375 research outputs found

    Survey of university programs in remote sensing funded under grants from the NASA University-Space Applications program

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    NASA's Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications (OSTA) is currently assessing approaches to transferring NASA technology to both the public and private sectors. As part of this assessment, NASA is evaluating the effectiveness of an ongoing program in remote sensing technology transfer conducted by 20 university contractors/grantees, each supported totally or partially by NASA funds. The University-Space Applications program has as its objective the demonstration of practical benefits from the use of remote sensing technology to a broad spectrum of new users, principally in state and local governments. To evaluate the University-Space Applications program, NASA has a near-term requirement for data on each university effort including total funding, funding sources, length of program, program description, and effectiveness measures

    Study of Federal technology transfer activities in areas of interest to NASA Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications

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    Forty-three ongoing technology transfer programs in Federal agencies other than NASA were selected from over 200 current Federal technology transfer activities. Selection was made and specific technology transfer mechanisms utilized. Detailed information was obtained on the selected programs by reviewing published literature, and conducting telephone interviews with each program manager. Specific information collected on each program includes technology areas; user groups, mechanisms employed, duration of program, and level of effort. Twenty-four distinct mechanisms are currently employed in Federal technology transfer activities totaling $260 million per year. Typical applications of each mechanism were reviewed, and caveats on evaluating program effectiveness were discussed. A review of recent federally funded research in technology transfer to state and local governments was made utilizing the Smithsonian Science Information Exchange, and abstracts of interest to NASA were selected for further reference

    Movement orientation switching with the eyes and lower limb in Parkinson disease

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    Difficulty switching between motor programs is a proposed cause of motor blocks in Parkinson disease (PD). Switching from one movement to another has been studied in the upper extremity and during postural control tasks, but not yetin the eyes and lower limb in PD. The purpose of this study was to compare movement orientation switching ability between people with PD and age-matched controls (CON) and to determine if switching ability is correlated between the eyes and lower limb. Twenty-six persons with PD and 19 age-matched controls participated. Movement orientation switching was studied in a seated position with the head fixed in a chinrest. In response to a randomly generated tone, participants switched from a continuous back-and-forth movement in either the horizontal or vertical orientation to the opposite orientation as quickly as possible. Lower limb movements were performed with the great toe pointing back and forth between targets positioned on a 45° angled floor platform. Eye movements were back and forth between the same targets. Eye and lower limb switch time was reduced in PD (p<0.01), but after normalizing switch time to movement velocity, no differences existed between PD and CON. Eye and lower limb switch times were correlated in PD (r=0.513, p<0.01) but not in CON. In PD, switch time and movement velocity of the lower limb, but not the eyes, correlated with bradykinesia and postural instability/gait. Our results suggest that individuals with PD experience movement switching deficits with both the eyes and lower limb, perhaps driven by overall bradykinesia

    Saccadic eye movements are related to turning performance in Parkinson disease

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    BACKGROUND: Persons with Parkinson disease (PD) experience difficulty turning, leading to freezing of gait and falls. We hypothesized that saccade dysfunction may relate to turning impairments, as turns are normally initiated with a saccade. OBJECTIVE: Determine whether saccades are impaired during turns in PD and if characteristics of the turn-initiating saccade are predictive of ensuing turn performance. METHODS: 23 persons with PD off medication and 19 controls performed 90 and 180 degree in-place turns to the right and left. Body segment rotations were measured using 3-D motion capture and oculomotor data were captured using a head-mounted eye tracking system and electrooculography. Total number of saccades and the amplitude, velocity, and timing of the first saccade were determined. RESULTS: Turn performance (turn duration, number of steps to turn) was impaired in PD (p<0.05). PD performed more saccades, and the velocity and timing of the first saccade was impaired for both turn amplitudes (p<0.05). Amplitude of the first saccade was decreased in PD during 180 degree turns. Turn duration correlated with oculomotor function. Characteristics of the first saccade explained 48% and 58% of the variance in turn duration for 90 and 180 degree turns, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Turning performance is impaired in PD and may be influenced by saccade dysfunction. An association between saccade function and turning performance may be indicative of the key role of saccades in initiating proper turning kinematics. Future work should focus on improving saccade performance during functional tasks and testing the effects of therapeutic interventions on related outcomes

    Effect of subthalamic deep brain stimulation on turning kinematics and related saccadic eye movements in Parkinson disease

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    BACKGROUND: Persons with Parkinson disease (PD) experience turning difficulty, often leading to freezing of gait and falls. Visual information plays a significant role in locomotion and turning, and while the effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) on oculomotor function have been well documented, the effects of DBS on oculomotor function during turning and on turning itself have yet to be fully elucidated. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of STN DBS on turning performance and related oculomotor performance in PD. METHODS: Eleven subjects with PD and DBS of the subthalamic nucleus performed a seated voluntary saccade task and standing 180° turns in DBS OFF and DBS ON conditions. Oculomotor data were captured using an infrared eye tracking system while segment rotations were measured using 3-D motion capture. RESULTS: During the seated saccade task, DBS did not improve saccade amplitude or latency. DBS also did not improve gait velocity and stride length during forward walking. During turning, DBS improved turn performance (turn duration), reduced the number of saccades performed during the turns, and increased the amplitude and velocity of the saccade initiating the turn. DBS decreased the intersegmental latencies (eye-head, eye-foot, and head-trunk) but this effect was lost for eye-head and eye-foot after controlling for the duration of the first gait cycle. CONCLUSIONS: DBS significantly improves turn performance and related oculomotor performance. These findings add to the growing list of therapeutic benefits offered by DBS

    Preliminary analysis of space mission applications for electromagnetic launchers

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    The technical and economic feasibility of using electromagnetically launched EML payloads propelled from the Earth's surface to LEO, GEO, lunar orbit, or to interplanetary space was assessed. Analyses of the designs of rail accelerators and coaxial magnetic accelerators show that each is capable of launching to space payloads of 800 KG or more. A hybrid launcher in which EML is used for the first 2 KM/sec followed by chemical rocket stages was also tested. A cost estimates study shows that one to two EML launches per day are needed to break even, compared to a four-stage rocket. Development models are discussed for: (1) Earth orbital missions; (2) lunar base supply mission; (3) solar system escape mission; (4) Earth escape missions; (5) suborbital missions; (6) electromagnetic boost missions; and (7) space-based missions. Safety factors, environmental impacts, and EML systems analysis are discussed. Alternate systems examined include electrothermal thrustors, an EML rocket gun; an EML theta gun, and Soviet electromagnetic accelerators

    Applications of a High-Altitude Powered Platform (HAPP)

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    A list of potential uses for the (HAPP) and conceptual system designs for a small subset of the most promising applications were investigated. The method was to postulate a scenario for each application specifying a user, a set of system requirements and the most likely competitor among conventional aircraft and satellite systems. As part of the study of remote sensing applications, a parametric cost comparison was done between aircraft and HAPPS. For most remote sensing applications, aircraft can supply the same data as HAPPs at substantially lower cost. The critical parameters in determining the relative costs of the two systems are the sensor field of view and the required frequency of the observations being made. The HAPP is only competitive with an airplane when sensors having a very wide field of view are appropriate and when the phenomenon being observed must be viewed at least once per day. This eliminates the majority of remote sensing applications from any further consideration