4,941 research outputs found

    Silicon implantation in GaAs

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    The electrical properties of room-temperature Si implants in GaAs have been studied. The implantations were done at 300 keV with doses ranging from 1.7×10^13 to 1.7×10^15 cm^–2. The implanted samples were annealed with silicon nitride encapsulants in H2 atmosphere for 30 min at temperatures ranging from 800 to 900°C to electrically activate the implanted ions. Results show that the implanted layers are n type, which implies that the Si ions preferentially go into Ga sites substitutionally. For low-dose implants, high (~90%) electrical activation of the implanted ions is achieved and the depth distribution of the free-electron concentration in the implanted layer roughly follows a Gaussian. However, for high-dose implants, the activation is poor (<15% for a 900 °C anneal) and the electron concentration profile is flat and deeper than the expected range

    The healing effects of art in pediatric healthcare: art preferences of healthy children and hospitalized children

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    Art is assumed to possess therapeutic benefits of healing for children, as part of patient-focused design in healthcare. Research on adult patients suggests that by infusing art into the healthcare setting, the design may reduce stress that could impede the healing process. Since the psychological and physiological well-being of children in healthcare settings is extremely important in contributing to the healing process, it is vitally important to identify what type of art supports stress reduction. Nature art was anticipated to be the most preferred and have stress-reducing effects on pediatric patients. The objective of this study was to investigate what type of art children prefer, and what type of art has potentially stress-reducing effects on pediatric patients. This study used a three-phase, multimethod approach: a focus group study, a randomized study, and a quasi-experimental study design. Findings from three phases were evaluated. The objective of Phase 1 was to discern what type of art school children prefer, Phase 2 focused on what type of art hospitalized children prefer and to compare these preferences identified in Phase 1. Phase 3 was a quasi-experimental study to determine if nature art has a potentially healing effect on pediatric patients when compared to abstract art or no art at all. The findings of this study demonstrate that nature art is the preferred type of art by children from age 5 to 17. But there were no significant differences among the three art intervention groups of pediatric patients. These findings led to design recommendations regarding what art should be placed in children'ÃÂÃÂs hospital rooms in order to create a stress-reducing, healing environment

    Assessment of cartographic design in post wildfire BAER mapping| A study of Fire Logistics Inc.

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    Effects of preservation method on canine (Canis lupus familiaris) fecal microbiota.

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    Studies involving gut microbiome analysis play an increasing role in the evaluation of health and disease in humans and animals alike. Fecal sampling methods for DNA preservation in laboratory, clinical, and field settings can greatly influence inferences of microbial composition and diversity, but are often inconsistent and under-investigated between studies. Many laboratories have utilized either temperature control or preservation buffers for optimization of DNA preservation, but few studies have evaluated the effects of combining both methods to preserve fecal microbiota. To determine the optimal method for fecal DNA preservation, we collected fecal samples from one canine donor and stored aliquots in RNAlater, 70% ethanol, 50:50 glycerol:PBS, or without buffer at 25&nbsp;°C, 4&nbsp;°C, and -80&nbsp;°C. Fecal DNA was extracted, quantified, and 16S rRNA gene analysis performed on Days 0, 7, 14, and 56 to evaluate changes in DNA concentration, purity, and bacterial diversity and composition over time. We detected overall effects on bacterial community of storage buffer (F-value = 6.87, DF&nbsp;=&nbsp;3, P&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.001), storage temperature (F-value=1.77, DF&nbsp;=&nbsp;3, P&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.037), and duration of sample storage (F-value = 3.68, DF&nbsp;=&nbsp;3, P&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.001). Changes in bacterial composition were observed in samples stored in -80&nbsp;°C without buffer, a commonly used method for fecal DNA storage, suggesting that simply freezing samples may be suboptimal for bacterial analysis. Fecal preservation with 70% ethanol and RNAlater closely resembled that of fresh samples, though RNAlater yielded significantly lower DNA concentrations (DF&nbsp;=&nbsp;8.57, P&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.001). Although bacterial composition varied with temperature and buffer storage, 70% ethanol was the best method for preserving bacterial DNA in canine feces, yielding the highest DNA concentration and minimal changes in bacterial diversity and composition. The differences observed between samples highlight the need to consider optimized post-collection methods in microbiome research

    Why Limits on Contributions to Super PACs Should Survive \u3ci\u3eCitizens United\u3c/i\u3e

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    Soon after the Supreme Court decided Citizens United v. FEC, the D.C. Circuit held all limits on contributions to super PACs unconstitutional. Its decision in SpeechNow.org v. FEC created a regime in which contributions to candidates are limited but in which contributions to less responsible groups urging votes for these candidates are unbounded. No legislator voted for this system of campaign financing, and the judgment that the Constitution requires it is astonishing. Forty-two years ago, Buckley v. Valeo held that Congress could limit contributions to candidates because these contributions are corrupting or create an appearance of corruption. According to the D.C. Circuit, however, Congress may not prohibit multi-million-dollar contributions to satellite campaigns because these contributions do not create even an appearance of corruption. The D.C. Circuit said that a single sentence of the Citizens United opinion compelled its result. It wrote, “In light of the Court’s holding as a matter of law that independent expenditures do not corrupt or create the appearance of corruption, contributions to groups that make only independent expenditures also cannot corrupt or create the appearance of corruption.” This Article contends that, contrary to the D.C. Circuit’s reasoning, contributions to super PACs can corrupt even when expenditures by these groups do not. Moreover, the statement that the D.C. Circuit took as its premise was dictum, and the Supreme Court did not mean this statement to be taken in the way the D.C. Circuit took it. The Supreme Court’s long-standing distinction between contribution limits and expenditure limits does not rest on the untenable proposition thatcandidates cannot be corrupted by funds paid to and spent on their behalf by others. Rather, Buckley noted five differences between contributions and expenditures. A review of these differences makes clear that contributions to super PACs cannot be distinguished from the contributions to candidates whose limitation the Court upheld. The ultimate question posed by Buckley is whether super PAC contributions create a sufficient appearance of corruption to justify their limitation. This Article reviews the statements of candidates of both parties in the 2016 presidential election, the views of Washington insiders, and public opinion polls. It shows that SpeechNow has sharpened class divisions and helped to tear America apart. The Justice Department did not seek Supreme Court review of the SpeechNow decision. In a statement that belongs on a historic list of wrong predictions, Attorney General Holder explained that the decision would “affect only a small subset of federally regulated contributions.” Although eight years have passed since SpeechNow, the Supreme Court has not decided whether the Constitution guarantees the right to give unlimited funds to super PACs. A final section of this Article describes the efforts of members of Congress and candidates for Congress to bring that question before the Court. The Federal Election Commission is opposing their efforts, offering arguments that, if accepted, would be likely to keep the Court from ever deciding the issue

    Draft Genome Sequence of Dietzia sp. Strain UCD-THP (Phylum Actinobacteria).

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    Here, we present the draft genome sequence of an actinobacterium, Dietzia sp. strain UCD-THP, isolated from a residential toilet handle. The assembly contains 3,915,613 bp. The genome sequences of only two other Dietzia species have been published, those of Dietzia alimentaria and Dietzia cinnamea

    Hairy Tongue

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    Hairy tongue (lingua villosa) is a commonly observed condition of defective desquamation of the filiform papillae that results from a variety of precipitating factors. [1] The condition is most frequently referred to as black hairy tongue (lingua villosa nigra); however, hairy tongue may also appear brown, white, green, pink, or any of a variety of hues depending on the specific etiology and secondary factors (eg, use of colored mouthwashes, breath mints, candies). [2, 3] See the images below

    Oral Examination

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    The oral cavity is the first component of the digestive tract, which is delimited by the lips anteriorly and the oropharynx posteriorly. The oral cavity functions as a protective barrier and is an essential component for speech and swallowing, mastication, digestion, and taste sensation. The oral examination comprises a uniform and consistent inspection of the head and neck and an intraoral evaluation of the hard and soft tissues (see the images below) in conjunction with a thorough medical and dental history. The entire mouth should be inspected regardless of the patient’s chief complaint and reasons for the visit. [1, 2] Good patient’s history and careful examination are important to establish the correct diagnosis and provide appropriate treatment. The physical examination begins with an extraoral examination to identify possible lesions (such as rash, erythema, and pigmentation), swelling or facial asymmetry. The head and neck should be palpated to identify any tenderness, masses and lymphadenopathy. All muscles of mastication and temporomandibular joint should be palpated for tenderness; patients should be asked to open and close the mouth multiple times to evaluate any limited opening, deviations or asymmetries. The cranial nerve examination should be performed to assess possible neurosensory and neuromuscular deficits. A good light source is fundamental for a good intraoral examination. Any intraoral lesion should be described with respect to size, extent, thickness, color, texture, consistency, and tenderness
