42 research outputs found

    Sea wrack delivery and accumulation on islands: factors that mediate marine nutrient permeability

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    Sea wrack provides an important vector of marine-derived nutrients to many terrestrial environments. However, little is known about the processes that facilitate wrack transport, deposition, and accumulation on islands. Three broad factors can affect the stock of wrack along shorelines: the amount of potential donor habitat nearby, climatic events that dislodge seaweeds and transfer them ashore, and physical characteristics of shorelines that retain wrack at a site. To determine when, where, and how wrack accumulates on island shorelines, we surveyed 455 sites across 101 islands in coastal British Columbia, Canada. At each site, we recorded wrack biomass, species composition, and shoreline biogeographical characteristics. Additionally, over a period of 9 mo, we visited a smaller selection of sites (n = 3) every 2 mo to document temporal changes in wrack biomass and species composition. Dominant wrack species were Zostera marina, Fucus distichus, Macrocystis pyrifera, Nereocystis luetkeana, Pterygophora californica, and Phyllospadix spp. The amount of donor habitat positively affected the presence of accumulated biomass of sea wrack, whereas rocky substrates and shoreline slope negatively affected the presence of sea wrack biomass. Biomass was higher during winter months, and species diversity was higher during summer months. These results suggest that shorelines with specific characteristics have the capacity to accumulate wrack, thereby facilitating the transfer of marine-derived nutrients to the terrestrial environment

    Human practices promote presence and abundance of disease-transmitting mosquito species

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    Humans alter the environment at unprecedented rates through habitat destruction, nutrient pollution and the application of agrochemicals. This has recently been proposed to act as a potentially significant driver of pathogen-carrying mosquito species (disease vectors) that pose a health risk to humans and livestock. Here, we use a unique set of locations along a large geographical gradient to show that landscapes disturbed by a variety of anthropogenic stressors are consistently associated with vector-dominated mosquito communities for a wide range of human and livestock infections. This strongly suggests that human alterations to the environment promote the presence and abundance of disease vectors across large spatial extents. As such, it warrants further studies aimed at unravelling mechanisms underlying vector prevalence in mosquito communities, and opens up new opportunities for preventative action and predictive modelling of vector borne disease risks in relation to degradation of natural ecosystems

    Watching People Making Decisions: A Gogglebox on Online Consumer Interaction

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    This paper presents a research study, using eye tracking technology, to measure participant cognitive load when encountering micro-decision. It elaborates and improves on a pilot study that was used to test the experiment design. Prior research that led to a taxonomy of decision constructs faced in online transactional processes is discussed. The main findings relate to participants’ subjective cognitive load and task error rates

    Scale-dependent effects of marine subsidies on the island biogeographic patterns of plants

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    Although species richness can be determined by different mechanisms at different spatial scales, the role of scale in the effects of marine inputs on island biogeography has not been studied explicitly. Here, we evaluated the potential influence of island characteristics and marine inputs (seaweed wrack biomass and marine-derived nitrogen in the soil) on plant species richness at both a local (plot) and regional (island) scale on 92 islands in British Columbia, Canada. We found that the effects of subsidies on species richness depend strongly on spatial scale. Despite detecting no effects of marine subsidies at the island scale, we found that as plot level subsidies increased, species richness decreased; plots with more marine-derived nitrogen in the soil hosted fewer plant species. We found no effect of seaweed wrack at either scale. To identify potential mechanisms underlying the decrease in diversity, we fit a spatially explicit joint species distribution model to evaluate species level responses to marine subsidies and effects of biotic interactions among species. We found mixed evidence for competition for both light and nutrients, and cannot rule out an alternative mechanism; the observed decrease in species richness may be due to disturbances associated with animal-mediated nutrient deposits, particularly those from North American river otters (Lontra canadensis). By evaluating the scale-dependent effects of marine subsidies on island biogeographic patterns of plants and revealing likely mechanisms that act on community composition, we provide novel insights on the scale dependence of a fundamental ecological theory, and on the rarely examined links between marine and terrestrial ecosystems often bridged by animal vectors

    Biogeographic features mediate marine subsidies to island food webs

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    Although marine subsidies often enrich terrestrial ecosystems, their influence is known to be context-dependent. Additionally, the multitrophic impact of marine subsidies has not been traced through food webs across physically diverse islands. Here, we test predictions about how island characteristics can affect marine enrichment of food web constituents and how nutrients flow through island food webs. To evaluate enrichment and trace marine nutrients across food webs, we used stable isotopes of soil, flora, and fauna (n = 4752 samples) collected from 97 islands in British Columbia, Canada. Island area was the strongest predictor of enrichment across taxa; we found that samples were more 15N-rich on smaller islands. Enrichment declined with distance from shore but less so on small islands, implying a higher per-unit-area subsidy effect. These area and distance-to-shore effects were taxon-specific, and nearly twice as strong in basal food web groups. We also found that increases in δ15N correlated with increases in %N in basal trophic groups, as well as in songbirds, implying biologically relevant uptake of a potentially limiting nutrient. Path analysis demonstrated that subsidies in soil flow through plants and detritivores, and into upper-level consumers. Our results reveal an interplay between island biogeography and marine subsidies in shaping island food webs through bottom-up processes

    The Farm, the city, and the emergence of social security

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    We study the social, demographic and economic origins of social security. The data for the U.S. and for a cross section of countries suggest that urbanization and industrialization are associated with the rise of social insurance. We describe an OLG model in which demographics, technology, and social security are linked together in a political economy equilibrium. In the model economy, there are two locations (sectors), the farm (agricultural) and the city (industrial) and the decision to migrate from rural to urban locations is endogenous and linked to productivity differences between the two locations and survival probabilities. Farmers rely on land inheritance for their old age and do not support a pay-as-you-go social security system. With structural change, people migrate to the city, the land loses its importance and support for social security arises. We show that a calibrated version of this economy, where social security taxes are determined by majority voting, is consistent with the historical transformation in the United States

    Primary productivity of managed and pristine forests in Sweden

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    Land use is affecting 70% of global ecosystems and their functioning. Forest management is a regionally dominant land use and affects forest ecosystems by changing both structure and functioning, but its impact on primary productivity is not well known. Here we investigated the effect of forest management on primary productivity by comparing managed secondary forests with relatively pristine unmanaged primary forests in Sweden. As proxy for primary productivity we used the satellite-based vegetation index NIRv which has been shown to be closely and linearly related to primary productivity. We produced a digital map of 390 primary forests across Sweden, and extracted NIRv over these and surrounding secondary forests forming spatially proximate pairs. By comparing the primary and secondary forests NIRv in the pairs we found that secondary forests on average show higher NIRv, but the highest values were found in primary forests. The difference in NIRv between pairs is related to their difference in mean stand age, and at equal stand age the NIRv of primary forests is higher than in their paired secondary forests. Overall, management leads to increased NIRv through regeneration of forests stands that reduce their mean age. However, primary forests show higher NIRv when controlling for age, despite being found on higher altitudes and on steeper slopes with lower soil moisture, which suggests that forest management other than regeneration is not increasing primary productivity of Swedish forests

    Case Report: Optimization of Topographic Change Detection With UAV Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry Through Survey Co-Alignment

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    High-quality digital surface models (DSMs) generated from structure-from-motion (SfM) based on imagery captured from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are increasingly used for topographic change detection. Classically, DSMs were generated for each survey individually and then compared to quantify topographic change, but recently it was shown that co-aligning the images of multiple surveys may enhance the accuracy of topographic change detection. Here, we use nine surveys over the Illgraben debris-flow torrent in the Swiss Alps to compare the accuracy of three approaches for UAV-SfM topographic change detection: 1) the classical approach where each survey is processed individually using ground control points (GCPs), 2) co-alignment of all surveys without GCPs, and 3) co-alignment of all surveys with GCPs. We demonstrate that compared to the classical approach co-alignment with GCPs leads to a minor and marginally significant increase in absolute accuracy. Moreover, compared to the classical approach co-alignment enhances the relative accuracy of topographic change detection by a factor 4 with GCPs and a factor 3 without GCPs, leading to xy and z offset

    Monitoring soil moisture dynamics using electrical resistivity tomography under homogeneous field conditions

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    There is a gap between lab experiments where resistivity–soil moisture relations are generally very good and field studies in complex environmental settings where relations are always less good and complicated by many factors. An experiment was designed where environmental settings are more controlled, the best outside laboratory, to assess the transferability from lab to outdoor. A field experiment was carried out to evaluate the use of electric resistivity tomography (ERT) for monitoring soil moisture dynamics over a period of 67 days. A homogeneous site in the central part of The Netherlands was selected consisting of grass pasture on an aeolian sand soil profile. ERT values were correlated to gravimetric soil moisture samples for five depths at three different dates. Correlations ranged from 0.43 to 0.73 and were best for a soil depth of 90 cm. Resistivity patterns over time (time-lapse ERT) were analyzed and related to rainfall events where rainfall infiltration patterns could be identified. Duplicate ERT measurements showed that the noise level of the instrument and measurements is low and generally below 3% for the soil profile below the mixed layer but above the groundwater. Although the majority of the measured resistivity patterns could be well explained, some artefacts and dynamics were more difficult to clarify, even so in this homogeneous field situation. The presence of an oak tree with its root structure and a ditch with surface water with higher conductivity may have an impact on the resistivity pattern in the soil profile and over time. We conclude that ERT allows for detailed spatial measurement of local soil moisture dynamics resulting from precipitation although field experiments do not yield accuracies similar to laboratory experiments. ERT approaches are suitable for detailed spatial analyses where probe or sample-based methods are limited in reach or repeatability