13 research outputs found

    Energy Autarky of Households by Sufficiency Measures

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    AbstractA consciousness about being independent from energy suppliers is spreading due to several reasons. Many authors already analyzed PV battery systems with a focus on the grade of autarky and self-consumption. But what if someone wants to be autarkic? With what does the person have to cope with and how can it be influenced? To quantify these questions the sufficiency indicator is introduced. It describes the qualitative rate of self-sufficiency and involves personal ratings of devices. With its help the effect of the sufficiency measures “shifting” and “prioritized shutdown” on the contentment of households is quantified

    Smart Microgrids

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    Public support and feed-in tariff as a nonvariable compensation for the electric power production of energy have suppressed the risky investment of distributed generators (DGs) in smart distribution systems (SDSs). Although the using renewable energy technologies and the incorporation of plug-in DGs into SDS may have positive effects on congestion management, power loss reduction, and sustainability, they may create some difficulties relating to manage the system optimally by considering the intermittency of renewable resources in power production and uncertainties. Many researches have been carried out to deliver the high-quality power to the end-users with acceptable reliability. This book aims to present the recent materials related to the smart microgrids and the management of intermittent renewable energy sources that organized into seven chapters

    Topology Estimation in Low-Voltage Grids Using Wallbox Charging Data Records

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    <p>Reconstruct approximation of unknowen grid topology based on wallbox charging data</p><p>The Progressus project has received funding from the Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 876868. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Slovakia</p&gt

    Planar layer permeability measurement setup

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    Maximising Distribution Grid Utilisation by Optimising E-Car Charging Using Smart Meter Gateway Data

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    The transition towards climate neutrality will result in an increase in electrical vehicles, as well as other electric loads, leading to higher loads on electrical distribution grids. This paper presents an optimisation algorithm that enables the integration of more loads into distribution grid infrastructure using information from smart meters and/or smart meter gateways. To achieve this, a mathematical programming formulation was developed and implemented. The algorithm determines the optimal charging schedule for all electric vehicles connected to the distribution grid, taking into account various criteria to avoid violating physical grid limitations and ensuring non-discriminatory charging of all electric vehicles on the grid while also optimising grid operation. Additionally, the expandability of the infrastructure and fail-safe operation are considered through the decentralisation of all components. Various scenarios are modelled and evaluated in a simulation environment. The results demonstrate that the developed optimisation algorithm allows for higher transformer loads compared to a P(U) control approach, without causing grid overload as observed in scenarios without optimisation or P(U) control

    Silicon ion implantation of YBaCuO films for bolometer application

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    PV-diesel-hybrid system for a hospital in Ghana - Connection of a PV battery storage model to an existing generator model

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    In diesem Paper wird ein Modell eines Photovoltaik(PV)-Diesel-Hybrid-Systems aufgebaut. Dieses System besitzt neben einer PV-Anlage einen Batteriespeicher und ist an das öffentliche Stromnetz angeschlossen. Bei einem Ausfall aller drei Energiequellen stellt ein Dieselgenerator die Stromversorgung sicher. Mit Hilfe des erstellten Modells wird der Einfluss der unterschiedlichen Jahreszeiten und Wetterbedingungen auf den PV-Ertrag und das gesamte System im Zeitraum von Februar 2016 bis Februar 2017 untersucht. Die Messdaten dafür stammen von einem Krankenhaus in Akwatia, Ghana. Das Krankenhaus besitzt bereits eine PV-Anlage und einen Dieselgenerator als Backup. Ein weiterer Aspekt der Untersuchung ist der Einfluss der Stromausfälle, die in dieser Region häufig vorkommen, auf den Einsatz des Generators. Resultat der Untersuchung ist die Relevanz saisonaler und infrastruktureller Einflüsse auf die Betriebsweise des Systems. Mit Hilfe des erstellten Modells wurde analysiert, dass besonders während der Regenzeit im August die PV-Leistung sinkt und folglich viel Energie durch das öffentliche Stromnetz und den Generator bereitgestellt werden muss. Ein weiterer signifikanter Einbruch im PV-Ertrag ist zur Zeit des Harmattans im Januar zu verzeichnen.In this paper, a model of a photovoltaic (PV)-diesel-hybrid system is built. In addition to a PV system, this system has a battery storage system and is connected to the public power grid. In case of a failure of all three energy sources, a diesel generator ensures the power supply. With the help of the created model, the influence of different seasons and weather conditions on the PV yield and the entire system is investigated in the period from February 2016 to February 2017. The data for this study was collected in a hospital in Akwatia, Ghana. The hospital is already equipped with a PV system and a diesel generator as backup. Another aspect of the study is the impact of power outages, which are common in this region, on the use of the generator. The results show the relevance of seasonal and infrastructural influences on the operating mode of the system. With the help of the created model it was shown that especially during the rainy season in August the PV output decreases and consequently a lot of energy has to be provided by the public grid and the generator. Another significant drop in PV yield is observed at the time of Harmattan in January