2,715 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (Gis) Arcview 3.3 dalam Perancangan Peta Kemiskinan

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    Pengentasan kemiskinan memerlukan perhatian khusus terutama pada ketepatan sasaranbantuan yang akan disalurkan. Ketepatan sasaran berhubungan erat dengan distribusi keluarga miskin padasuatu wilayah calon target bantuan. Untuk mempermudah dalam pemindaian distribusi keluarga miskin,dikembangkan Peta Kemiskinan berdasarkan kaidah SIG. Pengembangan Peta Kemiskinan melalui 10tahapan, yaitu : penaksiran kebutuhan pengguna, perancangan konseptual SIG, survey data, surveyperangkat SIG, perencanaan dan perancangan basis data, studi percontohan dan pengujian, akuisisiperangkat SIG, konstruksi basis data, integrasi sistem SIG dan pengembangan aplikasi SIG. PengembanganPeta Kemiskinan menggunakan perangkat lunak ArcView 3.3 yang dikembangkan oleh ESRI(Environmental Systems Research Institute). Dengan Peta Kemiskinan pengguna dapat menampilkaninformasi distribusi jumlah keluarga miskin menurut kategori dan kriteria penentuan wilayah tertentu

    Information Hiding Using Geographic Information System (GIS) Vector File

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    There are different techniques for securing data like cryptography and information hiding (steganography and watermarking) which has received more attention and faced many challenges. In this paper, an efficient digital steganography method has been proposed, where the Geographic Information System (GIS) files used as a cover media. This method depends on hiding text file in a map vector coordinate using ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) Shape file, which stores the geometry of the digital features as sets of vector, coordinates. The method is based on changing the value of unspecific order bits depending on an Input location. Since we are interested in maximizing capacity and ensure robustness requirements. Exploiting the advantage of double percentage number capacity in the 2Dimension vector file was one of the main goals of this research. A Steganography techniques requirement was satisfied since changing maps did not raise any suspicion, while they do not alter the original data content

    Mapping and analysis of changes in the riparian landscape structure of the Lockyer Valley Catchment, Queensland, Australia

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    [Abstract]: A case study of the Lockyer Valley catchment in Queensland, Australia, was conducted to develop appropriate mapping and assessment techniques to quantify the nature and magnitude of riparian landscape structural changes within a catchment. The study employed digital image processing techniques to produce land cover maps from the 1973 and 1997 Landsat imagery. Fixed and variable width buffering of streams were implemented using a geographic information system (GIS) to estimate the riparian zone and to subsequently calculate the landscape patterns using the Patch Analyst (Grid) program (a FRAGSTATS interface). The nature of vegetation clearing was characterised based on land tenure, slope and stream order. Using the Pearson chi-square test and Cramer’s V statistic, the relationships between the vegetation clearing and land tenure were further assessed. The results show the significant decrease in woody vegetation areas mainly due to conversion to pasture. Riparian vegetation corridors have become more fragmented, isolated and of much smaller patches. Land tenure was found to be significantly associated with the vegetation clearing, although the strength of association was weak. The large proportion of deforested riparian zones within steep slopes or first-order streams raises serious questions about the catchment health and the longer term potential for land degradation by upland clearing. This study highlights the use of satellite imagery and geographic information systems in mapping and analysis of landscape structural change, as well as the identification of key issues related to sensor spatial resolution, stream buffering widths, and the quantification of land transformation processes


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    HydroSHEDS (Hydrological data and maps based on SHuttle Elevation Derivatives at multiple Scales) is a mapping product that provides hydrographic information for regional and global-scale applications in a consistent format. Derived from elevation data of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), the application offers users a suite of geo-referenced data sets (vector and raster), including stream networks, watershed boundaries, drainage directions, and ancillary data layers such as flow accumulations, distances, and river topology information. Educational levels: Middle school, High school, Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division, Graduate or professional

    Cities and Satellites: Spatial Effects and Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Modeling of Urban Growth

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    The confluence of factors driving urban growth is highly complex, resulting from a combination of ecological and social determinants that co-evolve over time and space. Identifying these factors and quantifying their impact necessitates models that capture both why urbanization happens as well as where and when it happens. Using a database that links five satellite images spanning 1976–2001 to a suite of socioeconomic, ecological and GIS created explanatory variables, this study develops a spatial-temporal model of the determinants of built-up area across a 25,900 square kilometer swath across central North Carolina. Extensive conversion of forest and agricultural land over the last decades is modeled using the complementary log-log derivation of the proportional hazards model, thereby affording a means for modeling continuous- time landscape change using discrete-time satellite data. To control for unobserved heterogeneity, the model specification includes an error component that is Gamma distributed. Results confirm the hypothesis that the landscape pattern surrounding a pixel has a major influence on the likelihood of its conversion and, moreover, that the omission of external spatial effects can lead to biased inferences regarding the influence of other covariates, such as proximity to road. Cartographic and nonparametric validation exercises illustrate the utility of the model for policy simulation.Urban growth, landscape pattern, satellite imagery, hazard model,North Carolina

    Zoneamento pedoclimático da cultura do milho safrinha (Zea mays) no município de Nioaque (MS).

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    O estudo tem por objetivo possibilitar o conhecimento da potencialidade das terras do município de Nioaque (MS) para a cultura do milho safrinha, para fins de planejamento agrícola e uso da terra. Utilizou-se para tal fim a base cartográfica da DSG, dados climáticos e o mapa de reconhecimento de alta intensidade dos solos do município, todos em escala 1:100.000. Toda a base de dados foi construída utilizando-se os softwares de geoprocessamento ArcMap 9.0, ArcInfo 9.0 e ArcView 3.2. A valiação climática foi realizada pela criação de modelos de risco de geadas associados ao modelo digital de elevação, além do balanço hídrico local. Os atributos de solo avaliados dizem respeito aos aspectos de relevo, drenabilidade, fertilidade, erodibilidade e número de meses secos no solo por ano e sua época de ocorrência. A avaliação mostrou que o município possui 216.187 ha indicados ao plantio do milho safrinha, o que equivale a 55,1% do município. As áreas consideradas como de preservação permanente somam 12.795 ha, devendo ficar fora dos processos produtivos. Áreas não indicadas para o plantio, pertencentes às classes de avaliação Marginal e Inapta, somam 163.350 ha, equivalentes à 41,6% do município. Observa-se a partir dos resultados e dos dados de produção agrícola municipal do IBGE (2006), que o município possui um potencial grande para aumentar a área plantada com milho safrinha, já que em 2004, apenas 1.300 ha foram utilizados para esta cultura.1 CD-RO

    Effects of Climate, Basin Characteristics, and High-Capacity Wells on Baseflow in the State of Wisconsin, United States

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    When it comes to water resources management, it is critical to understand the factors that affect baseflow processes. Declines in baseflow due to increased use of the groundwater from unconfined aquifers is well documented, but that is not the case for confined aquifers. Furthermore, since the groundwater basin size and shape can be different than the surface water basin, the use of the surface basin to determine well withdrawal rates can affect baseflow and be problematic. This study used the variables determined to be related to baseflow variability (precipitation, temperature, drainage class, available storage, land use, and slope) and the withdrawal rates of wells located within the study basins to create regression models for the state of Wisconsin, United States. We find that: (1) precipitation and temperature variable are significant in explaining the temporal variability of baseflow, whereas land cover variables are important when the temporal variability is not considered; (2) evaporation and soil drainage are important in basins over unconfined aquifers, whereas precipitation the most significant over confined aquifers; (3) whether to use surface water or groundwater divides to delineate basins matters in particular conditions, and (4) groundwater withdrawal rates do not significantly affect baseflow when using statistical analysis. Therefore, analyzing baseflow should be supplemented by a process-based model for the effects of groundwater withdrawals

    Zoneamento pedoclimático para a cultura da batata no Estado de Santa Catarina.

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    Como parte integrante do projeto de Zoneamento Agropedoclimático do Estado de Santa Catarina foi realizado o estudo do potencial pedoclimático das terras para a cultura da batata, que tem por objetivo possibilitar o conhecimento das opções vocacionais das terras do estado para esta cultura, dando condições para uma melhor planificação da assistência técnica, pesquisa e experimentação agrícola. O presente estudo atende a uma solicitação do Ministério da Agricultura e do Abastecimento, que há muito vem necessitando de informações que lhe possibilitem uma atitude técnica e consistente na decisão de seus planos agrícolas, bem como de um instrumento básico de orientação para a formulação de sua política de desenvolvimento agropecuário. Utilizou-se como material básico as informações contidas no Levantamento de Reconhecimento dos Solos do Estado de Santa Catarina e as informações climáticas contidas no Zoneamento Agrícola para a Cultura da Batata em Santa Catarina. Foram consideradas também, neste estudo, as áreas especiais do estado, compostas pelas unidades de conservação e pelas áreas indígenas, sobre as quais impedimentos legais se fazem presentes. No tratamento e processamento das informações foram empregadas técnicas de geoprocessamento, através da utilização de softwares de sistemas de informação geográfica. Foram utilizados para digitalização da base cartográfica e processamento dos mapas temáticos o SGI/VGA da Engespaço e o Arc/Info da Enviromental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), respectivamente. Na avaliação da aptidão dos solos foi utilizado o sistema de avaliação automatizado denominado Automated Land Evaluation System (ALES). Os resultados obtidos com a avaliação da aptidão pedoclimática das terras do estado demonstram que as terras com baixo potencial para o cultivo da batata (classes Cultivo Não Recomendado e Marginal) perfazem aproximadamente 54% da área total do estado, enquanto as terras com potencial (classes Preferencial e Tolerada) perfazem cerca de 33% do estado. Dentre as sub-regiões agroecológicas, as que apresentam os maiores percentuais de terras com potencial para o cultivo da batata são as sub-regiões 3A, 3B e 3C, independente do nível de manejo. De maneira geral, a baixa fertilidade natural dos solos e o relevo movimentado, aliados à elevada suscetibilidade à erosão dos solos, são os principais fatores que condicionam o predomínio de terras com baixo potencial para cultivo de batata no Estado de Santa Catarina.Acompanha 2 mapas, color. Mapa do zoneamento pedoclimático para a cultura da batata no estado de Santa Catarina (médio nível tecnológico), Mapa do zoneamento pedoclimático para a cultura da batata no estado de Santa Catarina (alto nível tecnológico). Autores: César da Silva Chagas, Waldir de Carvalho Júnior, João Bosco Vasconcellos Gomes, Silvio Barge Bhering, Lauro Charlet Pereira, Nilson Rendeiro Pereira, Lucieta Guerreiro Martorano, Vera Magali Radtke Thomé, Sergio Luiz Zampieri, Hugo José Braga, Murillo Pundek, José Augusto Laus Neto, Ivan Luiz Zilli Bacic, Mara Cristina Benez, Yara Alves Chanin, Gilberto Tassinari, Alcides José Molinari, Suely Lewenthal Carrião, Vamilson Prudêncio da Silva Júnior, Cristina Pandolfo, Reinaldo Oscar Pötter, Carlos Alberto Flores, André Scarambone Zaú, Raimundo Costa Lemos