11 research outputs found

    Pogodnost sojinih supstrata za mliječno kiselu fermentaciju uz dodatak bakterije Lactobacillus plantarum

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    In this work, growth dynamics of Fresco DVS 1010 culture and human derived isolate Lactobacillus plantarum in milk- water- or lactose-free milk-based soya substrates with sucrose or flavouring compounds (chocolate or caramel) were evaluated. Static anaerobic fermentation was carried out for 8 hours at 37 Ā± 0.5Ā°C (5% CO2), afterward with storage period for 3 weeks at 6 Ā± 0.5Ā°C. Although milk is a typical growth medium for lactic acid bacteria, presumable viable counts of Fresco culture reached levels 109 CFU mL-1 after 8 h. Potentially probiotic isolate L. plantarum added after the fermentation process maintained its viability during cold storage above the limit 106 CFU mL-1. Furthermore, the effect of temperature (8-40Ā°C) on the growth dynamics of L. plantarum in a model environment of UHT lactose-free milk (1.5% fat) was investigated. Final densities of studied isolate reached counts 107 CFU mL-1 in stationary phase at all studied temperatures (except for marginal 8Ā°C). During the growth and multiplication of L. plantarum, as a result of metabolic activity, the decrease of pH from initial values about 0.17-1.16 units was recorded. Experimentally, it was found that optimal temperature was close to 34Ā°C, where the fastest growth rate in an exponential phase was recorded (Gr = 0.1684 log CFU mL-1 h-1, td = 1.8 h).U ovom radu ocijenjena je dinamika rasta Fresco DVS 1010 kulture i humanog izolata Lactobacillus plantarum u sojinim supstratima na bazi mlijeka, vode ili bezlaktoznog mlijeka s dodatkom saharoze ili okusa (čokolada ili karamela). Statička anaerobna fermentacija provedena je tijekom 8 sati na 37 Ā± 0,5Ā°C (5% CO2), nakon čega su proizvodi uskladiÅ”teni na 3 tjedna pri 6 Ā± 0,5Ā°C. Iako je mlijeko tipičan medij za rast bakterija mliječne kiseline, nakon 8 h broj Fresco culture dosegao je brojku od 109 CFU mL-1. Broj potencijalno probiotičkog izolata bakterije L. plantarum dodanog nakon fermentacije ostao je iznad granice od 106 CFU mL-1 tijekom hladnog skladiÅ”tenja. Nadalje, istražen je učinak temperature (8-40Ā°C) na dinamiku rasta bakterija L. plantarum u modelu okoliÅ”a UHT bezlaktoznog mlijeka (1,5% masti). Konačna gustoća promatranog izolata dosegla je brojke 107 CFU mL-1 u stacionarnoj fazi pri svim promatranim temperaturama (osim marginalne 8Ā°C). Tijekom rasta i razmnožavanja bakterija L. plantarum zabilježen je pad pH od početnih vrijednosti oko 0,17-1,16 jedinica kao rezultat metaboličke aktivnosti. Eksperimentalno je utvrđeno kako je optimalna temperatura za rast blizu 34Ā°C, gdje je zabilježena najbrža stopa rasta u eksponencijalnoj fazi (Gr = 0,1684 log CFU mL-1 h-1, td = 1,8 h)


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    One-quarter of fish consumed in Europe comes from aquaculture and research has shown that consumers have a greater preference for wild fishes in comparison with farmed ones. As with other food choices, consumer decisions regarding farmed fish are a complex process involving multiple factors. The main objective of this study is to develop and validate a questionnaire that will measure consumer intentions in the consumption of farmed fish using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) as a theoretical framework. Based on the TPB model, the study also investigates the relationships between attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and intention to consume farmed fish. Data collection was performed through an online survey and a total of 118 valid questionnaires were analysed. Based on tests performed, results indicate that the tested scale for measuring TPB constructs is valid and reliable. Alpha coefficients for intention, attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control were 0.898, 0.857, 0.748 and 0.953, respectively. Variables in the model explain 40% of the variation in farmed fish consumption intentions. Regression analysis confirmed that attitudes and subjective norms significantly influence intention to consume farmed fish, with the subjective norms being the strongest predictor, while perceived behavioural control does not have a significant impact on behavioural intention.Jedna četvrtina ribe konzumirane u Europi potječe iz uzgoja (akvakulture). Istraživanja su međutim pokazala da potroÅ”ači ipak preferiraju ribu iz ulova u usporedbi sa ribom iz uzgoja. Kao i kod odabira ostalih vrsta hrane, potroÅ”ačke odluke vezane uz ribu iz uzgoja složen su proces koji uključuje viÅ”e čimbenika. Glavni cilj ovog rada je razviti i validirati upitnik koji će mjeriti namjere potroÅ”ača da konzumiraju ribu iz uzgoja u okviru teorije planiranog ponaÅ”anja (TPP). Također, na temelju TPP modela istražen je odnos između stavova, subjektivnih normi, percipirane kontrole ponaÅ”anja i namjere konzumacije ribe iz uzgoja. Podaci su prikupljeni putem online ankete te je ukupno analizirano 118 valjanih upitnika. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju valjanost i pouzdanost testiranih ljestvica za mjerenje konstrukata u okviru TPP. Alfa koeficijenti za namjere, stavove, subjektivne norme i percipiranu kontrolu ponaÅ”anja iznosili su 0,898, 0,857, 0,748 te 0,953. Varijable u modelu objaÅ”njavaju 40% varijacija u namjerama konzumacije ribe iz uzgoja. Regresijska analiza potvrdila je da stavovi i subjektivne norme statistički značajno utječu na namjeru konzumacije ribe iz uzgoja, pri čemu su subjektivne norme najsnažniji prediktor, dok percipirana kontrola ponaÅ”anja nema statistički značajan utjecaj na namjeru ponaÅ”anja

    Sustainable aquaculture from studentsā€™ perspectives

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    Due to its nutritional value and health benefits, regular consumption of fish should be encouraged at all stages of life. Considering the fact that the majority of the worldā€™s marine fish stocks are being exploited, aquaculture is the only way to ensure an adequate supply. Aquaculture production should be sustainable and it should integrate environmental, social, and economic dimensions. Students, as a valuable segment of consumers, are future decision-makers in society and can contribute to sustainable development as agents of change. In this study, 224 students from the University of Rijeka (68 males and 156 females) with an average age of 21.5Ā±1.4 years were included. The aim of this study was to obtain information about the most important aspects of sustainable aquaculture from their point of view. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the sample characteristics, while statistical significance difference between males and females was computed using an independent t-test and Pearsonā€™s chi-square test. The obtained results confirmed that the most important features of sustainable aquaculture were: minimal use of hormones and drugs, no environmental pollution, and production close to nature. Female participants consider more important protection of endangered species (p=0.04) and respect for fish welfare (p=0.01), while male participants are much more aware of supporting rural areas (p=0.04) and low technical level in production (p=0.04). Quality also emerged as an important component in an open-ended question, together with environmental factors. Furthermore, there is an opportunity to enhance studentsā€™ interest in eco-labels, since it did not receive very high importance among this student group (3.60 Ā± 1.20 and 3.82 Ā± 0.90). In the future, nutrition education provided by institutions could be an important tool in preparing future generations for sustainable society

    Factors affecting consumersĀ“ preferences for products from aquaculture

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    Fish is an essential component of a balanced and healthy diet and the present demand for fish cannot be sustained by capture fisheries. Consequently, aquaculture is currently the fastest growing food production industry in the world, contributing to more than half of the global fish production intended for human consumption. Although the image of aquaculture is not necessarily negative per se, consumers around the world still have a greater preference for wild fish. Therefore, the aim of this review is to critically evaluate some of the factors which may affect consumer preferences: socio-demographic characteristics of consumers, quality and safety perception of products from aquaculture, price of aquaculture products and socio-economic aspects of aquaculture, and concerns about the negative impact of aquaculture on the environment and about the sustainability of the production method. A literature review confirmed that age is the most influential sociodemographic variable. Being younger, female or having higher income and a higher education level can result in greater preference for aquaculture products. The image of farmed fish suffers from a perception of lower quality in terms of taste, health and nutritional value and, in some cases, even from low safety perceptions. On the other hand, farmed fish is believed to have lower prices and greater availability. Additionally, economic benefits are one of the main advantages of aquaculture. Mixed results emerge, however, with regard to the environmental impact of aquaculture, but sustainable production may compensate for possible environmental concerns and drive preference for farmed fish. Depending on how consumers weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of both aquaculture and its products, this will result in a preference for wild or farmed fish

    Nutritional support of patients with malignant tumors of colon

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    Rak debelog crijeva jedan je od vodećih zdravstvenih problema u svijetu. U radu se želi naglasiti važnost ranog prepoznavanja i liječenja tumorske kaheksije kod bolesnika oboljelih od zloćudnih tumora debelog crijeva. Kaheksija nastaje zbog neadekvatnog unosa energije, povećane potroÅ”nje energije, promijenjenog metabolizma i abnormalnosti izazvanih lučenjem proinflamatornih citokina. Nutritivna potpora je nužna kako bi smanjila posljedice odbijanja hrane te kako bi poboljÅ”ala antitumorsku terapiju i kvalitetu života. Preferira se upotreba enteralne prehrane u odnosu na parenteralnu. Postoperativna enteralna prehrana može značajno skratiti boravak u bolnici te ima tendenciju smanjenja postoperativnih komplikacija. Parenteralna prehrana se primjenjuje kod ozbiljno pothranjenih bolesnika kod kojih se enteralna prehrana ne može adekvatno davati oralno ili enteralno. Primjena megestrol-acetata i enteralne prehrane s poviÅ”enim unosom EPA-e u trajanju od najmanje 8 tjedana poželjna je terapijska kombinacija.Colorectal cancer is one of the leading health problems in the world. In this thesis the emphasis is on the importance of early recognition and treatment of cancer cachexia in patients with malignant tumors of the colon. Cachexia occurs due to inadequate energy intake, increased energy expenditure, altered metabolism, and abnormalities induced secretion of proinflammatory cytokines. Nutritional support is essential in order to minimize the consequences of food refusal and to enhance the anti-tumor therapy and quality of life. Enteral nutrition is preferable rather then parenteral. Postoperative enteral nutrition can significantly shorten hospital stays and tends to decrease postoperative complications. Parenteral nutrition is indicated in severely malnourished patients in whom enteral nutrition can not be adequately administered orally or enterally. Use of megestrol acetate and enteral nutrition with high intake of EPA of at least 8 weeks is a preferable therapy

    Nutritional support of patients with malignant tumors of colon

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    Rak debelog crijeva jedan je od vodećih zdravstvenih problema u svijetu. U radu se želi naglasiti važnost ranog prepoznavanja i liječenja tumorske kaheksije kod bolesnika oboljelih od zloćudnih tumora debelog crijeva. Kaheksija nastaje zbog neadekvatnog unosa energije, povećane potroÅ”nje energije, promijenjenog metabolizma i abnormalnosti izazvanih lučenjem proinflamatornih citokina. Nutritivna potpora je nužna kako bi smanjila posljedice odbijanja hrane te kako bi poboljÅ”ala antitumorsku terapiju i kvalitetu života. Preferira se upotreba enteralne prehrane u odnosu na parenteralnu. Postoperativna enteralna prehrana može značajno skratiti boravak u bolnici te ima tendenciju smanjenja postoperativnih komplikacija. Parenteralna prehrana se primjenjuje kod ozbiljno pothranjenih bolesnika kod kojih se enteralna prehrana ne može adekvatno davati oralno ili enteralno. Primjena megestrol-acetata i enteralne prehrane s poviÅ”enim unosom EPA-e u trajanju od najmanje 8 tjedana poželjna je terapijska kombinacija.Colorectal cancer is one of the leading health problems in the world. In this thesis the emphasis is on the importance of early recognition and treatment of cancer cachexia in patients with malignant tumors of the colon. Cachexia occurs due to inadequate energy intake, increased energy expenditure, altered metabolism, and abnormalities induced secretion of proinflammatory cytokines. Nutritional support is essential in order to minimize the consequences of food refusal and to enhance the anti-tumor therapy and quality of life. Enteral nutrition is preferable rather then parenteral. Postoperative enteral nutrition can significantly shorten hospital stays and tends to decrease postoperative complications. Parenteral nutrition is indicated in severely malnourished patients in whom enteral nutrition can not be adequately administered orally or enterally. Use of megestrol acetate and enteral nutrition with high intake of EPA of at least 8 weeks is a preferable therapy

    Pogodnost sojinih supstrata za mliječno kiselu fermentaciju uz dodatak bakterije Lactobacillus plantarum

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    In this work, growth dynamics of Fresco DVS 1010 culture and human derived isolate Lactobacillus plantarum in milk- water- or lactose-free milk-based soya substrates with sucrose or flavouring compounds (chocolate or caramel) were evaluated. Static anaerobic fermentation was carried out for 8 hours at 37 Ā± 0.5Ā°C (5% CO2), afterward with storage period for 3 weeks at 6 Ā± 0.5Ā°C. Although milk is a typical growth medium for lactic acid bacteria, presumable viable counts of Fresco culture reached levels 109 CFU mL-1 after 8 h. Potentially probiotic isolate L. plantarum added after the fermentation process maintained its viability during cold storage above the limit 106 CFU mL-1. Furthermore, the effect of temperature (8-40Ā°C) on the growth dynamics of L. plantarum in a model environment of UHT lactose-free milk (1.5% fat) was investigated. Final densities of studied isolate reached counts 107 CFU mL-1 in stationary phase at all studied temperatures (except for marginal 8Ā°C). During the growth and multiplication of L. plantarum, as a result of metabolic activity, the decrease of pH from initial values about 0.17-1.16 units was recorded. Experimentally, it was found that optimal temperature was close to 34Ā°C, where the fastest growth rate in an exponential phase was recorded (Gr = 0.1684 log CFU mL-1 h-1, td = 1.8 h).U ovom radu ocijenjena je dinamika rasta Fresco DVS 1010 kulture i humanog izolata Lactobacillus plantarum u sojinim supstratima na bazi mlijeka, vode ili bezlaktoznog mlijeka s dodatkom saharoze ili okusa (čokolada ili karamela). Statička anaerobna fermentacija provedena je tijekom 8 sati na 37 Ā± 0,5Ā°C (5% CO2), nakon čega su proizvodi uskladiÅ”teni na 3 tjedna pri 6 Ā± 0,5Ā°C. Iako je mlijeko tipičan medij za rast bakterija mliječne kiseline, nakon 8 h broj Fresco culture dosegao je brojku od 109 CFU mL-1. Broj potencijalno probiotičkog izolata bakterije L. plantarum dodanog nakon fermentacije ostao je iznad granice od 106 CFU mL-1 tijekom hladnog skladiÅ”tenja. Nadalje, istražen je učinak temperature (8-40Ā°C) na dinamiku rasta bakterija L. plantarum u modelu okoliÅ”a UHT bezlaktoznog mlijeka (1,5% masti). Konačna gustoća promatranog izolata dosegla je brojke 107 CFU mL-1 u stacionarnoj fazi pri svim promatranim temperaturama (osim marginalne 8Ā°C). Tijekom rasta i razmnožavanja bakterija L. plantarum zabilježen je pad pH od početnih vrijednosti oko 0,17-1,16 jedinica kao rezultat metaboličke aktivnosti. Eksperimentalno je utvrđeno kako je optimalna temperatura za rast blizu 34Ā°C, gdje je zabilježena najbrža stopa rasta u eksponencijalnoj fazi (Gr = 0,1684 log CFU mL-1 h-1, td = 1,8 h)

    Profiling of Croatian Consumers Based on Their Intention to Consume Farmed Fish

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    Today’s increased demand and consumption of fish would be impossible to ensure without aquaculture. Farmed fish, however, is often considered inferior among consumers in comparison to its wild counterparts. The aim of this study was to profile Croatian fishery consumers based on their intention to consume farmed fish. The participants in this study were a nationally representative sample of people responsible for food purchasing within the household (n = 977), whose responses were collected by the CAWI (computer-aided web interviewing) method. Four clusters were identified and described: farmed fish enthusiasts (21.1%), farmed fish supporters (17.4%), indifferents (44.7%), and farmed fish sceptics (16.8%). Results showed that consumer segments differed significantly with respect to age, income, employment status, living region, and physical activity. Furthermore, intention to consume farmed fish is related to fish consumption in general (those with higher intention are more frequent fish consumers). Interestingly, prejudices against farmed fish are present in all clusters; however, these prejudices are more pronounced among those with the weakest intention to consume farmed fish. Differences between clusters were observed also in respect to product information and preferences, knowledge about fish, places of usual purchase, and source of information about fishery products. The obtained results could be used in designing marketing strategies to promote farmed fish consumption

    Fish Consumption: Influence of Knowledge, Product Information, and Satisfaction with Product Attributes

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    Due to its numerous health benefits, fish consumption should be strongly encouraged. Fish consumption, however, is a complex phenomenon influenced by various factors. The aim of this research is to examine the influence of knowledge, product information, and satisfaction with product attributes on fish consumption in a nationally representative sample of people responsible for food purchasing within households in Croatia (n = 977) and Italy (n = 967). Fish consumption was well predicted (R2 = 15%) by the proposed structural model, using the partial least squares structural equation modelling method (PLS-SEM). The obtained results confirm that subjective knowledge (β = 0.277, p < 0.001) and satisfaction with product attributes (β = 0.197, p < 0.001) are predictors of fish consumption. Subjective knowledge was influenced by product information (β = 0.161, p < 0.001), as well as by satisfaction with product attributes (β = 0.282, p < 0.001), while objective knowledge had an influence on product information (β = 0.194, p < 0.001). Although satisfaction with product attributes was the strongest predictor of subjective knowledge in both countries (βCRO = 0.244, βIT = 0.398), it had a greater effect among Italians (p = 0.001), while the impact of product information (βCRO = 0.210, βIT = 0.086) was more pronounced among Croatians (p = 0.010). Since the mediating role of subjective knowledge in all models was confirmed, action focused on enhancing subjective knowledge should be taken to increase fish consumption

    With Food to Health : proceedings of the13th International Scientific and Professional Conference

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    Zbornik sadrži 5 preglednih radova, 6 izvornih znanstvenih radova i 3 stručna rada predstavljena na 13. međunarodnom znanstveno-stručnom skupu HRANOM DO ZDRAVLJA, organiziranog u sljedećim sekcijama: Prehrana, Funkcionalna hrana i dodaci prehrani, Sigurnost hrane i Analiza hrane.Proceedings contains 5 review papers, 6 original scientific papers, and 3 professional papers presented at 13th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH, organised in following sections: Nutrition, Functional Food and Dietary Supplements, Food Safety and Food Analysis