11 research outputs found

    Global perspectives on observing ocean boundary current systems

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    Ocean boundary current systems are key components of the climate system, are home to highly productive ecosystems, and have numerous societal impacts. Establishment of a global network of boundary current observing systems is a critical part of ongoing development of the Global Ocean Observing System. The characteristics of boundary current systems are reviewed, focusing on scientific and societal motivations for sustained observing. Techniques currently used to observe boundary current systems are reviewed, followed by a census of the current state of boundary current observing systems globally. Next steps in the development of boundary current observing systems are considered, leading to several specific recommendations

    Español académico e inmersión universitaria del alumnado extranjero de la Universidad de Alicante

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    La integración académica de los estudiantes internacionales es un paso imprescindible en la internacionalización del sistema universitario. Para contribuir a ella, el objetivo de esta red ha sido la creación de una Guía académica para estudiantes internacionales, que persigue un mejor rendimiento académico de su estancia. Sus destinatarios son los estudiantes de movilidad internacional de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras que cursan asignaturas relacionadas con la lengua y la literatura españolas. Metodológicamente, partiendo del diagnóstico de la situación tanto del alumnado extranjero como de su profesorado obtenida como resultado de una red anterior (Pastor, 2014b), hemos trabajado con las asignaturas más demandadas por este colectivo en los últimos tres años, hemos realizado entrevistas personalizadas con el profesorado que las imparte y hemos elaborado la información requerida. Así pues, ofrecemos como resultado la presente Guía, que incluye una introducción sobre la cultura académica universitaria en España, así como las fichas de las asignaturas más solicitadas, diseñadas desde la perspectiva de lo que requiere de ellas un estudiante internacional (requisitos lingüísticos, material adaptado, pautas de evaluación, comentarios de anteriores alumnos, etc.). Confiamos en facilitar con todo ello su interacción con el profesorado y el resto del alumnado e incrementar así su rendimiento y éxito académicos

    Spermidine affects the transcriptome responses to high temperature stress in ripening tomato fruit* #

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    Objective: High temperature adversely affects quality and yield of tomato fruit. Polyamine can alleviate heat injury in plants. This study is aimed to investigate the effects of polyamine and high temperature on transcriptional profiles in ripening tomato fruit. Methods: An Affymetrix tomato microarray was used to evaluate changes in gene expression in response to exogenous spermidine (Spd, 1 mmol/L) and high temperature (33/27 °C) treatments in tomato fruits at mature green stage. Results: Of the 10 101 tomato probe sets represented on the array, 127 loci were differentially expressed in high temperature-treated fruits, compared with those under normal conditions, functionally characterized by their involvement in signal transduction, defense responses, oxidation reduction, and hormone responses. However, only 34 genes were up-regulated in Spd-treated fruits as compared with non-treated fruits, which were involved in primary metabolism, signal transduction, hormone responses, transcription factors, and stress responses. Meanwhile, 55 genes involved in energy metabolism, cell wall metabolism, and photosynthesis were down-regulated in Spd-treated fruits. Conclusions: Our results demonstrated that Spd might play an important role in regulation of tomato fruit response to high temperature during ripening stage