413 research outputs found

    Participatory Approach to Planning Urban Resilience to Climate Change: Brescia, Genoa, and Matera—Three Case Studies from Italy Compared

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    Urban resilience must consider the ability of cities to cope with the effects of climate change. Community awareness raising and sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDs) are often mentioned in the literature as effective adaptation actions while the success of these solutions is highly context-dependent and improved planning procedures are urgently needed. In this framework, the URCA! project represents a good practice aiming to strengthen the resilience of urban areas by promoting the implementation of SUDs in territorial planning. The main objective of the present research deals with the role of participation in promoting the use of SUDs and their uptake in town planning and land management involving local communities, students, experts, local authorities, and enterprises. To this end, the research adopts a participatory approach to SUDs urban planning for three case studies in Italy selected under the criterion of maximum variation (Brescia, Genoa, and Matera). For the three case studies, participatory approaches are at different stages of development thus requiring appropriate ways of interacting and resulting in different impacts on decisions. Preliminary results, drivers, and barriers in the application of the participatory approach are discussed and compared in order to bring innovation into planning practices, stimulating a revision of typical governance mechanisms

    A Portable Device for the Measurement of Venous Pulse Wave Velocity

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    Pulse wave velocity in veins (vPWV) has recently been reconsidered as a potential index of vascular filling, which may be valuable in the clinic for fluid therapy. The measurement requires that an exogenous pressure pulse is generated in the venous blood stream by external pneumatic compression. To obtain optimal measure repeatability, the compression is delivered synchronously with the heart and respiratory activity. We present a portable prototype for the assessment of vPWV based on the PC board Raspberry Pi and equipped with an A/D board. It acquires respiratory and ECG signals, and the Doppler shift from the ultrasound monitoring of blood velocity from the relevant vein, drives the pneumatic cuff inflation, and returns multiple measurements of vPWV. The device was tested on four healthy volunteers (2 males, 2 females, age 33 & PLUSMN;13 years), subjected to the passive leg raising (PLR) manoeuvre simulating a transient increase in blood volume. Measurement of vPWV in the basilic vein exhibited a low coefficient of variation (3.6 & PLUSMN;1.1%), a significant increase during PLR in all subjects, which is consistent with previous findings. This device allows for carrying out investigations in hospital wards on different patient populations as necessary to assess the actual clinical potential of vPWV

    Role of the macrophage migration inhibitory factor in the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia

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    Proinflammatory cytokines are produced in pregnancy in response to the invading pathogens and/or nonmicrobial causes such as damage-associated molecules and embryonic semi-allogenic antigens. While inflammation is essential for a successful pregnancy, an excessive inflammatory response is implicated in several pathologies including pre-eclampsia (PE). This review focuses on the proinflammatory cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), a critical regulator of the innate immune response and a major player of processes allowing normal placental development. PE is a severe pregnancy-related syndrome characterized by exaggerated inflammatory response and generalized endothelial damage. In some cases, usually of early onset, it originates from a maldevelopment of the placenta, and is associated with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) (placental PE). In other cases, usually of late onset, pre-pregnancy maternal diseases represent risk factors for the development of the disease (maternal PE). Available data suggest that low MIF production in early pregnancy could contribute to the abnormal placentation. The resulting placental hypoxia in later pregnancy could produce high release of MIF in maternal serum typical of placental PE. More studies are needed to understand the role of MIF, if any, in maternal PE

    Stress–Strain Investigation of the Rock Mass Based on Overcoring with CSIRO HI Cell Test and Numerical Modeling: A Case Study from an Italian Underground Marble Quarry

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    The present research illustrates the application of a methodological approach to studying the stress–strain distribution in a marble quarry of the Apuan Alps mining area (Italy). This study has been carried out in the framework of a project involving the University of Siena and the UOC Ingegneria Mineraria—USL Toscana Nord-Ovest, Tuscany Region. This stress–strain analysis aims foremost to monitor the slope stability conditions to guarantee a safe workplace for the personnel involved in mining activities, and to enable more sustainable long-term planning for excavation and production. The involved survey activities are as follows: (i) terrestrial laser scanning; (ii) engineering–geological data mapping; and (iii) in situ marble stress measuring through four CSIRO-type cell tests executed in different locations and at various depths within the underground excavation walls. The gathered data converged into numerical models of the quarry, both in 2D (DEM) and 3D (FEM), calibrated by in situ stress results through a rigorous back analysis assessment using least squares procedures. The created models represent a valuable tool for the identification and securing of risk areas and for future excavation planning in respect of the site efficiency and safety

    Disturbances in groundwater chemical parameters related to seismic and volcanic activity in Kamchatka (Russia)

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    International audienceStarting from 1992 geochemical data are being collected with a mean sampling frequency of three days in the form of the pH value and of the most common ions and gases in the groundwater in one deep well located in Petropavlovsk, the capital city of Kamchatka (Russia). On 1 January 1996 a strong eruption started from the Karymsky volcano, that is located about 100km far from the well, in the north-northeastern direction. At the same time, a large earthquake (M=6.9) occurred in the Karymsky area. On 5 December 1997 a very large earthquake (M=7.7) occurred offshore, at a distance of 350km from the well and towards the same direction. The analysis of the geochemical data shows clear variations in the raw temporal trends on both cases. For the first event, a clear premonitory phase appeared; for the second one, some pre-seismic variations could be revealed but permanent modifications of the chemistry of the water subsequent to the earthquake are very clear. In both cases the feature of the geochemical variations is consistent with an afflux of new water in the aquifer connected with the well and with an escape of the Carbon dioxide gas from the ground in different directions. A schematic model able to justify such a phenomenology and the connections of the geochemical variations with the previous tectonic activities is proposed

    Retrospective analysis for detecting seismic precursors in groundwater argon content

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    We examined the groundwater Argon content data sampled from 1988 to 2001 at two wells in Kamchatka (Russia) and anomalous increases appeared clearly during June-July&nbsp;1996. On 21&nbsp;June, a shallow (1km) earthquake with <i>M</i>=7.1 occurred at a distance less than 250km from the wells and so the previous increases could be related to this earthquake and, in particular, could be considered premonitory anomalies. In order to support this raw interpretation, we analysed the data collected in details. At first we smoothed out the high frequency fluctuations arising from the errors in a single measurement. Next we considered the known external effects on the water of a well that are the slow tectonic re-adjustment processes, the meteorology and the gravity tides and we separated these effects applying band-pass filters to the Argon content raw trends. Then we identified the largest fluctuations in these trends applying the 3 σ criterion and we found three anomalies in a case and two anomalies in other case. Comparing the time occurrence of the anomalies at the two wells we found out that a coincidence exists only in the case of the premonitory anomalies we are studying. The simultaneous appearance of well definite anomalies in the residual trends of the same parameter at two different sites supports their meaning and the possibility that they are related to some large scale effect, as the occurrence of a strong earthquake. But, other earthquakes similar to the June&nbsp;1996 event took place during the Argon content measurements time and no anomaly appeared in this content. In the past, some of the authors of this paper studied the Helium content data collected in three natural springs of the Caucasus during seven years. A very similar result, that is the simultaneous appearance of clear premonitory anomalies only on the occasion of a strong (<i>M</i>=7.0) but shallow (2–4km) earthquake, was obtained. The correspondence with the case of the Caucasus validates the interpretation of the Kamchatkian anomalies as precursors
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