11,531 research outputs found

    An Investigation of the performance of six small septic tanks

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    A report of an investigation conducted by the Engineering Experiment Station, University of Illinois, in cooperation with the Armco Steel Corporation.Bibliography: p. 74-75

    Zero-gravity cloud physics laboratory: Experiment program definition and preliminary laboratory concept studies

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    The experiment program definition and preliminary laboratory concept studies on the zero G cloud physics laboratory are reported. This program involves the definition and development of an atmospheric cloud physics laboratory and the selection and delineations of a set of candidate experiments that must utilize the unique environment of zero gravity or near zero gravity

    NHS research ethics committees : still need more common sense and less bureaucracy

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    National Health Service research ethics committees exist to ensure that research performed within the NHS complies with recognised ethical standards and to protect the rights, safety, and dignity of all actual or potential participants. In the past decade the operation of research ethics committees has come under, and continues to come under, close scrutiny. Researchers now consider the process of acquiring ethical approval to be so onerous that it is compromising clinical research. Medical educators also think that the process is too unwieldy to allow undergraduate students to acquire research experience, an essential learning outcome required by the General Medical Council

    Development of low modulus material for use in ceramic gas path seal applications

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    Three candidate materials were examined: Brunsbond (R) Pad; plasma sprayed porous NiCrAlY; and plasma sprayed low modulus microcracked zirconia. Evaluation consisted of mechanical, thermophysical, and oxidation resistance testing along with optical microscopy and a feasibility demonstration of attaching the material to a suitable substrate. The goals of the program were the following: feasibility of fastening or depositing the low modulus system onto a broad range of substrate alloys; feasibility of depositing or forming the low modulus system to a thickness of 0.19 cm to 0.38 cm; potential to attain a modulus of elasticity in the range of 3.4 to 6.9 GPa (0.5 to 1.0 MSI), and an ultimate strength of 17.2 MPa (2.5 ksi); suitable thermal conductivity; and static oxidation life of at least 1000 hours at 1311 K. The results of the program indicate that all three systems offer attractive properties as a strain isolator material

    The Pure Theory of Country Risk

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    This paper attempts to survey, and to put into perspective, recent lterature that has analyzed the nature of credit relations between developed and developing countries.This analysis has made use of recent advances in the economics of information and strategic interaction. Traditional concepts of solvency and liquidity are of little help in understanding problems of soverign debt. Creditors do not have the means to seize the assets of a borrower in default. Hence the borrower who is expected eventually to repay his debts should be able to borrow to meet any current debt-service obligations. A problem that is essential to a theory of international lending is that of enforcement. The difficulty is one of ensuring that the two sides of a loan contract adhere to it, in particular that the borrower repays the lender and the lenders can commit themselves to penalize the borrower if he does not.

    Scaling of data communications for an advanced supercomputer network

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    The goal of NASA's Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) Program is to provide a powerful computational environment for advanced research and development in aeronautics and related disciplines. The present NAS system consists of a Cray 2 supercomputer connected by a data network to a large mass storage system, to sophisticated local graphics workstations and by remote communication to researchers throughout the United States. The program plan is to continue acquiring the most powerful supercomputers as they become available. The implications of a projected 20-fold increase in processing power on the data communications requirements are described

    Informal Workers and Collective Action: A Global Perspective

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    [Excerpt] Around the world, in countries as far flung as Cambodia and Brazil and in industries as diverse as transportation and hospitality, workers in informal employment, who labor every day with no legal or social protection, are organizing and negotiating for better conditions. Some of them are self-employed; others work for wages in either formal or informal enterprises. Some used to have jobs in the formal sector with a union contract; others have always worked informally. To achieve their goals they are mounting collective action campaigns that draw on the repertoire of past generations of workers, but they often recombine them or innovate to fit their unique contexts. Informal workers, their organizations and their campaigns, represent the leading edge of the most significant change in the global labor movement in more than a century. This book tells the story of nine such campaigns
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