1,527 research outputs found

    Feedback-Optimized Operations with Linear Ion Crystals

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    We report on transport operations with linear crystals of 40Ca+ ions by applying complex electric time-dependent potentials. For their control we use the information obtained from the ions' fluorescence. We demonstrate that by means of this feedback technique, we can transport a predefined number of ions and also split and unify ion crystals. The feedback control allows for a robust scheme, compensating for experimental errors as it does not rely on a precisely known electrical modeling of the electric potentials in the ion trap beforehand. Our method allows us to generate a self-learning voltage ramp for the required process. With an experimental demonstration of a transport with more than 99.8 % success probability, this technique may facilitate the operation of a future ion based quantum processor

    A trapped-ion local field probe

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    We introduce a measurement scheme that utilizes a single ion as a local field probe. The ion is confined in a segmented Paul trap and shuttled around to reach different probing sites. By the use of a single atom probe, it becomes possible characterizing fields with spatial resolution of a few nm within an extensive region of millimeters. We demonstrate the scheme by accurately investigating the electric fields providing the confinement for the ion. For this we present all theoretical and practical methods necessary to generate these potentials. We find sub-percent agreement between measured and calculated electric field values

    More Is Not Always Better-the Double-Headed Role of Fibronectin in Staphylococcus aureus Host Cell Invasion

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    While Staphylococcus aureus has classically been considered an extracellular pathogen, these bacteria are also capable of being taken up by host cells, including nonprofessional phagocytes such as endothelial cells, epithelial cells, or osteoblasts. The intracellular S. aureus lifestyle contributes to infection development. The predominant recognition and internalization pathway appears to be the binding of the bacteria via a fibronectin bridge to the alpha 5 beta 1-integrin on the host cell membrane, followed by phagocytosis. Although osteoblasts showed high expression of alpha 5 beta 1-integrin and fibronectin, and bacteria adhered to osteoblasts to a high proportion, here we demonstrate by internalization assays and immunofluorescence microscopy that S. aureus was less engulfed in osteoblasts than in epithelial cells. The addition of exogenous fibronectin during the infection of cells with S. aureus resulted in an increased uptake by epithelial cells but not by osteoblasts. This contrasts with the previous conception of the uptake mechanism, where high expression of integrin and fibronectin would promote the bacterial uptake into host cells. Extracellular fibronectin surrounding osteoblasts, but not epithelial cells, is organized in a fibrillary network. The inhibition of fibril formation, the short interfering RNA-mediated reduction of fibronectin expression, and the disruption of the fibronectin-fibril meshwork all resulted in a significant increase in S. aureus uptake by osteoblasts. Thus, the network of fibronectin fibrils appears to strongly reduce the uptake of S. aureus into a given host cell, indicating that the supramolecular structure of fibronectin determines the capacity of particular host cells to internalize the pathogen. IMPORTANCE Traditionally, Staphylococcus aureus has been considered an extracellular pathogen. However, among other factors, the frequent failure of antimicrobial therapy and the ability of the pathogen to cause recurrent disease have established the concept of eukaryotic invasion of the pathogen, thereby evading the host's immune system. In the current model of host cell invasion, bacteria initially bind to alpha 5 beta 1 integrin on the host cell side via a fibronectin bridge, which eventually leads to phagocytosis of S. aureus by host cells. However, in this study, we demonstrate that not the crude amount but the supramolecular structure of fibronectin molecules deposited on the eukaryotic cell surface plays an essential role in bacterial uptake by host cells. Our findings explain the large differences of S. aureus uptake efficacy in different host cell types as well as in vivo differences between courses of bacterial infections and the localization of bacteria in different clinical settings

    Petrology, Palynology, and Geochemistry of Gray Hawk Coal (Early Pennsylvanian, Langsettian) in Eastern Kentucky, USA

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    This study presents recently collected data examining the organic petrology, palynology, mineralogy and geochemistry of the Gray Hawk coal bed. From the Early Pennsylvanian, Langsettian substage, Gray Hawk coal has been mined near the western edge of the eastern Kentucky portion of the Central Appalachian coalfield. While the coal is thin, rarely more than 0.5-m thick, it has a low-ash yield and a low-S content, making it an important local resource. The Gray Hawk coal palynology is dominated by Lycospora spp., and contains a diverse spectrum of small lycopods, tree ferns, small ferns, calamites, and gymnosperms. The maceral assemblages show an abundance of collotelinite, telinite, vitrodetrinite, fusinite, and semifusinite. Fecal pellet-derived macrinite, albeit with more compaction than is typically seen in younger coals, was observed in the Gray Hawk coal. The minerals in the coal are dominated by clay minerals (e.g., kaolinite, mixed-layer illite/smectite, illite), and to a lesser extent, pyrite, quartz, and iron III hydroxyl-sulfate, along with traces of chlorite, and in some cases, jarosite, szomolnokite, anatase, and calcite. The clay minerals are of authigenic and detrital origins. The occurrence of anatase as cell-fillings also indicates an authigenic origin. With the exception of Ge and As, which are slightly enriched in the coals, the concentrations of other trace elements are either close to or much lower than the averages for world hard coals. Arsenic and Hg are also enriched in the top bench of the coal and probably occur in pyrite. The elemental associations (e.g., Al2O3/TiO2, Cr/Th-Sc/Th) indicate a sediment-source region with intermediate and felsic compositions. Rare metals, including Ga, rare earth elements and Ge, are highly enriched in the coal ashes, and the Gray Hawk coals have a great potential for industrial use of these metals. The rare earth elements in the samples are weakly fractionated or are characterized by heavy-REE enrichment, indicating an input of natural waters or probably epithermal solutions

    Demagnetization of Quantum Dot Nuclear Spins: Breakdown of the Nuclear Spin Temperature Approach

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    The physics of interacting nuclear spins arranged in a crystalline lattice is typically described using a thermodynamic framework: a variety of experimental studies in bulk solid-state systems have proven the concept of a spin temperature to be not only correct but also vital for the understanding of experimental observations. Using demagnetization experiments we demonstrate that the mesoscopic nuclear spin ensemble of a quantum dot (QD) can in general not be described by a spin temperature. We associate the observed deviations from a thermal spin state with the presence of strong quadrupolar interactions within the QD that cause significant anharmonicity in the spectrum of the nuclear spins. Strain-induced, inhomogeneous quadrupolar shifts also lead to a complete suppression of angular momentum exchange between the nuclear spin ensemble and its environment, resulting in nuclear spin relaxation times exceeding an hour. Remarkably, the position dependent axes of quadrupolar interactions render magnetic field sweeps inherently non-adiabatic, thereby causing an irreversible loss of nuclear spin polarization.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure