1,395 research outputs found

    Charged-particle multiplicity with ALICE at the LHC

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    The pseudorapidity density and multiplicity distributions of charged particles have been the first measurements carried out with the ALICE detector at the LHC. After an introduction on the experiment and some details on the subdetectors relevant for these measurements, results from minimum bias proton-proton collisions at 0.9, 2.36 and 7 TeV are presented. Comparisons with other measurements and model predictions are also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables; Il Nuovo Cimento (2011

    First Results with Heavy-Ion Collisions at LHC from ALICE

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    In November 2010 the ALICE experiment at CERN has collected the first Pb--Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV produced by the LHC. A first characterization of the hot and dense state of matter produced in this new energy domain became available shortly after the run. In this paper we present the results on charged-particle multiplicity, Bose-Einstein correlations, elliptic flow and their dependence on the collision centrality. Results from first measurements of strange and identified particle production and suppression of high-momentum hadrons with respect to pppp collisions are also reported.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, PANIC 2011 Conferenc

    New sources of cultural history of education: Italian trademark pictures as vehicles of colonial prejudices during the Fascist era

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    This paper uses an effective contextualisation of the images used in registered trademarks, to demonstrate how heuristic developments can go beyond the already-studied link be- tween material history and trademarks history (Hamilton 2009). It analyzes the meaning of a series of Italian trademark pictures with regards to the cultural environment which produced them and on which they impacted. It argued that those images played a role as indirect education factor as far as they strengthened stereotypes already promoted by in- stitutional racism.This contributes to a better understanding of the Italian colonial prejudices in the 20th century (Gabrielli 2013; Labanca 2000; Triulzi 1999; Castelli 1998)

    La formazione dei docenti di ginnastica nell’Ottocento: nascita di una professione in Italia

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    The article analyses some early gymnastics teachers’ lives in order to improve the understanding of their process of professionalization. The research focuses on the first generation of Italian gymnastics teachers (1861-1878) and sheds light on the development of teaching qualifications adopted in Latin Europe (Italy, France, Spain, Portugal). Teachers’ careers are investigated using archival sources taken from the series «Ufficio del Personale (1860-1880)» in the Central State Archive

    Paolo Alfieri, Le origini della ginnastica nella scuola elementare italiana. Normativa e didattica di una nuova disciplina, Lecce-Rovato, Pensa multimedia, 2017, pp. 184

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    Il volume di Alfieri si pone, al contrario, l’obiettivo di ricostruire per la scuola primaria italiana ottocentesca un modello di teoria ginnastica scolastica espressione di una volontà politica di riforma, a suo parere scarsamente innervata di spirito etico-militaristico. L’autore circoscrive dunque la sua analisi alle numerose fonti letterarie e normative all’interno di una prospettiva diacronica molto precisa – dalla fine del Settecento al penultimo decennio dell’Ottocento – e in relazione a un ambito scolastico rappresentato dal grado d’istruzione primario italiano

    Teachers and gyms at the beginnings of gymnastics in Southern Italian schools. The 1864 survey

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    This paper presents an analysis of gyms and gymnastics teachers in Southern Italy in the 1860s based on the survey conducted by the Ministry of education in 1864. On the background of national and international literature, the research aims to explore the gyms' material conditions and the forms of teachers' education and training. It argues that both poor equipment and low-level training affected the teaching practices of the first generation of gymnastics teachers. The paper contributes to a better understanding of regional and local features of the process of nation-building after the Unification (D'Ascenzo 2013)

    Per la formazione degli insegnanti di ginnastica in Italia

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    L’articolo ricostruisce le premesse normative ed educative che permisero nella seconda metà dell’Ottocento l’apertura di Scuole Magistrali e di Corsi autunnali di ginnastica per abilitare all’insegnamento di questa disciplina i docenti italiani. L’obiettivo dell’articolo sarà quello di conoscere le metodologie d’insegnamento praticate in tali istituzioni abilitanti, allo scopo di comprendere quale figura di docente sia stata licenziata da tali istituti. I risultati di questa ricerca saranno paragonati a quelli relativi alla formazione dei docenti di ginnastica in altri Stati europei allo scopo di contribuire alla conoscenza dei caratteri comuni che contraddistinsero tale processo nella seconda metà dell’Ottocento, quando l’insegnamento di questa disciplina divenne obbligatorio in Europa.This paper analyses the laws, rules and education principles which regulated and ensured the establishment of courses to qualify as a gymnastics teacher in Italy in the second half of the 19th century. The aim of the research is to point out teaching and learning approaches applied in teachers’ schools (so-called Scuole Magistrali) and special qualifying courses (i.e. Corsi autunnali), in order to provide a better understanding of teacher professionalism. Findings regarding Italian teacher training are compared with those collected in other European states in order to highlight the extent to which teacher education programs developed according to similar paths when gymnastics became a compulsory subject in European schools

    Analisi della distribuzione dei diversi insegnamenti del Settore scientifico-disciplinare M-Ped/02 sul territorio nazionale: analogie e diversitĂ 

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    Il seguente contributo intende procedere all’analisi statistica degli insegnamenti del Settore scientifico-disciplinare M-Ped/02 censiti nelle Università italiane durante l’anno accademico 2017/2018. Al termine di una premessa che approfondisce le metodologie di ricerca adoperate allo scopo di elaborare i dati raccolti al termine del censimento, il contributo presenta una serie di grafici statistici che evidenziano la collocazione geografica (locale, regionale e macro-regionale), la durata temporale e la distribuzione degli insegnamenti afferenti al settore scientifico-disciplinare M-Ped/02 all’interno dei singoli corsi di laurea, e, infine, le tipologie e il numero dei docenti incaricati di tali insegnamenti
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