198 research outputs found

    Sistem Pengemudian Otomatis pada Kendaraan Berroda dengan Model Pembelajaran On-line Menggunakan NN

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    Cara pengemudian suatu kendaraan otomatis selama ini menggunakan teknik algoritma yang sudah ditentukan dalam program. Pada penelitian ini akan dicoba untuk membuat sistem pengendalian menggunakan NN yang didasarkan pada proses belajar sendiri dan terus menerus selama kendaraan tersebut bergerak. Program (NN) akan melakukan proses pembelajaran tertentu bagaimana untuk bergerak maju, mundur, ke kiri, ke kanan atau kemungkinan lain berdasarkan pengalaman tabrakan yang terjadi. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan 82% berhasil berjalan maju dan sekitar 90% berhasil menghindari tabrakan dengan dindin

    Metode Pengurangan Sampling dan Penggunaan Banyak Frekuensi Sampling untuk Analisa Transformasi Fourier Digital pada Aplikasi yang Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    Analisa Fourier adalah salah satu metode yang banyak digunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi. DFT dan FFT adalah model dan algoritma yang umumnya digunakan dalam sistem proses digital. Masalah yang sering muncul yang berkaitan dengan DFT atau FFT adalah waktu komputasi dan kapasitas memori. Jika perangkat pemroses yang digunakan adalah PC, hal ini tidak menjadi masalah. Namun tidak demikian jika menggunakan mikroprosesor atau mikrokontroler. Teknik yang digunakan di sini akan sangat mengurangi waktu komputasi dan kebutuhan memory yang akan sesuai untuk aplikasi yang berbasis mikrokontroler. Teknik yang digunakan adalah memecah spectrum frekuensi yang lebar dari sinyal masukan menjadi beberapa band yang lebih kecil dengan teknik menggunakan lebih dari satu frekuensi sampling. Dan mengurangi panjang sampling yang semula ratusan atau ribuan sampling menjadi hanya beberapa puluh sampling. Sebagai contoh hasil, pada pengujian kali ini digunakan pada aplikasi analisa spektrum sinyal audio dengan rentang 20 Hz sampai 20 kHz yang seharusnya menggunakan frekuensi sampling 40 kHz dengan panjang sampling 2000 sampling. Pada percobaan ini dapat dipecah dan dikurangi menjadi hanya 3 band masing-masing 20 sampling, total 60 samplin

    2 kWatt Harmonic Analyzer Prototype Using Discrete Fourier Transform Method

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    We knew that there are so many power harmonic analyzer in the market. Much of them are from well known company and commercialize that bring the engineer found it easily. In this paper we just want to proclaim that Indonesian engineer has capability to develop such that system. That is why we want to introduce a 2kWatt harmonic analyzer prototype using Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The prototype is built up using ATMega 32 Microcontroller. Fourier transform mechanism is made and then plant in the microcontroller that is functioned as a processor. This controller is chosen, because it has some advantages, one of it is an internal ADC that give the user easily to convert from analog unit into digital one. After prototype was completely finished, it was tested with 13 different types of load and compared with the well know product of Fluke 41B Power Harmonics Analyzer. From that test, we can deliver some conclusion are the error average of voltage THD is 1.8% and error average of current THD is 1.96%

    The factors of affecting brand loyalty : A study on the students of Adnan Menderes Universtiy

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    Modern pazarlama anlayısı ile birlikte tüketicilerin istek ve ihtiyaçlarına uygun çözümler getirmek, pazarlamacılar için oldukça önem tasıyan konuların basında gelmektedir. Tüketicilerin bu istek ve ihtiyaçlarını belirleyebilmek için, tüketici davranısları ve bu davranısları etkileyen faktörleri incelemek gerekmektedir. Tüketim insanların hayatında vazgeçemeyecekleri davranıslardan bir tanesidir. Günümüzün rekabetçi ortamında ürünler arasındaki açık ve somut farklar azalmaya baslamıstır. stedikleri her türlü bilgiye kolaylıkla ulasabilen tüketicilerin karar verme asamasında etkilendikleri faktörlerden birisi de bir firmanın digerlerine göre yarattıgı farklar olmaktadır. Bu farkları yaratan unsurlardan biri olan marka, ürünün islevsel amacının ötesinde o ürünün degerini arttıran bir isim, sembol, tasarım ya da isarettir. Marka, ürünler için ayırt edici bir özelliktir. Tüketiciler, kendilerine verdigi deger için markaları tercih etmektedirler. Markalar, hem firmalar hem de tüketicilerin tercihlerini belirlemede önemli rol oynamaktadır. Kendi markalarının uzun dönemli bir satıs ve kâr grafigi çizmesini isteyen firmalar, var olan müsterilerini ve ileride müsteri olmasını istedikleri potansiyel tüketicileri markalarına bagımlı hale getirmeyi hedeflemektedirler. Bu açıdan bakıldıgında marka bagımlılıgı, firmalar için oldukça önemli bir konu halini almaktadır. Marka bagımlılıgını etkileyen faktörleri ögrenmeyi amaçlayan bu çalısmada tüketicilerin marka bagımlılıklarını etkileyen faktörler nelerdir sorusuna yanıt aranmaktadır. Bu amaçla, Nazilli ..B.F' de okuyan 365 ögrenci üzerinde bir anket çalısması yapılmıstır. Anket sonuçları, faktör ve regresyon analizleri ile analiz edilmistir. Arastırma sonucunda, Nazilli ..B.F ögrencilerinin cep telefonu seçimlerinde marka bagımlılıklarını etkileyen faktörlerin, ürünün teknik özellikleri, ürünün markasına duyulan inanç ve üretici firmaya duyulan güven oldugu sonucuna varılmıstır. Bring comfortable solutions for the consumers want and needs is a very important subject for the marketers in the modern marketing understanding. For determinig these wants and needs of consumers, consumer behaviour and the factors which affects costumer behaviours must be researched. Consumption is one of the behaving that people could not give up in their lifes. In todays competitive word, products become more similar. Today, consumers can reach information which they want to learn about products that they want to buy. In their purchase decision, consumers affected by the differences that the creation of firms from the others. Brands are one of the creativity of the firms. Brands are some signs, conceptions, logos that increase the value of products. Consumers prefer brands for their value . Brands have a great role both of firms and consumer?s preferences. The firms who wants a long time profit, they targeting to bring all of their consumers being loyal for their brands. For this reason, brand loyalty is a very important subject for the companies. In this study, it is being to measure the effects which affects brand loyalty and wants to learn what are the factors which affects consumer?s brand loyalty. For this reason, it has been made a survey in Adnan Menderes University, on 365 students. The results of the survey, has been analized by regretion and factor analises. As a result of the study, technical properties, the belief of products brand, and the trust of the company are the factors which affects the brand loyalty for the purchasing behavior of the students on their mobile phone preference

    Teknik Update Program Secara On-line (Over The Air, OTA) Pada Sistem Berbasis Mikrokontroler Menggunakan Modem GPRS

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    Sarana update program secara OTA menjadi kebutuhan saat ini yang akan memudahkan dalam pengembangan suatu program. Update secara OTA memerlukan beberapa komponen utama yang meliputi: koneksi internet, program koneksi dan download ke server OTA, memori penampung program dan bootloader. Pada proyek penelitian ini ingin mengimplementasikan teknik OTA pada sistem sederhana buatan sendiri yang berbasis mikrokontroler AVR ATmega32, modem GPRS dengan kemampuan TCP/IP Stack, memori serial EEPROM AT24C256. Dari hasil pengujian menunjukkan kecepatan komunikasi dari modem ke mikrokontroler pada 38400 bps menunjukkan sistem bekerja dengan baik. Kurang dari itu menyebabkan buffer Modem mengalami overflow dan lebih dari itu menunjukkan buffer serial mikrokontroler mengalami overflow

    The effect of mobile marketing applications to consumer behaviour in supermarket industry: The case of Aydın

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    Gelişen teknolojik koşullar iletişim teknolojilerinde de bir takım yeniliklerin yaşanmasını sağlamıştır. Günümüzde mobil teknolojiler ve mobil iletişim insanlar için vazgeçilmez hale gelmiştir. Özellikle İnternet-mobil cihaz birlikteliği, mobil teknolojilerin daha da gelişmesini ve sadece iletişim odaklılıktan çıkarak farklı boyutlarda kullanılmaya başlamasına neden olmuştur. Mobil cihazların her zaman kullanıcıları ile bir arada olduğu ve kimi tüketicilerin birden fazla mobil araca sahip olduğu düşünüldüğünde pazarlama faaliyetlerinde mobil cihazların kullanılması kaçınılmaz hale gelmiştir. Pazarlama faaliyetlerini mobil cihazlar aracılığıyla gerçekleştirmek, kısaca mobil pazarlama olarak ifade edilebilir. Mobil pazarlama kavramı, firmalar için oldukça önemli bir konu haline gelmiştir. Firmalar, daha düşük maliyetle daha hızlı geri dönüş elde edebilmek, müşterilerin ürünler hakkında görüşlerini değerlendirebilmek, uygun hedef kitleye uygun mesajı doğru zamanda doğru yerde ulaştırabilmek gibi nedenlerden ötürü mobil pazarlama uygulamalarından yararlanmaya başlamıştır. Mobil pazarlamanın bu kadar önemli bir konu haline gelmesi, çalışma konusunun da mobil pazarlama olarak belirlenmesine neden olmuştur. Çalışmada, süpermarketlerdeki mobil pazarlama uygulamalarının tüketicilerin satın alma davranışlarına etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda Aydın İl merkezinde 530 tüketici üzerinde bir anket uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca, mobil pazarlama konusunda süpermarketlerin de görüşünü belirleyebilmek için süpermarketlerin müşteri hizmetleri servisleri ile mülakat uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Anket verileri SPSS programı ile analiz edilmiştirA number of conditions in developing technological innovations in communication technologies led to the occurrence. Today, mobile technologies and mobile communications have become indispensable to people. Especially with the introduction of the internet, mobile devices, has different using areas. Given that users always a combination of mobile devices, for marketing activities, the use of mobile devices has become inevitable. Performing marketing activities through mobile devices, can be expressed as mobile marketing. Mobile marketing concept, has become an important topic for companies. For a feedback at lower cost, assess the views of customers about the products and to convey the appropriate the right message at the right time to the target audience, companies benefit from mobile marketing. Mobile marketing, has become an important issue for marketing. For this reason the subject of the study determined as mobile marketing. In the Study, it has been investigated the effect of mobile marketing applications to purchasing behavior of supermarket consumers. In this respect the center of Aydin Province carried out a survey of 530 consumers and to find out the views of the managers of the supermarket about mobile marketing, customer services, were interviewed. The survey data were analyzed by SPSS software. As a result, consumers who live in the center of Aydin Province have a positive outlook toward mobile ads and mobile ads affects purchasing. Participants, find mobile ads, entertaining and reliable. Participants did not accept only mobile ads from the brands which they allow to send them. When participants receives an award-winning mobile advert, they share this advert with their environment. Participants who responded to the survey also said that mobile adverts which comes from the supermarkets, increased their interest to the company. And Participants interested in receiving messages about the product which they interested

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Penetas Telur Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega8 Menggunakan Sensor SHT11

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    Temperatur dan kelembaban merupakan 2 faktor utama (selain sirkulasi udara) yang menentukan keberhasilan penetasan telur. Berdasakan referensi, temperatur optimal dalam mesin tetas yaitu 38- 39oC dan kelembaban optimal yaitu 52%�55%RH. Namun kebanyakan mesin penetas telur konvensional yang ada dipasaran hanya memperhitungkan satu faktor saja yaitu temperatur. Dengan memperhatikan lebih banyak faktor seharusnya akan menghasilkan daya tetas telur yang lebih besar. Untuk alasan tersebut maka dibuat suatu mesin tetas yang dilengkapi alat kontrol temperatur dan kelembaban yang akurat. Untuk mewujudkan sistem tersebut diperlukan pemilihan sensor dan mikrokontroler yang tepat karena 2 hal tersebut memberi dampak yang besar terhadap kualitas mesin tersebut. Sensor kelembaban dan temperatur SHT 11 memiliki banyak kelebihan yang membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang tepat untuk aplikasi ini. Pemilihan mikrokontroler yang menjadi otak kontroler ini jatuh pada Atmel ATMega8 yang memiliki performa dan fleksibilitas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan MCS-51. Untuk pemanas inkubator digunakan 4 buah lampu dengan daya 20 Watt. Ruangan inkubator juga dilengkapi dengan 2 buah fan untuk sirkulasi udara. Desain layout kontroler yang kompak dan ruang inkubator modern yang dilenggkapi mekanisme pembalik telur secara otomatis memberi kemudahan dalam pengoperasian mesin penetas telur ini. Mesin tetas yang memiliki kapasitas maksimal 112 telur ini telah diuji coba untuk menetaskan telur ayam dan memiliki prosentase keberhasilan 88.9%, sedangkan mesin tetas secara konvensional yang digunakan sebagai pembanding memiliki prosentase keberhasilan sebesar 81.59%. Kata kunci : ATMega8, MCS-51, kelembaban, temperatur, SHT 11, mikrokontroler, inkubato


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    The development of the modern world arts today, can hardly be separated from the development of the technology that�s also growing rapidly. One of them is making an application technique of two-dimensional (2D) game. In the world of gaming today demanded a game with graphics and interesting animation look. One of the techniques of making games has grown rapidly and efficiently is to use Actionscript programming language contained in the Flash. The purpose of this final task is to get a game application with 2-D graphics and animation look interesting. So as to foster the desire for users to play this game. Programming is done using Actionscript 2.0 language, compiler-Macromedia Flash 8. And other supporting software to create images that are used in a game that will be created that will be called Bubble Shooter. Results of the test system showed that the application can do the things that become problems such as moving objects games, integrating the control object with the mouse control game, on next to the feature level,the calculation point system as well as game highscores system. Keywords: Flash, Games, ActionScript. Bubble Shooter


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    STATUS TANAH YANG DIPEROLEH OLEH BADAN HUKUM MELALUI JUAL BELI TANAH MILIK ADAT DI HADAPAN PEJABAT PEMBUAT AKTA TANAH (PPAT)T. Eru Fadhillah?Ilyas Ismail**Yanis Rinaldi*** ABSTRAKPasal 26 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 5 tahun 1960 Tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria melarang setiap adanya peralihan Hak dengan status hak milik atau milik adat kepada selain dari subjek hukum pada Pasal 21 UUPA dan Pasal 1 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 38 Tahun 1963 tentang penunjukan badan-badan hukum yang dapat memiliki hak milik atas tanah, seperti Bank yang didirikan negara, Perkumpulan koperasi, Badan keagamaan, Badan sosial, Namun di dalam praktiknya terdapat badan hukum selain dari Pasal 1 PP No. 38/1963 yang melakukan jual beli tanah milik adat di hadapan PPAT di Nagan Raya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan status tanah apa yang diperoleh oleh badan hukum melalui jual beli tanah milik adat, Serta menjelaskan tanggung jawab dari PPAT yang telah membuat akta jual beli tanah milik adat, yang di beli oleh badan-badan hukum selain dari Pasal 1 PP No.38/1963.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Yuridis Normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Data utama penelitian adalah data sekunder yang didukung data primer. Data yang terkumpul kemudian diolah dan dianalisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, Status tanah yang diperoleh oleh badan Hukum selain dari Pasal 21 UUPA dan Pasal 1 PP No. 38/1963 melalui jual beli tanah milik adat dihadapan PPAT adalah berstatus tanah negara. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menajamin hak badan hukum terhadap tanah yang sudah menjadi tanah negara akibat dari Pasal 26 ayat (2) UUPA adalah melakukan permohonan hak baru kepada badan pertanahan Nasional. Pertanggung jawaban oleh PPAT terhadap akta jual beli milik badan hukum selain dari Pasal 21 UUPA dan Pasal 1 PP No. 38/1963 dapat di mintakan, tanggung jawab tersebut dapat berupa Sanksi Administratif, dan Sanksi Perdata.Disarankan kepada badan-badan hukum selain dari Pasal 21 UUPA dan Pasal 1 PP No. 38/1963 yang telah melakukan praktik jual beli tanah milik adat agar mengajukan permohonan hak yang baru kepada pihak BPN, jika tidak maka ketentuan Pasal 26 ayat (2) UUPA harus ditaati oleh badan hukum tersebut yaitu tidak melakukan akitiftas diatas tanah negara. Dan kepada PPAT haruslah mengetahui secara mendalam ketentuan Pasal 21 UUPA dan Pasal 1 PP No.38/1963 tentang subjek hukum yang dapat atau tidak dalam menerima peralihan hak milik. LAND STATUS OBTAINED BY THE LEGAL ENTITY THROUGH SELLING AND PURCHASING OF CUSTOMARY LAND IN FRONT OF LAND DEED OFFICIAL (PPAT)T. Eru Fadhillah?Ilyas Ismail**Yanis Rinaldi*** ABSTRACTArticle 26 paragraph (2) of Act Number 5 of 1960 on Basic Agrarian Principles prohibits any transfer of rights with the status of ownership rights or customary ownership to other than legal subjects in Article 21 of the UUPA and Article 1 of Government Regulation Number 38 of 1963 on the appointment of legal entities that can have ownership rights over land, such as banks established by the state, cooperative associations, religious and social entity, however, in practice there are legal entities other than Article 1 of Government Regulation No. 38/1963 who sale and purchase customary land in front of Land Deed Official in Nagan Raya District.This study aims to explain what land status is obtained by legal entities through the sale and purchase of customary land, as well as to explain the responsibilities of the Land Deed Official who has made the sale and purchase deed of customary land, which is purchased by legal entities other than Article 1 Government Regulation No.38 / 1963.This study was carried out through a normative juridical research method with a statute approach. The main research data is secondary data supported by primary data. The data that has been collected then processed and analysed using a qualitative approach.The outcomes indicated that the status of land obtained by legal entities apart from Article 21 UUPA and Article 1 Government Regulation no. 38/1963 through the sale and purchase of customary land in front of Land Deed Official is the status of state land. The way that can be made to guarantee legal entity rights to land that have become state land as a result of Article 26 paragraph (2) of the UUPA is to apply for new rights to the National Land Agency. The responsibility of the Land Deed Official for sale and purchase deeds belonging to legal entities other than Article 21 UUPA and Article 1 Government Regulation No. 38/1963 can be asked for the responsibility in the form of Administrative Sanctions and Civil Sanctions.It is suggested to legal entities apart from Article 21 UUPA and Article 1 of Government Regulation no. 38 of 1963 who have practiced selling and purchasing of customary land should apply for new rights to the National Land Agency, otherwise the provisions of Article 26 paragraph (2) of the UUPA must be obeyed by the legal entity, that is not carrying out activities on state land. The Land Deed Official needs to understand in-depth provisions of Article 21 of UUPA and Article 1 of Government Regulation No.38 / 1963 on legal subjects which can or cannot receive the transfer of property rights

    Kia Tāwharautia Te Mātauranga Māori: Decolonising the Intellectual Property Regime in Aotearoa New Zealand

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    This article explores ways to decolonise aspects of the intellectual property system in Aotearoa New Zealand, primarily in respect of trade marks. It considers the seminal Wai 262 report of the Waitangi Tribunal and builds upon its findings and recommendations, while also offering new ideas of legal reform for protecting mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge and expertise) from undue exploitation. This article also measures those ideas against the objectives and principles of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement), as well as other internationally recognised rights. Essentially, this article maintains that for any mechanism to be effective in recognising and upholding the tino rangatiratanga (unqualified self-determination) of Māori over their own mātauranga, that mechanism must be founded upon the principles of tikanga Māori (Māori laws and customs), which is a notion crystallised within the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi. It must also find its own meaningful place in the law of New Zealand that surrounds us today. It is only in this way that the extractive and thereby oppressive binds of the western intellectual property regime can be unpicked and put aside and the tapu (high status and associated sanctity) of mātauranga can be upheld. These words are also an honouring of those who spent countless hours on the Wai 262 report. It is hoped this article gives new and much needed life to the issue of protecting mātauranga Māori, which is still as relevant today as it was then. Kei aku rangatira, kei aku tapaeru, kei aku whakaruakākā, tēnei e ngākau whakaiti nei (an acknowledgement of all those who took part in Wai 262)