241 research outputs found

    Неустойчивость двухслойных течений в проливах Черного моря

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    Рассмотрена плоская задача о прогрессивных гравитационных внутренних волнах в горизонтальном двухслойном течении Кельвина-Гельмгольца. Найдено аналитическое решение задачи и условия существования внутренних волн. Для течений с параметрами, типичными для пролива Босфор и Керченского пролива, рассчитаны характеристики бароклинных волн. В пространстве волновых чисел определены диапазоны устойчивости и неустойчивости двухслойных течений с характерными для этих проливов параметрами относительно малых возмущений в форме прогрессивных волн.Розглянуто плоску задачу про прогресивні гравітаційні внутрішні хвилі у горизонтальній двошаровій течії Кельвіна-Гельмгольца. Знайдено аналітичне рішення задачі та умови існування внутрішніх хвиль. Для течій з параметрами, типовими для протоки Босфор і Керченської протоки, розраховані характеристики бароклінних хвиль. У просторі хвильових чисел визначені діапазони стійкості і нестійкості двошарових течій з характерними для цих проток параметрами відносно малих збурень у формі прогресивних хвиль.The plane problem of the progressive internal gravity waves in a horizontal two-layer Kelvin-Helmholtz flow is considered. The analytical solution of the problem and the conditions of existence of internal waves are found. For the flows with the typical parameters for the Bosphorus Strait and the Strait of Kerch, characteristics of baroclinic waves are calculated. The stability and instability regimes of two-layer currents with characteristic parameters of these straits with respect to small wave disturbances are found in the space of wave numbers

    FGFR Family Members Protein Expression as Prognostic Markers in Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Introduction Fibroblast growth factor receptor family member proteins (FGFR1-4) have been identified as promising novel therapeutic targets and prognostic markers in a wide spectrum of solid tumors. The present study investigates the expression and prognostic value of four FGFR family member proteins in a large multicenter oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma (OCSCC) and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) cohort. Methods Protein expression of FGFR1-4 was determined by immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays containing 951 formalin-fixed paraffin embedded OCSCC and OPSCC tissues from the University Medical Center Utrecht and University Medical Center Groningen. Protein expression was correlated to overall survival using Cox regression models, and bootstrapping was performed as internal validation. Results FGFR proteins were highly expressed in 39-64 % of OCSCC and 63-79 % of OPSCC. Seventy-three percent (299/412) of OCSCC and 85 % (305/357) of OPSCC highly co-expressed two or more FGFR family member proteins. FGFR1 protein was more frequently highly expressed in human papillomavirus (HPV)-negative OPSCC than HPV-positive OPSCC (82 vs. 65 %; p = 0.008). Furthermore, protein expression of FGFR family members was not related to overall survival in OCSCC or OPSCC (p . 0.05). Conclusion FGFR family members are frequently highly expressed in OCSCC and OPSCC. These FGFR family member proteins are therefore potential targets for novel therapies that are urgently required to improve survival of OCSCC and OPSCC patients

    Retrospective analysis of clinical outcomes in bilateral cleft lip and palate patients after secondary alveolar bone grafting and premaxilla osteotomy, using a new dento-maxillary scoring system

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    Evaluation of relevant clinical outcomes in patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP) after secondary aveolar bone grafting (SABG) and premaxilla osteotomy (PMO), through the use of a new scoring system. Data were collected retrospectively from all patients with BCLP who were operated on between 2004 and 2014, at the end of follow-up. The treatment protocol consisted of SABG + PMO in patients aged between 9 and 13 years. At the end of follow-up, the following parameters were scored: (un)interrupted dental arch, skeletal sagittal relationship, bone height using the Bergland/Abyholm criteria, and the presence of postoperative fistula. These parameters were combined to produce a dento-maxillary scoring system, giving a final score between 1 and 10. For statistical analysis, the independent t-test was used. Of 55 children, 45 were suitable for analysis. The mean age at time of surgery was 12.0 years (8.9–16.4 yrs), and the mean follow-up time was 11.7 years (5.8–15.8 yrs). The average number of surgeries executed under general anesthesia was 6 (range: 3–11). The average dento-maxillary score in this patient cohort was 7.6 (1–10; median: 8). Among these patients, 31 had an uninterrupted dental arch; the average Bergland/Abyholm score was 2.07; 30 patients exhibited an Angle class I incisor relationship; and, in 38 cases, the oronasal communication was closed after SABG + PMO treatment. A significant effect of fistulas was seen on dento-maxillary score (p = 0.001). Specifically, a significant effect of fistulas was seen on interrupted dental arch (p = 0.002) and on Bergland/Abyholm score (p = 0.037). The proposed dento-maxillary scoring system is a straightforward tool that can be used to describe and analyze the amount of dento-maxillary rehabilitation at the end of the treatment. Persistence of oronasal fistulas in patients with BCLP has a significant impact on interruption of the dental arch, and can influence dental results at the end of the second decade

    General practitioners' satisfaction with and attitudes to out-of-hours services

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    BACKGROUND: In recent years, Dutch general practitioner (GP) out-of-hours service has been reorganised into large-scale GP cooperatives. Until now little is known about GPs' experiences with working at these cooperatives for out-of-hours care. The purpose of this study is to gain insight into GPs' satisfaction with working at GP cooperatives for out-of-hours care in separated and integrated cooperatives. METHODS: A GP cooperative separate from the hospital Accident and Emergency (A&E) department, and a GP cooperative integrated within the A&E department of another hospital. Both cooperatives are situated in adjacent geographic regions in the South of the Netherlands. One hundred GPs were interviewed by telephone; fifty GPs working at the separated GP cooperative and fifty GPs from the integrated GP cooperative. Opinions on different aspects of GP cooperatives for out-of-hours care were measured, and regression analysis was performed to investigate if these could be related to GP satisfaction with out-of-hours care organisation. RESULTS: GPs from the separated model were more satisfied with the organisation of out-of-hours care than GPs from the integrated model (70 vs. 60 on a scale score from 0 to 100; P = 0.020). Satisfaction about out-of-hours care organisation was related to opinions on workload, guarantee of gatekeeper function, and attitude towards out-of-hours care as being an essential part of general practice. Cooperation with medical specialists was much more appreciated at the integrated model (77 vs. 48; P < 0.001) versus the separated model. CONCLUSION: GPs in this study appear to be generally satisfied with the organisation of GP cooperatives for out-of-hours care. Furthermore, GPs working at the separated cooperative seem to be more satisfied compared to GPs working at the integrated cooperative

    Out-of-hours primary care. Implications of organisation on costs

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    BACKGROUND: To perform out-of-hours primary care, Dutch general practitioners (GPs) have organised themselves in large-scale GP cooperatives. Roughly, two models of out-of-hours care can be distinguished; GP cooperatives working separate from the hospital emergency department (ED) and GP cooperatives integrated with the hospital ED. Research has shown differences in care utilisation between these two models; a significant shift in the integrated model from utilisation of ED care to primary care. These differences may have implications on costs, however, until now this has not been investigated. This study was performed to provide insight in costs of these two different models of out-of-hours care. METHODS: Annual reports of two GP cooperatives (one separate from and one integrated with a hospital emergency department) in 2003 were analysed on costs and use of out-of-hours care. Costs were calculated per capita. Comparisons were made between the two cooperatives. In addition, a comparison was made between the costs of the hospital ED of the integrated model before and after the set up of the GP cooperative were analysed. RESULTS: Costs per capita of the GP cooperative in the integrated model were slightly higher than in the separate model (ε 11.47 and ε 10.54 respectively). Differences were mainly caused by personnel and other costs, including transportation, interest, cleaning, computers and overhead. Despite a significant reduction in patients utilising ED care as a result of the introduction of the GP cooperative integrated within the ED, the costs of the ED remained the same. CONCLUSION: The study results show that the costs of primary care appear to be more dependent on the size of the population the cooperative covers than on the way the GP cooperative is organised, i.e. separated versus integrated. In addition, despite the substantial reduction of patients, locating the GP cooperative at the same site as the ED was found to have little effect on costs of the ED. Sharing more facilities and personnel between the ED and the GP cooperative may improve cost-efficiency

    Acute kidney disease and renal recovery : consensus report of the Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) 16 Workgroup

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    Consensus definitions have been reached for both acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) and these definitions are now routinely used in research and clinical practice. The KDIGO guideline defines AKI as an abrupt decrease in kidney function occurring over 7 days or less, whereas CKD is defined by the persistence of kidney disease for a period of > 90 days. AKI and CKD are increasingly recognized as related entities and in some instances probably represent a continuum of the disease process. For patients in whom pathophysiologic processes are ongoing, the term acute kidney disease (AKD) has been proposed to define the course of disease after AKI; however, definitions of AKD and strategies for the management of patients with AKD are not currently available. In this consensus statement, the Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) proposes definitions, staging criteria for AKD, and strategies for the management of affected patients. We also make recommendations for areas of future research, which aim to improve understanding of the underlying processes and improve outcomes for patients with AKD

    Is the prevalence of psychiatric disorders associated with urbanization?

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    Objectives In many countries, the total rate of psychiatric disorders tends to be higher in urban areas than in rural areas. The relevance of this phenomenon is that it may help in identifying environmental factors that are important in the pathogenesis of mental disorders. Moreover, urban preponderance suggests that the allocation of funds and services should take urbanization levels into account. Method The Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study (NEMESIS) used the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) to determine the prevalence of DSM-III-R disorders in a sample of 7,076 people aged 18–64. The sample was representative of the population as a whole. The study population was assigned to five urbanization categories defined at the level of municipalities. The association between urbanization and 12-month prevalence rates of psychiatric disorders was studied using logistic regression taking several confounders into account. Results The prevalence of psychiatric disorders gradually increased over five levels of urbanization. This pattern remained after adjustment for a range of confounders. Comorbidity rates also increased with level of urbanization. Conclusion This study confirms that psychiatric disorders are more common and more complex in more urbanized areas. This should be reflected in service allocation and may help in identifying environmental factors of importance for the aetiology of mental disorders. j Key words population survey – psychiatric epidemiology – mental disorders – urbanizatio