2 research outputs found

    Performance and Ethics: Levers of Scientific Research Reform in Morocco

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    This contribution deals with Performance-Based Management related to the reform of Morocco's Education, Training, and Scientific Research system, focusing on the Scientific Research component. In fact, Public finance has become a major instrument of public policy, and a vital means for public authorities to direct and develop economic and social life, so for good public financial governance, the management of public finances must obey ethical rules based on principles of integrity, transparency, accountability and equity. Furthermore, the administrative reform undertaken around the modernization of public management and the search for links between performance and ethics has become a central concern of managers and theorists. The objective is therefore to present a theoretical overview of the concepts of performance and ethics and the relationship between them in the context of public management, then focus on the monitoring of the performance of scientific research and present the main strategic visions of the sector and the integration of ethics by the new model of development

    Rôle de l’audit externe dans l’amélioration de la performance organisationnelle du secteur public au Maroc : Approche théorique

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    This article discusses the role of external audit in improving the organisational performance of the Moroccan public sector, in a context characterised by the transition from means-based management to results-based management, as part of a new approach to public management. In Morocco, the new constitutional reform of 2011 reinforced the major role of external audit in the public sector through the promulgation of legal and regulatory texts aimed at improving the transparency and performance of the Moroccan public sector, namely the organic law relating to the finance law n° 130-13. These were drawn up to guarantee better management of public affairs and to ensure greater effectiveness and efficiency in the decisions taken by managers. This article addresses the relationship between external audit in the public sector and improved organisational performance by adopting a conceptual approach and drawing on a review of the existing literature. It is structured around the different dimensions of these concepts, focusing on agency theory, the new public management approach, and internal control mechanisms for reducing fraud and ensuring transparency in a context characterised by asymmetric information. This article also sheds light on the relationship between external audit and public finance and its contribution to the performance of public management by highlighting the role of the various competent bodies in Morocco, in particular the Inspectorate General of Finance (IGF) and the Court of Auditors. The theoretical contribution of this article provides new perspectives to ensure a better understanding of the role of external audit in improving organisational performance in the Moroccan public sector. Keywords: External audit, organizational performance, public organisms, public finances. JEL Classification: H83 Paper type: Theoretical Research Cet article traite le rĂ´le de l’audit externe dans l’amĂ©lioration de la performance organisationnelle du secteur public marocain, dans un contexte caractĂ©risĂ© par le passage d’une gestion axĂ©e sur les moyens Ă  une gestion axĂ©e sur les rĂ©sultats, et ce, dans le cadre d’une nouvelle approche de gestion publique. Au Maroc, la nouvelle rĂ©forme constitutionnelle de 2011 a renforcĂ© le rĂ´le majeur de l’audit externe dans le secteur public Ă  travers la promulgation des textes juridiques et rĂ©glementaires visant l’amĂ©lioration de la transparence et de la performance du secteur public marocain Ă  savoir la loi organique relative Ă  la loi de finances n° 130-13. Ces derniers ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©s, pour garantir une meilleure gestion de la chose publique et d’assurer par la suite une meilleure efficacitĂ© et efficience des dĂ©cisions prises par les gestionnaires. Le prĂ©sent article traite la relation entre l’audit externe dans le secteur public et l’amĂ©lioration de la performance organisationnelle en adoptant une approche conceptuelle et en s’appuyant sur une revue de la littĂ©rature existante. Il s’articule autour des diffĂ©rentes dimensions de ces concepts en mettant le point sur la thĂ©orie de l’agence, l’approche du nouveau management public, ainsi que les dispositifs du contrĂ´le interne pour la rĂ©duction de la fraude et l’assurance de la transparence dans un contexte caractĂ©risĂ© par une asymĂ©trie d’information. Cet article met en lumière Ă©galement la relation de l’audit externe et les finances publiques ainsi que son apport sur la performance de la gestion publique en mettant en exergue le rĂ´le des diffĂ©rents organismes compĂ©tents au Maroc, notamment l’Inspection GĂ©nĂ©rale des Finances (IGF) et la Cour des comptes. La contribution thĂ©orique de cet article permet de construire de nouvelles perspectives pour assurer une meilleure comprĂ©hension du rĂ´le de l’audit externe dans l’amĂ©lioration de la performance organisationnelle dans le secteur public marocain.             Mots clĂ©s : Audit externe, performance organisationnelle, gestion publique, finances publiques. Classification JEL : H83 Type de papier : recherche thĂ©oriqu