14 research outputs found

    Putative regulatory functions of SNPs associated with bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension and their comorbid phenotype.

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    Linkage disequilibrium (LD) of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of TLR4/AL160272.2 (rs1927914, rs1928298, rs7038716, rs7026297, rs7025144) was estimated in the Slavs of West Siberia. We further investigated an association of SNPs in TLR4/AL160272.2 (rs1927914, rs7038716, rs7025144), SERPINA1 (rs1980616), ATXN2/BRAP (rs11065987), IL2RB (rs2284033), NT5C2 (rs11191582), CARD8 (rs11669386), ANG/RNASE4 (rs1010461), and ABTB2/ САТ (rs2022318) genes with bronchial asthma (BA), arterial hypertension (AH) and their comorbidity. Then, the disease-associated SNPs were annotated in silico in relation to their potential regulatory functions. Strong LD was detected between rs1928298 and rs1927914, as well as rs7026297 and rs7038716 in the Slavs of West Siberia. It was found that the rs1927914 G allele of the TLR4 gene and the rs1980616 C allele of the SERPINA1 gene are associated with the predisposition to BA. These SNPs can affect binding affinity of transcription factors of the Pou and Klf4 families, as well as the expression levels of the TLR4 and SERPINA1 genes. The rs11065987 allele A of the ATXN2/BRAP genes, the rs11669386 A allele of the CARD8 gene, the rs2284033 allele G of the IL2RB gene, and the rs11191582 allele G of the NT5C2 gene were associated with the risk of AH. These variants can alter binding affinity of the Hoxa9, Irf, RORalpha1 and HMG-IY transcription factors, as well as the expression levels of the ALDH2, CARD8, NT5C2, ARL3, and SFXN2 genes in blood cells/vessels/heart, respectively. The risk of developing a comorbid phenotype of AD and AH is associated with the A allele of rs7038716 and the T allele of rs7025144 of the TLR4/AL160272.2 genes, the A allele of rs1010461 of the ANG gene and the C allele of rs2022318 of the ABTB2/CAT genes. Variants rs7038716 and rs7025144 can change the expression levels of the TLR4 gene in blood cells, while rs1010461 and rs2022318 influence the expression levels of the ANG and RNASE4 genes as well as the CAT and ABTB2 genes in blood cells, lungs/vessels/heart

    Novel candidate genes important for asthma and hypertension comorbidity revealed from associative gene networks

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    Abstract Background Hypertension and bronchial asthma are a major issue for people’s health. As of 2014, approximately one billion adults, or ~ 22% of the world population, have had hypertension. As of 2011, 235–330 million people globally have been affected by asthma and approximately 250,000–345,000 people have died each year from the disease. The development of the effective treatment therapies against these diseases is complicated by their comorbidity features. This is often a major problem in diagnosis and their treatment. Hence, in this study the bioinformatical methodology for the analysis of the comorbidity of these two diseases have been developed. As such, the search for candidate genes related to the comorbid conditions of asthma and hypertension can help in elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying the comorbid condition of these two diseases, and can also be useful for genotyping and identifying new drug targets. Results Using ANDSystem, the reconstruction and analysis of gene networks associated with asthma and hypertension was carried out. The gene network of asthma included 755 genes/proteins and 62,603 interactions, while the gene network of hypertension - 713 genes/proteins and 45,479 interactions. Two hundred and five genes/proteins and 9638 interactions were shared between asthma and hypertension. An approach for ranking genes implicated in the comorbid condition of two diseases was proposed. The approach is based on nine criteria for ranking genes by their importance, including standard methods of gene prioritization (Endeavor, ToppGene) as well as original criteria that take into account the characteristics of an associative gene network and the presence of known polymorphisms in the analysed genes. According to the proposed approach, the genes IL10, TLR4, and CAT had the highest priority in the development of comorbidity of these two diseases. Additionally, it was revealed that the list of top genes is enriched with apoptotic genes and genes involved in biological processes related to the functioning of central nervous system. Conclusions The application of methods of reconstruction and analysis of gene networks is a productive tool for studying the molecular mechanisms of comorbid conditions. The method put forth to rank genes by their importance to the comorbid condition of asthma and hypertension was employed that resulted in prediction of 10 genes, playing the key role in the development of the comorbid condition. The results can be utilised to plan experiments for identification of novel candidate genes along with searching for novel pharmacological targets