192 research outputs found

    Judicial Independence

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    Copyrights-Limitations on Proprietor\u27s Exclusive Right to Vend

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    Plaintiff was the sole proprietor of copyrights on several educational toys. It had ordered a large number of these toys to be made by defendant manufacturer, but refused to accept them when tendered, claiming they were so defective in quality that their sale would impair plaintiff\u27s reputation. When defendant manufacturer began selling the rejected toys to the co-defendants in order to recover its own investment in them, the plaintiff obtained a temporary restraining order against all defendants prohibiting further sales of the toys pending a determination of a motion for permanent injunction. The district court granted a preliminary injunction of indefinite duration on the ground that the threatened sales might violate plaintiff proprietor\u27s exclusive right to vend its copyrighted works. The defendants appealed, contending that section 27 of the Copyright Code permitted them to sell the goods pursuant to New York state law. On appeal, held, order affirmed with modification to the extent that no injunction issue covering goods which the district court, in a further proceeding, should find the plaintiff was unjustified in rejecting. A proprietor retains an exclusive right to vend goods embodying his copyrighted conception until he has received a fair reward. Platt & Munk Co. v. Republic Graphics, Inc., 315 F.2d 847 (2d Cir. 1963)

    Subcontracting Clauses and Section 8(e) of the National Labor Relations Act

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    The addition of section 8(e) to the National Labor Relations Act in 1959 jeopardized the validity of all subcontracting clauses-provisions in employer-union collective bargaining agreements which in some manner eliminate or condition the employer\u27s right to contract out work or which penalize the exercise of that right. Although it was not the congressional intent that section 8(e) indiscriminately abolish all subcontracting clauses, this is the literal impact of the language used in the section

    Tenth Circuit: Gender Bias Study- Continuing Education and Training

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    The Tenth Circuit Study of Gender Bias and Sexual Harassment was initiated in September 1995 with a study of the District of Wyoming. Prior to that time a number of federal courts and individual states had undertaken comprehensive studies of gender bias. Most of the existing literature was based upon quantitative data using survey research methodology calculated to obtain a number of confidential responses, which produced substantial valuable information

    Landlord-Tenant Mediation Project in Colorado

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    Diurnal radiance patterns of finite and semi-infinite clouds in observations of cloud fields

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    December, 1981.Includes bibliographical references.Sponsored by the National Science Foundation ATM78-27556

    Alcohol Interventions for Trauma Patients Treated in Emergency Departments and Hospitals: A Cost Benefit Analysis

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    Summarizes a study of whether screening for problem drinking and interventions to reduce alcohol intake in hospital trauma centers reduce the direct cost of injury-related health care. Compares the costs of injury recidivism with and without intervention

    Colorado solar radiation data with supplemental climatic data

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 99).August, 1982

    A Tribute to Justice Byron R. White

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    Of 107 Justices in 205 years, only twelve have served longer than thirty years, and every long-serving Justice has made a substantial contribution to the institution - offering a steady and dedicated response to the judicial challenges of an era, asserting leadership at a time of national crisis, or articulating a large constitutional vision. The personal qualities and life experiences that a new Justice brings to the Court contain the seeds of the individual\u27s judicial service. Justice White, a skeptical but unflinching democrat, was no exception