144 research outputs found

    The home affordability challenge

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    Fixation with home ownership causing economic and social despair New Zealand’s crippling home affordability rates cannot be fixed by a single solution such as changing immigration policy or urban planning rules, or imposing a capital gains tax or lending ratios. This is one of the key findings from the latest New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) report – The home affordability challenge. “There is no one fix to rule them all,” says Shamubeel Eaqub, principal economist at NZIER. “It’s not just Chinese investors, it’s not just a lack of an effective capital gains tax, it’s not just councils’ planning rules, or cheap credit.” “With that many variables in the mix, the solutions will be complex and perhaps the most effective measures could come from unexpected corners, like rental market reform.” New Zealand has one of the least renter-friendly regimes in the OECD, so renting is not seen by many as a viable long term housing option. Eaqub says if tenants were offered better security of tenure, and able to treat their rental like their own home, many could be willing to forgo home ownership. The report explains that New Zealand’s obsession with home ownership is one of the key reasons that it took so long for New Zealand’s economy to recover after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. “Our reliance on future capital gains to pay for debt-funded spending caused a long hangover when households realised they needed to pay off the mortgage.” Eaqub says if New Zealanders are not cured of their housing fixation, the nation’s financial and economic stability will continue to be put at risk every time there is a recession. The fixation with home ownership is also causing social inequity and despair. “People fear being locked out of a traditional route to financial security, as almost 70 percent of New Zealand’s household net wealth is stored in housing. At today’s prices, an average Auckland home will take 50 years to pay off on an average Auckland salary. In the early 1990s, the average Auckland home took 30 years to pay off.” Home ownership rates are at their lowest since 1951 – but rather than obsessing about that, it is a trend New Zealanders should embrace. “Economies prosper when people invest in business, not just housing. We need to create level-playing fields for different types of investment, and parity between renting and owning, to support a much needed cultural change around housing.

    Gold nanoparticle sensor for the visual detection of pork adulteration in meatball formulation.

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    We visually identify pork adulteration in beef and chicken meatball preparations using 20 nm gold nanoparticles (GNPs) as colorimetric sensors. Meatball is a popular food in certain Asian and European countries. Verification of pork adulteration in meatball is necessary to meet the Halal and Kosher food standards. Twenty nm GNPs change color from pinkish-red to gray-purple, and their absorption peak at 525 nm is red-shifted by 30–50 nm in 3 mM phosphate buffer saline (PBS). Adsorption of single-stranded DNA protects the particles against salt-induced aggregation. Mixing and annealing of a 25-nucleotide (nt) single-stranded (ss) DNA probe with denatured DNA of different meatballs differentiated well between perfectly matched and mismatch hybridization at a critical annealing temperature. The probes become available in nonpork DNA containing vials due to mismatches and interact with GNPs to protect them from salt-induced aggregation. Whereas, all the pork containing vials, either in pure and mixed forms, consumed the probes totally by perfect hybridization and turned into grey, indicating aggregation. This is clearly reflected by a well-defined red-shift of the absorption peak and significantly increased absorbance in 550–800 nm regimes. This label-free low-cost assay should find applications in food analysis, genetic screening, and homology studies

    Identification of short-length oligonucleotides biomarker for canine species detection using mitochondrial cytochrome b gene

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    Introduction: Stray dogs are still available in certain countries without any offered price and made it as a potential source for adulteration with costly meats for more benefit. Furthermore, human forensic evidences from crime scenes were often integrated with biomaterial of canine origin. Most of the DNA based assay for canine species detection used longer amplicon size (>150 bp) which are not suitable for highly degraded food or forensic sample analysis. Therefore, in this study for development of short length canine specific biomarker, mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) gene was targeted using simple PCR assay. Objective: Detection of canine species using short length DNA biomarker targeting cytb gene. Methods: The assay targeted a 100-bp fragment of cytochrome b gene using a pair of canine specific primers. The primers specificity were tested under Insilco, as well as in real PCR assay using dog and eight other species DNAs. The consensus 100 bp canine specific site along with cytb sequences of 14 species including dog and human were used for analysis of pair wise distances, construct dendogram and primers mismatch calculation. The stability of the biomarker was tested under commonly used cooking condition and extensive autoclaving state which was known for degradation of target DNA. The sensitivity of the assay was tested using binary admixture composed of dog and most consumed chicken DNA pool. Results & Discussion: The biomarker was 100% canine specific and successfully amplified 100 bp region of canine cytb gene specific target. It was highly stable and sensitive enough to detect as low as 0.1% (0.02 ng) of canine specific target from admixed DNAs. Conclusion: The primers provided the shortest DNA biomarker for canine species detection. The shortest amplicon length, high stability and sensitivity offered its potentiality for canine biomaterials determination from food as well as from degraded samples

    Inheritance studies of SSR and ISSR molecular markers and phylogenetic relationship of rice genotypes resistant to tungro virus

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    Multivariate analyses were performed using 13 morphological traits and 13 molecular markers (10 SSRs and three ISSRs) to assess the phylogenetic relationship among tungro resistant genotypes. For morphological traits, the genotypes were grouped into six clusters, according to D2 statistic and Canonical vector analysis. Plant height, days to flowering, days to maturity, panicle length, number of spikelet per panicle, number of unfilled grain per panicle and yield were important contributors to genetic divergence in 14 rice genotypes. Based on Nei's genetic distance for molecular studies, seven clusters were formed among the tungro resistant and susceptible genotypes. Mantel's test revealed a significant correlation (r = 0.834*) between the morphological and molecular data. To develop high yielding tungro resistant varieties based on both morphological and molecular analyses, crosses could be made with susceptible (BR10 and BR11) genotypes with low yielding but highly resistant genotypes, Sonahidemota, Kumragoir, Nakuchimota, Khaiyamota, Khairymota and Kachamota. The chi-square analysis for seven alleles (RM11, RM17, RM20, RM23, RM80, RM108 and RM531) of SSR and five loci (RY1, MR1, MR2, MR4 and GF5) of three ISSR markers in F2 population of cross, BR11 × Sonahidemota, showed a good fit to the expected segregation ratio (1:2:1) for a single gene model

    A Suitable method to detect potential fraud of bringing Malayan box turtle (Cuora amboinensis) meat into the food chain

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    Malayan box turtle (Cuora amboinensis) has been a wildlife-protected vulnerable turtle species in Malaysia since 2005. However, because of its purported usage in traditional medicine, tonic foods and feeds, clandestine black market trade is rampant. Several polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for the taxonomic detection and classification of turtle species have been proposed. These assays are based on long-length target amplicons which are assumed to break down under compromised states and, hence, might not be suitable for the forensic tracing and tracking of turtle trafficking. For the first time this paper develops a very short-amplicon-length PCR assay (120 bp) for the detection of Malayan box turtle meat in raw, processed and mixed matrices, and experimental evidence is produced that such an assay is not only more stable and reliable but also more sensitive than those previously published. We checked the assay specificity against 20 different species and no cross-species detection was observed. The possibility of any false-negative detection was eliminated by a universal endogenous control for eukaryotes. The assay detection limit was 0.0001 ng of box turtle DNA from pure meat and 0.01% turtle meat in binary and ternary admixtures and commercial meatballs. Superior target stability and sensitivity under extreme treatments of boiling, autoclaving and microwave cooking suggested that this newly developed assay would be suitable for any forensic and/or archaeological identification of Malayan box turtle species, even in severely degraded specimens. Further, in silico studies indicated that the assay has the potential to be used as a universal probe for the detection of nine Cuora species, all of which are critically endangered

    Nanoparticle sensor for label free detection of swine DNA in mixed biological samples

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    We used 40 ± 5 nm gold nanoparticles (GNPs) as colorimetric sensor to visually detect swine-specific conserved sequence and nucleotide mismatch in PCR-amplified and non-amplified mitochondrial DNA mixtures to authenticate species. Colloidal GNPs changed color from pinkish-red to gray-purple in 2 mM PBS. Visually observed results were clearly reflected by the dramatic reduction of surface plasmon resonance peak at 530 nm and the appearance of new features in the 620–800 nm regions in their absorption spectra. The particles were stabilized against salt-induced aggregation upon the adsorption of single-stranded DNA. The PCR products, without any additional processing, were hybridized with a 17-base probe prior to exposure to GNPs. At a critical annealing temperature (55 °C) that differentiated matched and mismatched base pairing, the probe was hybridized to pig PCR product and dehybridized from the deer product. The dehybridized probe stuck to GNPs to prevent them from salt-induced aggregation and retained their characteristic red color. Hybridization of a 27-nucleotide probe to swine mitochondrial DNA identified them in pork–venison, pork–shad and venison–shad binary admixtures, eliminating the need of PCR amplification. Thus the assay was applied to authenticate species both in PCR-amplified and non-amplified heterogeneous biological samples. The results were determined visually and validated by absorption spectroscopy. The entire assay (hybridization plus visual detection) was performed in less than 10 min. The LOD (for genomic DNA) of the assay was 6 µg ml − 1 swine DNA in mixed meat samples. We believe the assay can be applied for species assignment in food analysis, mismatch detection in genetic screening and homology studies between closely related species

    Effect of salt stress on morpho-physiology, vegetative growth and yield of rice

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    Selection of salt tolerant rice varieties has a huge impact on global food supply chain. Five Malaysian rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties, MR33, MR52, MR211, MR219 and MR232 were tested in pot experiment under different salinity levels for their response in term of vegetative growth, physiological activities, development of yield components and grain yield. Rice varieties, BRRI dhan29 and IR20 were used as a salt-sensitive control and Pokkali was used as a salt-tolerant control. Three different salinity levels viz. 4, 8, and 12 dS m-1 were used in a randomized complete block design with four replications under glass house conditions. Two Malaysia varieties, MR211 and MR232 performed better in terms of vegetative growth (plant height, leaf area plant-1, number of tillers plant-1, dry matter accumulation plant-1), photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, yield components, grain yield and injury symptoms. While, MR33, MR52 and MR219 verities were able to withstand salinity stress over salt-sensitive control, BRRI dhan29 and IR20

    Characterisation of calcium carbonate and its polymorphs from cockle shells (Anadara granosa)

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    Calcium carbonate and its polymorphs from cockle shells (Anadara granosa) and commercial calcium carbonate were characterised using a variable pressure scanning electron microscopes (VPSEM), a transmission electron microscope (TEM), an energy dispersive X- ray analyser (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transmission infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Cubic-like calcite crystals of commercial calcium carbonate and rod-like aragonite crystals of cockle shell powders were observed by both SEM and TEM. The EDX results showed that the cockle shells contained more calcium and carbon than the commercial calcium carbonate, whereas the commercial calcium carbonate contained more oxygen than the cockle shells. FT-IR analyses revealed the presence of carbonate groups in both the cockle shells and the commercial calcium carbonate. FT-IR analyses also showed the presence of aragonite in the cockle shells and calcite in the commercial calcium carbonate. XRD analyses showed that the cockle shells powder contained aragonite, whereas the commercial calcium carbonate contained calcite. The cockle shells powder was formed with good quality calcium carbonate and contained calcium carbonate in the aragonite phase

    A novel catalytic method for the synthesis of spherical aragonite nanoparticles from cockle shells

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    For the first time, we report here a novel top down catalytic approach for the synthesis of aragonite nanoparticles with spherical morphology from cockleshells. Cockle shell is a natural reservoir of aragonite which is a biogenic polymorph of calcium carbonate. Aragonite polymorph is widely used in the repair of fractured bone, development of advanced drug delivery systems, and tissue scaffolds. The method involves an easily performable and low-cost mechanical stirring of the micron-sized cockle shell powders in presence of a nontoxic biomineralization catalyst, dodecyl dimethyl betaine (BS-12). It produces spherical shaped aragonite nanoparticles of 35 ± 5 nm in diameter with a good reproducibility and without any additional impurities at room temperature. The findings were verified with a variable pressure scanning electron microscopy (VPSEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), transmission electron microscopy (TEM),Fourier transmission infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), and thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA).The reproducibility, low-cost and simplicity of the method suggested its potential applications in large scale synthesis of aragonite nanoparticles with spherical morphology in an industrial set up

    Duplex real-time PCR assay using SYBR Green to detect and quantify Malayan box turtle (Cuora amboinensis) materials in meatballs, burgers, frankfurters and traditional Chinese herbal jelly powder

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    The Malayan box turtle (Cuora amboinensis) (MBT) is a vulnerable and protected species widely used in exotic foods and traditional medicines. Currently available polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays to identify MBT lack automation and involve long targets which break down in processed or denatured tissue. This SYBR Green duplex real-time PCR assay has addressed this research gap for the first time through the combination of 120- and 141-bp targets from MBT and eukaryotes for the quantitative detection of MBT DNA in food chain and herbal medicinal preparations. This authentication ensures better security through automation, internal control and short targets that were stable under the processing treatments of foods and medicines. A melting curve clearly demonstrated two peaks at 74.63 ± 0.22 and 78.40 ± 0.31°C for the MBT and eukaryotic products, respectively, under pure, admixed and commercial food matrices. Analysis of 125 reference samples reflected a target recovery of 93.25–153.00%, PCR efficiency of 99–100% and limit of detection of 0.001% under various matrices. The quantification limits were 0.00001, 0.00170 ± 0.00012, 0.00228 ± 0.00029, 0.00198 ± 0.00036 and 0.00191 ± 0.00043 ng DNA for the pure meat, binary mixtures, meatball, burger and frankfurter products, respectively. The assay was used to screen 100 commercial samples of traditional Chinese herbal jelly powder from eight different brands; 22% of them were found to be MBT-positive (5.37 ± 0.50–7.00 ± 0.34% w/w), which was reflected through the Ct values (26.37 ± 0.32–28.90 ± 0.42) and melting curves (74.63– 78.65 ± 0.22°C) of the amplified MBT target (120 bp), confirming the speculation that MBT materials are widely used in Chinese herbal desserts, exotic dishes consumed with the hope of prolonging life and youth