17 research outputs found


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    In our study, we tried to investigate the effect of strength exercises with handball players on vertical jump. 24 athletes (n = 12 Experiment A group, n = 12 Experiment B group), who struggled with the handball league infrastructure with the ages between 15 and 17, participated in our research. In addition to the technical and tactical exercises 3 days a week for 8 weeks, the experimental group A carried out the Olympic lifts 2 days a week. In addition to the technical tactical exercises 3 days a week, the experimental group B carried out 2 days of force exercises without Olympic lifts. As a result of the pre-test and post test data of the Experiment A and Experiment B groups, the statistical analysis of the values obtained was made according to the paired group t-test and independent group t-test, and the correlations of the measurements were interpreted. There was no significant difference in the weight and measurements of the Experiment Group A before and after the training (p <0.05). A significant difference in vertical jump, fat percentage and height measurements were found (p <0.05). In the Experiment Group B, no significant difference was found in weight, fat percentage measurements (p <0.05). However, there was a significant difference in height, vertical jump measurements (p <0.05). When the independent group t-test results between the two groups were examined, no significant difference was found in height, weight, fat percentage measurements (p <0.05). However, the significant difference between the experimental A group vertical jump 1st and 2nd measurement averages was found to be significantly larger than the Experiment Group B vertical jump 1st and 2nd measurement averages (p <0.05). As a result, it was observed that the strength exercises performed with the Olympic lifts in the handball players of the 15 - 17 age group increased the vertical jump force more than the other strength exercises without the Olympic lifts. In addition, there was a significant difference in height measurements in both groups. We think that the reason for this may be due to the fact that the subjects were still in the development age. A significant difference was found in Experiment A group fat percentage measurements and body fat percentage was lower than before. We think this is due to muscle hypertrophy.  Article visualizations

    Investigation of the personality, anger and anxiety situation of the professional and amateur football players and the veteran footballers

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the anger, personality and anxiety levels of the football players who actively play football and the football players who have left football. A total 496 football players, 162 women and 334 men, participated in the research in Istanbul in 2018. Spielberger's Anger Style scale, the Eysenck Personality Inventory short form, and Spielberger's continuous anxiety inventory were used as data collection tools. The percentage distribution and frequency values of the athletes participating in the research were determined with descriptive statistics and Shapiro Wilk test was applied as the normality test. Depending on the athletes’ situation, Mann Whitney U test was performed to compare the anger, personality and anxiety levels of the athletes. Kruskal Wallis test was used to compare the anger, personality and anxiety levels of the athletes depending on the level of the athlete, and Tamhane was used as the second level test to identify meaningful groups. Sperman correlation test was used to determine the relationship between the anger, personality and anxiety levels of the athletes. All the tests performed were done at α = 0.05 significance level. Microsoft Excell 2017 for Windows was used to enter the data into the computer environment and SPSS 25 package program was used to create graphics and tables. As a result of the findings obtained from the study, it was observed that there were significant differences between anger and inward anger scores according to the athletes' status, and anger, personality and trait anxiety dimensions according to the level of athletics. On the other hand, it was seen that there was a significant relationship between anger, personality and trait anxiety levels of the athletes participating in the research. As a result, it was determined that normal athletes were angrier than veteran athletes, and professional footballers had better level of anger controls and anger levels than amateur athletes. On the other hand, it has been determined that the personality and anxiety levels of professional athletes are higher than amateur athletes

    Effect of Spinning Cycling Training on Body Composition in Women

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    In this study the effects of a 6 week spinning cycling training on the body composition of women were investigated. Twelve sedentary women (32-47 years old) voluntarily participated in this study. The 6-week training program consisted of exercise sessions on 3 days per week. The intensity of the training program that was kept low in the beginning was increased in the subsequent weeks. The training sessions including the warm-up and cool down lasted for 30-60 minutes. The analyses on the body compositions were measured regularly every week with bioelectrical impedance method. In data analysis descriptive statistics and repeated-measures analysis of variance were used. In the end of the 6-week spinning workouts positive changes were observed in many parameters related to body composition. Particularly after the 3rd week the significant changes recorded were noteworthy. At the end of the 6th week those who were overweight by World Health Organization (WHO) standards moved onto normal weight category and those who were obese became overweight. In conclusion it was seen that the spinning cycling workouts were seen as as effective method to lose weight and reduce the body fat ratio among women in this age group. This exercise method may be recommended for getting good results among obese and overweight women in a short period of time

    Yaşlılarda farklı egzersiz yaklaşımlarının yaşlanmayı geciktirici etkilerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi

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    ÖZETBu çalışmanın amacı, farklı tür egzersiz yaklaşımlarının yaşlanmayı geciktirici etkilerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesidir.Çalışmaya yaşları 60-74 arası olan fiziksel olarak aktif yaşamına normal devam etmekle birlikte düzenli olarak bir spor antrenman programına devam etmeyen 39 sağlıklı birey gönüllü olarak katıldı.Katılımcılar vücut kitle indekslerine göre (VKİ) karşılıklı olarak dengelendi ve rastgele yöntemle Kara Egzersiz Grubu (KEG, n=15), Su Egzersiz Grubu (SEG, n=11) ve Kontrol Grubu (KG, n=13) olmak üzere üç gruba ayrıldı.Her iki deney grubu özel dizayn edilmiş derin duyu ekipman destekli 12 haftalık kara ve suda yapılan egzersiz programına katıldılar (haftada üç gün, günde 60 dk). Kontrol grubu üyeleri bu süreçte hayatlarına gözetim altında devam ettiler. Antrenman şiddeti algılanan zorluk derecesine (AZD) göre belirlendi. Denge, kuvvet, esneklik, biyokimyasal kemik döngüsü göstergeleri ve vücut kompozisyonu gibi parametrelerinin her iki grup üzerindeki etkilerinin değerlendirilmesine yönelik ölçümler çalışmanın başlangıcında ve 12. haftanın sonunda yapıldı. Antrenman programının bağımlı değişkenler üzerindeki etkilerini değerlendirmek için Eşleştirilmiş Örneklem T- Testi ve Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi kullanıldı.Vücut ağırlığı, VKİ ve bazal metabolik orandaki anlamlı artışlar KG’de gözlenirken, osteocalsin KEG’ de anlamlı olarak artmış, KG’ de ise anlamlı olarak azalmıştır (p<.05). Diğer vücut kompozisyonu parametrelerinde anlamlı değişimler gözlenmemesine rağmen kısmi iyileşmeler gözlendi. BBS ve kuvvet skorlarındaki anlamlı değişimler her iki deney gurubunda gözlenirken, esneklikteki değişim KEG’ de, çabukluk-dengedeki gelişim ise SEG’ de gözlendi (p<.05).Elde edilen bulgular açısından kara egzersiz programının daha avantajlı bir yöntem olduğunu söylemekle birlikte, kuvvet ve dengeye yaptığı olumlu katkılar açısından su egzersiz programının yaşlanma sürecinde etkili bir yöntem olabileceği söylenebilir. Anahtar kelimeler: Yaşlanma, Derin Duyu Antrenmanı, Kuvvet, EsneklikSUMMARYCOMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ANTI AGING EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT EXERCISE PROGRAMS AMONG ERDERLYThe purpose of thıs research is to investigate and compare the effects of various different training approaches on prolonging the aging process.The participants were 39 healthy volunteering active community dwellers between the ages of 60 and 74, with no regular training routine. Participants were matched according to their Body Mass Index (BMI) and were randomly allocated into 3 groups, namely Land Training Group (LTG, n=15), Water Training Group (WTG, n=11) and Control Group (CG, n=13).Both training groups participated in a 12 week training program (3 times per week each lasting for 60 minutes) supported by a specially designed proprioceptive balance equipment. During the same period the control group participants continued thier lives under observation. The intensity of the training program is defined according to the perceived difficulty level. (PDL) Measüres for evaluating the effects of parameters such as balance, strength, flexibility, biochemical bone turnover markers and body composition were recorded in both groups before the onset of the study and at the end of 12 weeks.In order to establish the effect of the training program upon the dependent variables, paired sample t-test and One way Variance Analysis was used. Significant increases in Body weight, BMI and basal metabolic rate is measüred in CG, while osteocalsin level increased in the LTG and descreased in CG (p<.05). Statistically insignificant, but slight improvements were observed in other body composition parameters. While increases in Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and Strength scores were statistically significant in both LTG and WTG, the change in flexibility was observed in CG and improvement in agility-balance in WTG (p<.05).While in the light of the data obtained the land training program could defined as more beneficial method, as a result of the positive contributions of the water exercise program on strength and balance the latter could also be effective in controlling the aging process. Key Words: Aging, Propioceptive Exercise, Strength, Flexibilit

    Aerobik dayanıklılık çalışmalarının anaerobik kapasite üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi

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    AEROBİK DAYANIKLILIK ÇALIŞMALARININ ANAEROBİK KAPASİTE ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ Adı ve Soyadı:Mustafa Said Erzeybek Danışman adı:Yard.Doç.Dr. Ali Kızılet Kabül tarihi: 06.09.2004 Program:Spor, Spor Sağlık Anabilim dalı: Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bu çalışma, Düşük Yoğunluk ve Yüksek Yoğunluk aerobik dayanıklılık 15-18 yaş grubuna sahip sporcuların 12 haftalık Düşük Yoğunluk aerobik dayanıklılık ve Yüksek Yoğunluk aerobik dayanıklılık antrenman periyotlaması sonunda, anaerobik kapasite gelişimleri ve motorsal özelliklerini analiz etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya Düşük Yoğunluk aerobik dayanıklılık grubu ; 12 sporcu denek, Yüksek Yoğunluk aerobik dayanıklılık çalışma grubunda; 12 ve kontrol grubunda; 12 denek olmak üzere toplam 36 erkek sporcu denek katılmıştır. Fiziksel uygunluk özellikleri olarak; fiziksel özellikler (boy, kilo ve BKİ), beden kompozisyonu, Maks. VO2, el kavrama kuvveti, bacak kuvveti dikey sıçrama, Performans testleri olarak anaerobik güç, 34.2 m. Sprint, toparlanma testi, shuttle run testleri yapılmıştır. Performans testlerinde, Bangsbo' nun Toparlanma testi kullanılmıştır. Sporcuların 7 Sprint mesafe süreleri, istirahat nabızları, sprint başlangıcı ve toparlanma sonrası nabızları, 7 sprint sonrası laktat seviyeleri, başlangıç ve toparlanma sonrası kandaki total O2 seviyeleri değerlendirilerek ; en iyi, ortalama ve yorgunluk değerleri bakımından incelenmiştir. Çalışmamıza katılan sporcuların, fiziksel, motorsal ve performans testlerini değerlendirmek için, ölçüm formu geliştirilmiş olup, ön ve son test ölçüm envanteri olarak kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya alınan düşük yoğunluk ve yüksek yoğunluk antrenman grubundaki sporculara 2 mart - 2 haziran 2004 tarihleri arasında toplam on iki hafta, haftada üçgün (Pazartesi- Çarşamba- Cuma) ve günde bir buçuk saat olmak üzere, 36 gün 54 saatlik düşük yoğunluk ve yüksek yoğunluk aerobik dayanıklılık antrenman programı uygulanmıştır. İstatistiksel analizler için SPSS 12.0 programı kullanılmıştır. Düşük yoğunluk ve yüksek yoğunluk antrenman gruplarının ön testlerinde ve son testlerinden sonra gruplar arası karşılaştırmalarda Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi (Anova) ile Tukey HSD testi kullanılmıştır. Ön-Son test ölçümleri arasında gelişim farkı olup olmadığı, parametrik olmayan Wilcoxon testi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda; Düşük yoğunluk aerobik antrenmanlara göre yüksek yoğunluk antrenman grubundaki sporcuların, Anaerobik Kapasite gelişimlerine, Toparlanmaya, Kan laktat seviyesine, Total O2 seviyelerine Nabız atım seviyelerine etkin payı olduğu ve Antrenman Periyotlamaları yapılırken, Anaerobik Kapasite gelişimi açısından Yüksek Yoğunluk Aerobik Antrenman programlamalarına, yer verilmesi gerektiği uygun görülmüştür. THE INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS ON ANAEROBIC CAPASITY OF AEROBIC ENDURANS WORK The purpose of this study was to analysis the motoric characteristics and anaerobic capacity developments of athletes who aged 15-18 in the end of Low İntensity and Hight intensity aerobic endurans training for 12 weeks. Totally 36 male athletes who participiated to this study seperated as Low İntensity aerobic endurans group (12 subjects), as Hight intensity aerobic endurans working group (12 subjects) and as control group (12 subjects). As a physical fitness characteristics; height, weight, BMI, body composition, max VO2, hand grip, leg power and vertical jump were applied. As a performans tests; anaerobic power, 34.2 m sprint recovery test and shuttle run tests were applied. Bangsbo recovery test was used for the performans test. 7 sprints distance durations, rest heart rate, sprint and heart rate after recovery, lactate levels, beginning and recovery O2 levels on blood were evaluated by investigating the best mean and fatique values. To develop the physical,motoric and performans tests of athletes, the measurement form was used for pre and post tests. Low İntensity and Hight intensity aerobic endurans training program was applied for 3 days in a week (Monday-Wednesday-friday) and 90 min in a day (36 days and 54 hours) to athletes in training group. SPSS 12.0 program was used to statistical analysis. One Way Anova, Tukey HSD and Wilcoxon (non-parametric) tests were used to the compare with pre and post tests of Low İntensity and Hight intensity training group. In conclusion, it is said that Low İntensity and Hight intensity aerobic trainings positively effects the developments of anaerobic capacity, recovery, blood lactate levels, total O2 levels and heart rate levels

    Study of the effects of the hand grip and finger strengths on the friction and petrissage - the massage manipulations - of the students who take massage courses: Kütahya City example

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    In this research, the effect of the hand grip and finger strengths on the power development between the friction and petrissage techniques - the massage manipulations - have been studied. To the study that has been structured as a single group pretest/post test, 36 healthy males who are the students of the University of Dumlupınar, Academy of Physical Education and Sports and who take massage courses (age = 19.72 ± 1.56 years (average ± Sd)) have been included. The practical massage course has continued for 12 weeks, two days a week for a total of one hour and the hand grip strength of both hands (right hand grip strength = RHG, left hand grip strength = LHG) and the grip strength of both fingers (right finger strength = RF, left finger strength = LF) have been recorded at the beginning. For the measurements carried out before and later of the study with regard to the hand grip strength, a Takkei branded hand dynamometer and with regard to the finger grip strength a (baseline) branded pinch meter have been used. All measurements have been repeated twice and for the analysis, the average values obtained from two deads have been used. For statistical analysis, with regard to the changes in the pre test-post test finger strength and hand grip strength, paired-samples t test has been used. The significance limit has been defined as p<0.05. For all values, the average, standard error and standard deviation have been used. It has been observed that the both hands’ finger strengths and both hands’ grip strengths have developed from the pre test phase to the post test phase (p<0.01) and these developments are similar for both hands’ grip strengths and both hands’ grip strengths (p>0.05). It is possible to report that massaging regularly with both hands is efficient for the development of the finger and hand grip strengths; especially, with regard to the friction (circular movements that are generally carried out with fingers) and petrissage (kneading that is generally carried out with the palm) techniques

    Study of the effects of the hand grip and finger strengths on the friction and petrissage - the massage manipulations - of the students who take massage courses: Kütahya City example

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    In this research, the effect of the hand grip and finger strengths on the power development between the friction and petrissage techniques - the massage manipulations - have been studied. To the study that has been structured as a single group pretest/post test, 36 healthy males who are the students of the University of Dumlupınar, Academy of Physical Education and Sports and who take massage courses (age = 19.72 ± 1.56 years (average ± Sd)) have been included. The practical massage course has continued for 12 weeks, two days a week for a total of one hour and the hand grip strength of both hands (right hand grip strength = RHG, left hand grip strength = LHG) and the grip strength of both fingers (right finger strength = RF, left finger strength = LF) have been recorded at the beginning. For the measurements carried out before and later of the study with regard to the hand grip strength, a Takkei branded hand dynamometer and with regard to the finger grip strength a (baseline) branded pinch meter have been used. All measurements have been repeated twice and for the analysis, the average values obtained from two deads have been used. For statistical analysis, with regard to the changes in the pre test-post test finger strength and hand grip strength, paired-samples t test has been used. The significance limit has been defined as p0.05). It is possible to report that massaging regularly with both hands is efficient for the development of the finger and hand grip strengths; especially, with regard to the friction (circular movements that are generally carried out with fingers) and petrissage (kneading that is generally carried out with the palm) techniques

    Studying attention levels of the university students from various sport branches

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    The objective of this study is to examine the attention skills of the university student athletes from various sport branches. A total of 174 university students have been participated into the study of which 46.6% were female and 53.4% were male. The neurofeedback method has been used in the study. With regard to the research statistics, the independent variable t-test and ANOVA have been used; and in order to evaluate the diversity of the subgroups, Bonferroni and Tamhane (α=0.05) have been used. The study has revealed that female athletes are significantly more succeful in terms of attention consistency, staying focused against time, controlling attention, hand-eye-brain coordination, and concentration compared to male athletes (p0.05). It has also been seen that on the basis of the branches, the spatial memory skills of the wrestlers are significantly higher than the soccer players (p<0.05); that the attention consistency, visual follow-up and staying focused despite the distractors skills of the national athletes are significantly higher than others (p<0.05). The reseach has revealed that attention is instantaneous and definitely an important factor for the sportive success; and besides its unique efficiency for experience and success, also similarly with the sportive success, it exists with “You can succeed only if you do it” understanding

    Effects of in-water and dryland warm-ups on 50-meter freestyle performance in child swimmer

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    In this study, effectiveness of 3 warm-up (WU) modes on 50m free style on child swimmers has been evaluated. In repeated-measures counterbalanced design, 10 male swimmers of a local sports club (10-12 ages) have tried out 50m freestyle after each WU on different days. Each WU took 15 minutes and the intensity of WU has been checked over by Borg’s rating of perceived exertion (RPE) 15-point scale. a) no warm-up (NWU): the swimmers sat or laid down for 15 minutes, b) dryland warmup (DWU): continuous rope-jumping at RPE 12 for 5 minutes, 2 sets 10x15s calisthenics with 15s breathing spaces and continuous ropejumping at RPE 14 for 5 minutes, c) in-water warm up (SWU): continuous freestyle swimming at RPE 12 for 5 minutes, freestyle swimming with 8x15m maximum performance with 30s breathing spaces and continuous freestyle swimming at RPE 14 for 5 minutes. RPE, stroke count and heart rate (HR) have been evaluated together with the best time in swimming performance. Compared with NWU swimming time post DWU was faster, however the fastest swimming time was achieved post SWU. After NWU swimming RPE was significantly higher. Significant difference could not be found in terms of HR and stroke count. Consequently, SWU is better for swimming performance and DWU can be used when swimming pool is not available

    Investigation of the Effect of Vertimax V8 Elastic Resistance Platform and Classic Strength Training on Dynamic Balance in Basketball Players

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    This study aimed to investigate the effects on the dynamic balance of two different resistance training in male basketball players. 25 male basketball players who were over 18 participated in the study voluntarily. Participants were divided into two groups by using random sampling method as VertiMax strength training group and traditional strength training group (VertiMax, n=13; classic, n=12). Both training programs were administered 3 times a day for 6 weeks. In standing position, the dynamic balance values recorded on the right and left foot for 60 seconds were assessed by using EasyTech Libra Oscillating balance board. The scores used in the assessments were IBP (index of balance precision), recovery time right (return time of the visual helix balance from right side), and recovery time left (return time of the visual helix balance from left side). All tests were performed with visual feedback. Statistical analysis used three-factor mixed ANOVA. At the end of the training period, IBP (index of balance precision), recovery time right (return time of the visual helix balance from right side), recovery time left (return time of the visual helix balance from left side) showed that dynamic balance scores were similar in the VertiMax and classic training groups for right and left feet. VertiMax group in dynamic balance, the changes in IBP and recovery time right scores were found to be better. In both training groups, when the recovery time right values of the right and left feet were compared at the end of the process, it was seen that the rotation time from the right side of the visual helix motion area of the left leg was shorter (p<0.05). The results show that the VertiMax strength training included in the pre-season exercises positively affects participants’ balance performance