865 research outputs found

    Avaliação do exame a fresco em camarões marinhos Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) associado à contagem e identificação de Vibrio spp. em água de cultivo

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    Objetivou-se associar o grau de higidez do camarão marinho cultivado com a carga bacteriana presente na água de dois viveiros de três fazendas de cultivo do Estado de Pernambuco/Brasil, nos períodos de  chuva e estiagem. Os exames laboratoriais constaram de avaliação macro e microscópica dos camarões através do exame a fresco, assim como da contagem de Vibrio spp. para amostras de água. As contagens bacteriológicas foram elevadas em ambos os viveiros (V1 e V2) das fazendas B e C, os quais apresentavam camarões com maior grau de alteração. Os animais cultivados no viveiro 1 (V1) da fazenda A apresentaram menor possibilidade de adquirirem vibriose quando comparados aos oriundos das fazendas B e C, devido à baixa carga bacteriana encontrada na água nos períodos de chuva e de estiagem. Pode-se concluir que o manejo adotado na fazenda A favoreceu a  obtenção de melhor qualidade da água e camarões mais hígidos.&nbsp

    New technique to drive the central frequency and to improve bandwidth of EBG structures

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    In this paper, a parametric study was done to find out the superstrat influence on locating the central frequency of the band gap. The present work compares the standard mushroom like with the EBG structures which are located between the substrate and the superstrat. The main motivation is to present a theoretical contribution by comparing the equations describing the central frequency of the band gap. In that way, this work investigates a new proposed design to shift the central frequency of the forbidden band to a low frequency, by inserting meandered lines to connect each part of the unit cell, which give an added capacitance to the EBG structures, in order to reach a low profile and lightweight EBG structure. The band gap was recognized by computing the transmission coefficient S21 resorting to the suspended line method (SLM).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Shifting the half wave dipole antenna resonance using EBG structure

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    In this paper, the main motivation is to introduce a new behavior of the electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structures, it is a significant shifting the resonance frequency down of the dipole antennas, this very interesting and useful technique led to low profile, in addition to performance enhancement of dipole antennas, either on return loss or radiation pattern. Also among this EBG structure an investigation on specific absorption rate (SAR) is shown. The used dipole antenna is resonating around 3.5GHz (part of 4G bands), then by using this technique we could shift the working frequency of the same dipole antenna to 2.8GHz worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX), this new resonance is 80% lower compared with the normal resonance without any structure. The principle of this new technique still valid with other frequency, depending on the frequencies that we would like to shift the working frequency between.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perfil microbiológico da carne de frangos abatidos artesanalmente e na indústria, comercializados na grande Recife-PE

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    Considerando o elevado consumo da carne de frango no contexto nacional e mais especificamente na cidade do Recife, onde o abate clandestino ainda é intenso, objetivou-se delinear o perfil microbiológico da carne de frango disponível no mercado, comparando-se os produtos advindos de abatedouro industrial e artesanal e verificar se os produtos atendiam às especificações dos padrões recomendados pela legislação. Determinou-se o Número Mais Provável (NMP) de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, bem como realizou-se a pesquisa de Salmonella spp. e Aeromonas spp., além da contagem de bactérias aeróbias mesófilas, psicrófilas e Staphylococcus spp.. Foram analisadas 24 amostras, sendo que 12 advindas do processamento de frigoríficos industriais, resfriadas e comercializadas. As outras 12 amostras foram provenientes de abatedouro artesanal e comercializadas sem refrigeração. Nos resultados obtidos, a contagem de Staphylococcus spp., a determinação do NMP de coliformes totais e termotolerantes apresentaram valores acima dos permitidos nas carcaças artesanais, enquanto que, as pesquisas de Salmonella spp. e Aeromonas spp. não apresentaram diferença significativa. Nas carcaças artesanais o número de bactérias mesófilas foi 2,6 vezes maior que nas industriais, enquanto que no número de psicrófilas/pisicotróficas não houve diferença significativa entre as amostras. Algumas amostras não estão dentro dos padrões recomendados pela legislação

    Direito Comercial ou Direito Empresarial?: uma análise da adequabilidade dos designativos à luz da evolução histórica do "Ius Mercatorum"

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    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo refletir sobre qual o designativo mais apropriado para o ramo do direito privado que não o direito comum (civil), isto é, se Direito Comercial ou se Direito Empresarial. Para tanto, lançou-se mão do método histórico, onde se buscou passear pela História do Comércio e do Direito Comercial (e Empresarial), de modo a justificar o melhor e mais apropriado uso. Ademais, a pesquisa bibliográfica foi importante recurso metodológico, como modo de verificar a visão dos jus-empresarialistas (doutrina) a respeito do tema em comento; como também o foi a pesquisa pautada na análise das grades curriculares dos cursos jurídicos, sob o recorte daqueles detentores do “Selo da OAB Recomenda” (análise objetiva). A conclusão, assim, buscou se respaldar tanto em aspecto quantitativo, da tabulação auferida na pesquisa objetiva; quanto em aspecto qualitativo, oriundo de posição doutrinária mais consistente. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Direito Comercial e Empresarial. Designativos. Adequabilidade. Grades Curriculares. Jus-Empresarialistas. COMMERCIAL LAW OR BUSINESS LAW?: AN ANALYSIS OF THE SUITABILITY OF DESIGNATORS THE LIGHT OF HISTORICAL EVOLUTION IUS MERCATORUM ABSTRACT This paper aims to reflect on the most appropriate designation for the branch of private law other than the common law (civil), that is, if Commercial Law or Business Law. Therefore, it employed the historical method, which sought touring the History of Trade and Commercial Law (and Company), in order to justify the best and most appropriate use. Furthermore, the literature was important methodological resource, as a way to verify the vision of justice-empresarialistas (doctrine) on the subject under discussion; as well as the research was guided by the analysis of the curricula of legal courses, under the focus of those holders of "Seal of OAB recommended" (objective analysis). The conclusion, therefore, sought to back up both quantitative aspect, the earned tab on objective research; as in qualitative aspect, come from more consistent doctrinal position. KEYWORDS: Commercial and Corporate Law. Designators. Suitability. Curriculum grids. Jus-Empresarialistas. Data da submissão: 07/07/2015 Data da aceitação: 05/08/201

    In vitro and in vivo performance of methacrylated gellan gum hydrogel formulations for cartilage repair

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    Methacrylated gellan gum (GGMA) formulation is proposed as a second‐generation hydrogel for controlled delivery of cartilage‐forming cells into focal chondral lesions, allowing immediate in situ retention of cells and 3D filling of lesion volume, such approach deemed compatible with an arthroscopic procedure. Formulation optimization was carried out in vitro using chondrocytes and adipose mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (ASCs). A proof‐of‐concept in vivo study was conducted using a rabbit model with induced chondral lesions. Outcomes were compared with microfracture or non‐treated control. Three grading scores were used to evaluate tissue repair after 8 weeks by macroscopic, histological and immunohistochemical analysis. Intense collagen type II and low collagen type I gene and protein expression were achieved in vitro by the ASC + GGMA formulation, in light with development of healthy chondral tissue. In vivo, this formulation promoted significantly superior de novo cartilage formation compared with the non‐treated group. Maintenance of chondral height and integration with native tissue was further accomplished. The physicochemical properties of the proposed GGMA hydrogel exhibited highly favorable characteristics and biological performance both in vitro and in vivo, positioning itself as an attractive xeno‐free biomaterial to be used with chondrogenic cells for a cost‐effective treatment of focal chondral lesions

    Effect of airway acidosis and alkalosis on airway vascular smooth muscle responsiveness to albuterol

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    BACKGROUND: In vitro and animal experiments have shown that the transport and signaling of beta2-adrenergic agonists are pH-sensitive. Inhaled albuterol, a hydrophilic beta2-adrenergic agonist, is widely used for the treatment of obstructive airway diseases. Acute exacerbations of obstructive airway diseases can be associated with changes in ventilation leading to either respiratory acidosis or alkalosis thereby affecting albuterol responsiveness in the airway. The purpose of this study was to determine if airway pH has an effect on albuterol-induced vasodilation in the airway. METHODS: Ten healthy volunteers performed the following respiratory maneuvers: quiet breathing, hypocapnic hyperventilation, hypercapnic hyperventilation, and eucapnic hyperventilation (to dissociate the effect of pH from the effect of ventilation). During these breathing maneuvers, exhaled breath condensate (EBC) pH and airway blood flow response to inhaled albuterol (DeltaQaw) were assessed. RESULTS: Mean +/- SE EBC pH (units) and DeltaQaw (mul.min(-1).mL(-1)) were 6.4 +/- 0.1 and 16.8 +/- 1.9 during quiet breathing, 6.3 +/- 0.1 and 14.5 +/- 2.4 during eucapnic hyperventilation, 6.6 +/- 0.2 and -0.2 +/- 1.8 during hypocapnic hyperventilation (p = 0.02 and <0.01 vs. quiet breathing), and 5.9 +/- 0.1 and 2.0 +/- 1.5 during hypercapnic hyperventilation (p = 0.02 and <0.02 vs quiet breathing). CONCLUSIONS: Albuterol responsiveness in the airway as assessed by DeltaQaw is pH sensitive. The breathing maneuver associated with decreased and increased EBC pH both resulted in a decreased responsiveness independent of the level of ventilation. These findings suggest an attenuated response to hydrophilic beta2-adrenergic agonists during airway disease exacerbations associated with changes in pH. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Registered at clinicaltrials.gov: NCT01216748

    The traditional knowledge on stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponina) used by the Enawene-Nawe tribe in western Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This paper presents the Enawene-Nawe Society's traditional knowledge about stingless bees. The Enawene-Nawe are an Aruak speaking people, indigenous to the Meridian Amazon. Specifically, they live in the Jurema River hydrological basin, located in the northwestern region of the Mato Grosso state.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The stingless bees were sampled from two ecologically similar regions in the interior of Enawene-Nawe Land. The first sampling took place around the village, i.e., adjacent to houses, by the edge of the Iquê River, next to food leftovers, around human excrement, and simply when the insects were found flying or reposing on a human body. The second round of sampling happened from 29/10 to 02/11/94, during an expedition for honey collection that took place throughout the ciliar bushes of the Papagaio River, an important tributary of Juruena River. We sampled bees adjacent to their nests following the beehive inspection or during the honey extraction.</p> <p>In this work, the main bee species of the sub tribe Meliponina, which were handled by the Enawene-Nawe, was identified, and a brief ethnographic description of the honey collection expeditions and its social-cosmologic meaning for the group was done.</p> <p>Results and Discussion</p> <p>Similar to other indigenous people in Brazil, the Enawene-Nawe recognized 48 stingless bee species. They identified each bee species by name and specified each one's ecological niche. A brief ethnographic description of the honey collection expeditions and bees' social-cosmologic meaning for the group is included.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We concluded that, as an example of other indigenous people, the Enawene-Nawe classify and identify the bees based not only on their structure and morphological aspects but also on the ecological, etiological, and social characteristics of the species.</p

    Primates do not spontaneously use shape properties for object individuation: a competence or a performance problem?

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    Several recent studies have documented that non-human primates can individuate objects according to property and/or kind information in much the same way as human infants do from around one year of age when they begin to acquire language. Some studies suggest, however, that only some properties are used for the individuation of food items: color, but not shape. The present study investigated whether these findings reveal a true competence problem with shape properties in the food domain or whether they merely reveal a performance problem (e.g., lack of attention to shapes). We tested 25 great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas) in two food individuation tasks. We manipulated subjects’ experience with differences in color and shape properties of food items. Results indicated (i) that all subjects, regardless of their prior experience, solved the color-based object individuation task and (ii) that only the group with previous experience with different shape properties succeeded in the shape-based individuation task. Great apes can thus be primed to take shape into account for individuating food objects, and this results clearly speaks in favor of a performance (rather than a competence) problem in using shape for object individuation of food items