430 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Pedagogik dan Manajemen Pembelajaran terhadap Penjaminan Mutu pada Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai Lampung

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    Quality assurance of education is a concept in education quality management. In the application of this concept any school or educational institution is directed to ensure that the educational services provided meet or exceed the expectations of its customers, both internal and external customers. Internal customers are teachers and school employees, while the primary external customers are learners. The results of this study indicate that pedagogic competence at the University of Bumi Bumi Ruwa Jurai Lampung significant influence on quality assurance that is equal to 59.80%. This is influenced by the purpose of teaching and in making a good, fast, and timely teaching program plan, a high quality assurance is a driver of quality assurance

    Seleksi Galur Kentang Dari Progeni Hasil Persilangan

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    Selection of progenies and lines of potato. Selection was performed at Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute (IVEGRI), Lembang (1250 asl) in 2006. Seven F1 progenies resulted from previous crossing were grown with population ranging from 50 to 200 seedlings. From the tuber yield had been selected 183 accessions. Out of these selected accessions, 173 accessions were planted with population ranging from 5 to 30 tubers. There were 55 lines showed promising as selected based on tuber yield that more than 300 g/plant, shallow to medium depth of tuber eyes, medium to large tuber size and good taste. There were four lines showed good quality for potato chips

    Concept and challenges of delivering preventive and care services in prehospital emergency medical service: A qualitative study

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    Background and purpose: Prehospital emergency medical service (EMS) is an important part of the health care system. Today, the need for integrated emergency care services and delivering qualified preventive and care services felt more than before in accidents and emergencies. This survey aimed to investigate the views of emergency medical personnel on the concept and nature of preventive and care services and current challenges in delivering these services in prehospital EMS centers in Golestan province, Iran. Materials and methods: A qualitative study was done with 16 emergency medical personnel working in EMS sites in Golestan province using purposeful sampling. Data was collected by semistructured interview guide and framework analysis was implemented to analyze the data. Results: Two general themes were identified including 1) the concept of preventive and care services in the EMS and 2) the challenges in providing qualified services in the EMS sites in Golestan province. Also, five sub-themes and 12 subclasses were determined. Conclusion: To enhance and promote services, the EMS system of Golestan province need reforms in organizational structure, laws and administrative regulations, training programs, the system of monitoring and evaluation of personnel, also provision of equipment and manpower and provision of personnel amenities to improve the staff performance. Furthermore, it is necessary to boost emergency services at the community level through training people and enhancing collaboration and participation with other organizations. © 2015, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Karakterisasi Morfologi Klon Kentang di Dataran Medium

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    Kentang sebagai tanaman subtropis menghendaki suhu rendah untuk pertumbuhan, terutama saat pembentukan umbi yang memerlukan suhu optimum 18oC. Di daerah tropis, suhu tersebut ditemukan pada lokasi dengan ketinggian lebih dari 1.000 m dpl. Penanaman kentang di dataran medium memungkinkan terjadinya Perubahan karakter morfologis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui karakteristik morfologi tanaman kentang yang dibudidayakan di dataran medium. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Majalengka (600 m dpl), dari bulan April sampai Juli 2009. Perlakuan adalah 11 klon kentang dengan dua varietas pembanding Granola dan MB 17, ditanam di lapang dalam rancangan acak kelompok, tiga ulangan. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa tinggi tanaman berbeda nyata antarklon, sedangkan ketebalan batang utama dan ukuran daun tidak berbeda nyata. Berbagai karakteristik morfologi tanaman kentang di dataran medium yang meliputi struktur kanopi daun, kebiasaan tumbuh, pewarnaan antosianin batang, susunan daun, keberadaan daun sekunder, frekuensi bunga, dan warna mahkota bunga sangat beragam, bergantung pada genotipe. Intensitas warna hijau pada daun memperlihatkan keseragaman antar genotipe

    Perancangan Spring Buffer Elevator Kapasitas 2 Ton dengan Ketinggian Lima Lantai

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    Elevator merupakan suatu sistem pengangkat yang digunakan untuk mengangkat penumpang secara vertical, yang dilengkapi dengan kereta dan digerrakkan dengan motor, dan diangkat oleh perlengkapan pengangkat yang bergerak didalam ruang luncur (hoist way) serta dapat dikendalikan sesuai dengan kehendak pemakai. Dan untuk sistem pengaman digunakanlah (spring buffer) yang diletakan pada bagian dasar ruang luncur (hoist way) yang berguna untuk meyangga atau meredam car elevator bila terjadi kegagalan pada system elevator.Elevator ini merupakan hasil perpaduan kerja antara mechanical dengan electrical, sehingga bentuknya dirancang praktis dan system pengontrolanya otomatis. Pada elevator yang digunakan untuk mengangkut penumpang, kekuatan harus dirancang sekuat mungkin agar penumpang merasa aman dan nyaman. Yamg perlu ditekankan dalam perancangan elevator ini adalah system pengamanan ketika elevator jatuh kelantai paling dasar dari ketinggian yaitu perancangan balok penyangga.Pada kesempatan ini penulis melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan diantaranya jarak jatuh bebas, kecepatan saat jatuh bebas, besar gaya tekan setelah jatuh bebas, dimensi pegas, dimensi slinder piston, silinder shock absorber, flens penahan pegas, massa jenis fluida, saluran lubang kontrol oli, menentukan diameter saluran lubang pemasukan oli, menentukan diameter saluran lubang pembuangan oli, menghitung diameter baut pelat dasar, dan spesifikasi dari spring buffer, dengan kapasitas penumpang maksimum 26 orang atau 2000 kg. Selanjutnya penulis melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap kekuatan dan keamanan spring buffer elevator, agar hasil rancangan yang dirancang layak untuk digunakan dan aman untuk mengangkat penumpang sehingga menjadi efektif dan efisien

    Perbaikan Metode Kerja Dan Perancangan Fasilitas Kerja Untuk Mengurangi Resiko Musculoskeletal Disorders (Msds) (Studi Kasus : CV. Graffity Labelindo)

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    All of the production activity  in a company cannot be separated with the material handling activity. There are a lot of companies that still use the traditional work system in the material handling activity, namely manual material handling systems. CV. Graffity Labelindo is one of company which conducts material handling mostly using human power, especially the material handling activities done by the lamination machine operators. This activities lifting materials about 6-15 kg from the bottom (floor) into the top, makes workers have to bent  to lift the materials, and then carry the materials by hand while moving about 20-24 meters.. Based on the results of questionnaires Nordic Body Map the biggest complaint that perceived lamination machine operator found on the neck, arms, thighs, waist, and back. The methods used in this research is OWAS  (Ovako Working  Analysis System). According to the data processing, the result shows that almost all the material handling activity done by the lamination machine is included in the risk category 3 (three) which is positions with harmful effects on the musculoskeletal system (high risk) an require the corrective action. The corrective action done to reduce or prevent risks of musculoskeletal disorders on the operator lamination machine is designing work facilities and improvements to the working methods. The results of the improvements can lower risk category operators lamination machine into risk category 1 (one) as to its normal position without any effects that can interfere with the musculoskeletal system (low risk)

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Ampibi (Ordo Anura) dalam Kawasan Hutan Lindung Gunung Ambawang Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    The research aimed to know is for determine diversity of amphibians species as data in the amphibians conservation developments in the Gunung Ambawang Protected Forest Areas, Kubu District, Kubu Raya Regency. The method used in this research is a Visual Encounter Survey (VES) or Visual Encounter Survey combined with Transect System. The numbers of species found 11 species from 4 familys, with a total of 77 individuals consisted 3 individuals of Limnonectes malesianus, 4 individuals Rhacophorus pardalis, 18 individuals Limnonectes kuhlii, 4 individuals Hylarana baramica, 25 individuals Ansonia spinulifer, 4 individuals Fejevarya limnocharis, 1 individual Pseudobufo subasper, 6 individuals Hylarana chalconota, 4 individuals Hylarana erythraea, 3 individuals Bufo melanosticus and 5 individuals Hylarana nicobariensis. Highest diversity Index on aquatic habitats with the value = 0,8855, than for the transect level, highest diversity index on transect 1 with the value = 0,8846. Evenness index for each observation transect is not too different, the highest value on transect 4 (e = 0.6875), and the lowest on transect 6 (e = 0.5000). Similarity index between the aquatic habitat and terrestrial habitat by 84,21 % or more of most species are found in both habitats are almost same. Ansonia spinuliferis the greatest chance encounter with the value 0.6204 individuals per hour and the smallest chance encounter is Pseudobufo subasperwith the value 0.0278 individuals per hour with the total of chance encounter 1.9074 individuals per hour. Keywords: Amphibians, Anura, Gunung Ambawang, Diversit

    Pengaruh Biokultur Dan Pupuk Anorganik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Kentang Varietas Granola

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    . Nurtika, N., E. Sofiari, and G.A. Sopha. 2008. Effect of Bioculture and Anorganic Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Potato Granola Variety. Experiment was carried out at Margahayu Experimental Garden, Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute (IVEGRI), Lembang on Andisol soil type, 1,250 m asl from March until July 2006. The aim of this experiment was to observe the effect of combination of bioculture and anorganic fertilizer on the growth and yield of potato. The treatments consisted of 8 combinations of chemical fertilizer and bioculture. The chemical fertilizer dosage recommended by IVEGRI was 180 kg N/ha + 92 kg P2O5/ha + 150 kg K2O/ha. Dosages of bioculture i.e. normal 1,750 l/ha, upper 2,000 l/ha, and lower 1,500 l/ha. Dosages of anorganic fertilizers i.e. recommended dosage and half of recommended dosage of IVEGRI. The experiment was laid in a randomized block design with 8 treatments and 4 replications. The results indicated that the combination of bioculture 2,000 l/ha with 180 kg N/ha + 92 kg P2O5/ha + 150 kg K2O/ha (IVEGRI recommendation) gave the highest yield, i.e. 15.30 kg/10.5 m2 or equivalent to 14.57 t/ha and did not significantly different with the application of recommended fertilization by IVEGRI without bioculture with the yield of 13.06 kg/10.5 m2 or equal to 12.43 t/ha
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