124 research outputs found

    Art exotique, 1930

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    La galerie du Théâtre Pigalle présente une exposition d’art africain et océanien. Il serait souhaitable que celle-ci incite à ne plus aborder le domaine gigantesque de cet art d’un point de vue purement esthétique, mais surtout archéologique. Il est temps d’opérer des distinctions dans cette sphère immense, du point de vue des styles et de l’histoire de l’art, et de réaliser des monographies particulières. Mais pour cela, certaines conditions doivent être réunies. Il faut d’abord une mytholog..

    Le Cavalier bleu, 1931

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    Fig. 1 Franz Marc et Vassily Kandinsky, Almanach pour Der Blaue Reiter, 1914. Collection Centre Pompidou, dist. RMN / Philippe Migeat. © ADAGP, Paris 2011. Aux alentours de 1911, Franz Marc (né en 1880, mort à la guerre en 1916), Vassily Kandinsky et Paul Klee formèrent une communauté, le « Cavalier bleu ». Le sens et les intentions de ce groupe furent présentés avec force en 1912 dans le recueil éponyme. Ce groupe, qui n’était pas une association, cette fois, mais une communauté spirituelle,..

    La colonne Durruti, 1936

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    Notre colonne a appris la mort de Durruti cette nuit. Peu de mots ont été prononcés. Pour les camarades de Durruti, sacrifier sa vie va de soi. L’un d’eux a dit doucement : « C’était le meilleur d’entre nous. » D’autres ont crié dans la nuit : « Nous le vengerons. » Le slogan du jour à venir était : Venganza, vengeance. Durruti, cet homme extraordinairement pragmatique, ne parlait jamais de lui, de sa personne. Il avait banni de la grammaire le « moi », ce mot préhistorique. Dans la colonne D..

    Sur l’art primitif, 1919

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    Si un art de l’immédiateté fait grandement défaut au monde européen, nous compensons cette lacune par pléthore d’exploiteurs artistiques, au nombre desquels il faut compter en premier lieu les peintres et les scribes de la paraphrase : artistes indirects, hommes de seconde main, rentiers de la tradition, en un mot, les intermédiaires européens. L’art européen est pris dans le processus de la différenciation capitaliste. L’époque des fictions formelles touche à sa fin. Avec le déclin de l’écon..

    Negerplastik (escultura negra)

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    Quase cem anos após sua aparição em plena Primeira Guerra, em 1915, Negerplastik, de Carl Einstein, será publicado em português, no Brasil. Editado num grande país cuja “brasilidade” se alimenta das duas correntes constitutivas da arte e do pensamento do século XX, a modernidade e o primitivismo, de que o crítico foi o vedor inconteste. Carl Einstein (1885-1940) foi verdadeiramente o descobridor da arte africana, o primeiro teórico ocidental a analisá-la no plano formal com um olhar livre de todo preconceito, de todo etnocentrismo, e a lhe conferir, através de seus escritos, um estatuto de arte de pleno direito. Audaciosa e inovadora, sua abordagem contribuiu para modificar profundamente a recepção ocidental das obras de arte africana, esclarecendo, simultaneamente, a problemática da gênese da arte moderna. Autor de vários textos fundamentais sobre “a arte negra”, de acordo com a terminologia da época, Carl Einstein foi igualmente um dos maiores teóricos da arte moderna, especialmente do cubismo. Liliane Meffr

    L’art des nomades d’Asie centrale, 1931

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    L’art des nomades, un style vécu en transit. Ici et là, on fait halte et on s’étonne, on voit chez des peuples étrangers des signes nouveaux dont les forces sont magiques : on est éclectique, on choisit dans bien des lieux les symboles de maintes croyances et on se fie à des démons étrangers quand ses propres démons anciens ne veulent pas apporter leur secours. Un art ornemental de voyageurs ; les formes s’attirent et circulent comme les caravanes ou les troupeaux. On vit avec les bêtes, ce s..

    La statuaire des mers du Sud, 1926

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    Les sculptures de la collection Flechtheim proviennent des anciennes colonies allemandes de l’archipel Bismarck – à savoir la Nouvelle-Guinée allemande, la Nouvelle-Poméranie (Nouvelle-Bretagne), le Nouveau-Mecklembourg (Nouvelle-Irlande) et le Nouveau-Hanovre. Ces œuvres d’art sont nées dans le cadre d’une culture de la pierre. On fait usage de haches de pierre, de couteaux et de poignards d’os, d’obsidienne ou de coquille. On ne s’étonnera pas que, avec le choc terrible de la colonisation, ..

    Expert agreement confirms that negative changes in hand and foot radiographs are a surrogate for repair in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    The objective of the present study was to test the hypothesis that experts recognize repair of erosions and, if so, to determine which, if any, morphologic features permitted them to recognize the repair. We also tested whether scoring by a standard method detected repair. Seven experienced readers of radiographs in rheumatoid arthritis were presented with 64 sets of single joints-of-interest at two time points, randomized and blinded for the correct sequence. The readers assessed which joint was better, and recorded whether any of six specific features were seen. Two independent readers, experienced in scoring by the van der Heijde-modified Sharp method who were not on the expert panel, then scored the complete films that included the joint-of-interest. The panel agreed very well on which of two joints was better, and, even though they did not know the true sequence, the panel accurately assigned a sequence slightly better than chance alone (58%) but worse than their agreement on which image was 'better or worse' (78%). The readers therefore indirectly assigned repair by choosing the second film as the best. Putative repair features were seen in cases of both repair and progression, and were not discriminatory. Similar results were obtained when the experts were presented with the entire hand or foot containing the joint-of-interest. In the third repair exercise, two independent readers who scored whole hands and feet using a standard method found a mean negative score in 22/60 joints-of-interest. All 22 joints were also scored as repair by the panel. Repair was detected reliably by a majority of the panel on viewing paired images based on a better/worse decision and assigning sequence in a set of images that were blinded for sequence by an independent project manager. In this test set of images, repair was manifested by a reduction in the size of erosion in many cases. Size was one feature that aided the experts to detect repair but cannot be the only one; the experts had to find other features to determine whether a smaller erosion was the first in a sequence of radiographs in a patient with progressive damage or was the second film in a patient exhibiting repair. The change in size of erosion was also picked up by independent readers applying the van der Heijde-modified Sharp scoring method and was reflected in their scores

    Photoemission Beyond the Sudden Approximation

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    The many-body theory of photoemission in solids is reviewed with emphasis on methods based on response theory. The classification of diagrams into loss and no-loss diagrams is discussed and related to Keldysh path-ordering book-keeping. Some new results on energy losses in valence-electron photoemission from free-electron-like metal surfaces are presented. A way to group diagrams is presented in which spectral intensities acquire a Golden-Rule-like form which guarantees positiveness. This way of regrouping should be useful also in other problems involving spectral intensities, such as the problem of improving the one-electron spectral function away from the quasiparticle peak.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Meta-Analysis of the Relation of Baseline Right Ventricular Function to Response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

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    Right ventricular (RV) dysfunction has been associated with adverse clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure (HF). Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) improves left ventricular (LV) size and function in patients with markedly abnormal electrocardiogram QRS duration. However, relation of baseline RV function with response to CRT has not been well described. In this study, we aim to investigate the relation of baseline RV function with response to CRT as assessed by change in LV ejection fraction (EF). A systematic search of studies published from 1966 to May 31, 2015 was conducted using PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane CENTRAL, and the Web of Science databases. Studies were included if they have reported (1) parameters of baseline RV function (tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion [TAPSE] or RVEF or RV basal strain or RV fractional area change [FAC]) and (2) LVEF before and after CRT. Random-effects metaregression was used to evaluate the effect of baseline RV function parameters and change in LVEF. Sixteen studies (n = 1,764) were selected for final analysis. Random-effects metaregression analysis showed no significant association between the magnitude of the difference in EF before and after CRT with baseline TAPSE (β = 0.005, p = 0.989); baseline RVEF (β = 0.270, p = 0.493); baseline RVFAC (β = -0.367, p = 0.06); baseline basal strain (β = -0.342, p = 0.462) after a mean follow-up period of 10.5 months. In conclusion, baseline RV function as assessed by TAPSE, FAC, basal strain, or RVEF does not determine response to CRT as assessed by change in LVEF
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