C) from 1 kPa up to 4.5 MPa. Eleven laboratories participated in this exercise and, for the first time, high-pressure adsorption reference data are reported using a reference material. An empirical reference equation nex=d(1+exp[(-ln(P)+a)/b])c, [nex-surface excess uptake (mmol/g), P-equilibrium pressure (MPa), a = −6.22, b = 1.97, c = 4.73, and d = 3.87] along with the 95% uncertainty interval (Uk = 2 = 0.075 mmol/g) were determined for the reference isotherm using a Bayesian, Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. Together, this zeolitic reference material and the associated adsorption data provide a means for laboratories to test and validate high-pressure adsorption equipment and measurements. Recommendations are provided for measuring reliable high-pressure adsorption isotherms using this material, including activation procedures, data processing methods to determine surface excess uptake, and the appropriate equation of state to be used