3,085 research outputs found

    How Much Can We Produce in the Next Several Years?

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    In last month\u27s article we found that some major agricultural adjustments in Iowa would be needed to acheive the maximum sustained crop production estimated by the Iowa Productive Capacity Committee

    Farm size adjustments in Iowa and cost economies in crop production for farms of different sizes

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    The relation of cost economies to size of farm has been a subject of considerable speculation in Iowa. Farmers are interested in farms of different sizes because cost advantages or disadvantages have an important bearing on farm profits. Other segments of the population have also been interested in size and scale economies in farming. Many people put forth the hypothesis that modern farming methods give very great cost economies to the large acreage. The supposition is: Mechanization results in very low per-acre costs for large units and a danger exists that these cost advantages will give rise to large-scale units which cause the liquidation of family-farm units. Whether or not a threat of this nature actually exists depends on the costs associated with farms of different sizes. Discussion of farm size has gone on with very little knowledge of the cost economies realized in different types of agriculture. Certain aspects of cost are, however, evident: (1) Cost economies are likely greatest in grain and crop farming systems; mechanization has been developed particularly around these enterprises. Important changes have taken place in production of livestock. fruit and vegetable crops. However, the adaptation of mechanization to these enterprises has not been great. (2) If foods and fibers are to be produced efficiently, and farm families are to have favorable incomes, the size of the farm must be great enough to attain some of the efficiencies inherent in mechanization. Farms that are too small will result in low income

    Allelomimesis as universal clustering mechanism for complex adaptive systems

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    Animal and human clusters are complex adaptive systems and many are organized in cluster sizes ss that obey the frequency-distribution D(s)sτD(s)\propto s^{-\tau}. Exponent τ\tau describes the relative abundance of the cluster sizes in a given system. Data analyses have revealed that real-world clusters exhibit a broad spectrum of τ\tau-values, 0.7(tuna fish schools)τ2.95(galaxies)0.7\textrm{(tuna fish schools)}\leq\tau\leq 2.95\textrm{(galaxies)}. We show that allelomimesis is a fundamental mechanism for adaptation that accurately explains why a broad spectrum of τ\tau-values is observed in animate, human and inanimate cluster systems. Previous mathematical models could not account for the phenomenon. They are hampered by details and apply only to specific systems such as cities, business firms or gene family sizes. Allelomimesis is the tendency of an individual to imitate the actions of its neighbors and two cluster systems yield different τ\tau values if their component agents display different allelomimetic tendencies. We demonstrate that allelomimetic adaptation are of three general types: blind copying, information-use copying, and non-copying. Allelomimetic adaptation also points to the existence of a stable cluster size consisting of three interacting individuals.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Primary osteoblast-like cells from patients with end-stage kidney disease reflect gene expression, proliferation, and mineralization characteristics ex vivo.

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    Osteocytes regulate bone turnover and mineralization in chronic kidney disease. As osteocytes are derived from osteoblasts, alterations in osteoblast function may regulate osteoblast maturation, osteocytic transition, bone turnover, and skeletal mineralization. Thus, primary osteoblast-like cells were cultured from bone chips obtained from 24 pediatric ESKD patients. RNA expression in cultured cells was compared with RNA expression in cells from healthy individuals, to RNA expression in the bone core itself, and to parameters of bone histomorphometry. Proliferation and mineralization rates of patient cells were compared with rates in healthy control cells. Associations were observed between bone osteoid accumulation, as assessed by bone histomorphometry, and bone core RNA expression of osterix, matrix gla protein, parathyroid hormone receptor 1, and RANKL. Gene expression of osteoblast markers was increased in cells from ESKD patients and signaling genes including Cyp24A1, Cyp27B1, VDR, and NHERF1 correlated between cells and bone cores. Cells from patients with high turnover renal osteodystrophy proliferated more rapidly and mineralized more slowly than did cells from healthy controls. Thus, primary osteoblasts obtained from patients with ESKD retain changes in gene expression ex vivo that are also observed in bone core specimens. Evaluation of these cells in vitro may provide further insights into the abnormal bone biology that persists, despite current therapies, in patients with ESKD

    Use of Saline Water in Energy Development

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    Maps were made of the Upper Colorado River Basin showing locations of coal deposits, oil and gas, oil shale, uranium, and tar sand, in relationship to cities and towns in the area. Superimposed on these are locations of wells showing four ranges of water quality; 1,000-3,000 mg/l, 3,000-10,000 mg/l, 10,000-35,000 mg/l, and over 35,000 mg/l. Information was assembled relative to future energy-related projects in the upper basin, and estimates were made of their anticipated water needs. Using computer models, various options were tested for using saline water for coal-fired power plant cooling. Both cooling towers and brine evaporation ponds were included. information is presented of several proven water treatment technologies, and comparisons are made of their cost effectiveness when placed in various combinations in the power plant makeup and blowdown water systems. A relative value scale was developed which compares graphically the relative values of water of different salinities based on three different water treatment options and predetermined upper limits of cooling tower circulating salinities. Coal from several different mines was slurried in waters of different salinities. Samples were analyzed in the laboratory to determine which constituents had been leached from or absorbed by the coal, and what possible deleterious effects this might have on the burning properties of the coal, or on the water for culinary use or irrigation

    Numerical simulation of helicopter engine plume in forward flight

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    Flowfields around helicopters contain complex flow features such as large separated flow regions, vortices, shear layers, blown and suction surfaces and an inherently unsteady flow imposed by the rotor system. Another complicated feature of helicopters is their infrared signature. Typically, the aircraft's exhaust plume interacts with the rotor downwash, the fuselage's complicated flowfield, and the fuselage itself giving each aircraft a unique IR signature at given flight conditions. The goal of this project was to compute the flow about a realistic helicopter fuselage including the interaction of the engine air intakes and exhaust plume. The computations solve the Think-Layer Navier Stokes equations using overset type grids and in particular use the OVERFLOW code by Buning of NASA Ames. During this three month effort, an existing grid system of the Comanche Helicopter was to be modified to include the engine inlet and the hot engine exhaust. The engine exhaust was to be modeled as hot air exhaust. However, considerable changes in the fuselage geometry required a complete regriding of the surface and volume grids. The engine plume computations have been delayed to future efforts. The results of the current work consists of a complete regeneration of the surface and volume grids of the most recent Comanche fuselage along with a flowfield computation

    MLS antenna locations for the deHaviland DASH 7 aircraft

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    Several proposed aircraft antenna locations were investigated to determine their potential for satisfying the microwave landing system antenna coverage requirements. The results of this investigation are presented and antenna locations are recommended for the deHavilland DASH 7 aircraft

    The silence of self-knowledge

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    Gareth Evans famously affirmed an explanatory connection between answering the question whether p and knowing whether one believes that p. This is commonly interpreted in terms of the idea that judging that p constitutes an adequate basis for the belief that one believes that p. This paper formulates and defends an alternative, more modest interpretation, which develops from the suggestion that one can know that one believes that p in judging that p