205 research outputs found

    IFMIF-LIPAc Beam Diagnostics. Profiling and Loss Monitoring Systems

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    IFMIF sera constitué de deux accélérateurs de deutons délivrant des faisceaux continus de 125mA et d énergie 40MeV qui bombarderont une cible de lithium liquide. Face à cette très haute puissance faisceau de 10 MW, de nouveaux défis doivent être relevés pour le développement de tels accélérateurs. C est pour cette raison qu a été prise la décision de construire un accélérateur prototype, LIPAc (Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator) ayant les mêmes caractéristiques faisceau qu IFMIF, mais avec une énergie limitée à 9MeV. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, des instruments de diagnostics faisceau ont été développés pour IFMIF et LIPAc. Ces diagnostics concernent des moniteurs de pertes faisceau ainsi que des profileurs transverse de faisceau travaillant en mode intercepteur ou non.Pour la surveillance des pertes faisceau, des chambres à ionisation et des détecteurs au diamant ont été testés et calibrés en neutrons et en g dans la gamme en énergie de LIPAc. Lors de ces expériences, pour la première fois des diamants ont été testés avec succès à des températures cryogéniques. Pour les profileurs interceptant le faisceau, des simulations thermiques ont été réalisées afin d assurer leur bon fonctionnement. Pour les profileurs n interceptant pas le faisceau, des moniteurs basés sur l ionisation du gaz résiduel (IPM) contenu dans le tube faisceau ont été développés. Un prototype a été construit et testé, puis s inspirant de ce retour d expérience les IPMs finals ont été conçus et construits. Pour contrecarrer la charge d espace générée par le faisceau, un algorithme a été élaboré afin de reconstruire le profil réel du faisceau.The IFMIF accelerator will accelerate two 125mA continuous wave (cw) deuteron beams up to 40MeV and blasts them onto a liquid lithium target to release neutrons. The very high beam power of 10MW pose unprecedented challenges for the accelerator development. Therefore, it was decided to build a prototype accelerator, the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc), which has the very same beam characteristic, but is limited to 9 MeV only. In the frame of this thesis, diagnostics devices for IFMIF and LIPAc have been developed. The diagnostics devices consist of beam loss monitors and interceptive as well as non-interceptive profile monitors. For the beam loss monitoring system, ionization chambers and diamond detectors have been tested and calibrated for neutron and g radiation in the energy range expected at LIPAc. During these tests, for the first time, diamond detectors were successfully operated at cryogenic temperatures. For the interceptive profilers, thermal simulations were performed to ensure safe operation. For the non-interceptive profiler, Ionization Profile Monitors (IPMs) were developed. A prototype has been built and tested, and based on the findings, the final IPMs were designed and built. To overcome the space charge of accelerator beam, a software algorithm was written to reconstruct the actual beam profile.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    CD95L Inhibition Impacts Gemcitabine-Mediated Effects and Non-Apoptotic Signaling of TNF-α and TRAIL in Pancreatic Tumor Cells

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    Despite the potential apoptotic functions, the CD95/CD95L system can stimulate survival as well as pro-inflammatory signaling, particularly through the activation of NFκB. This holds true for the TNF/TNFR and the TRAIL/TRAILR systems. Thus, signaling pathways of these three death ligands converge, yet the specific impact of the CD95/CD95L system in this crosstalk has not been well studied. In this study, we show that gemcitabine stimulates the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL6 and IL8, under the influence of the CD95/CD95L system and the pharmacological inhibitor, sCD95Fc, substantially reduced the expression in two PDAC cell lines, PancTuI-luc and A818-4. The stem cell phenotype was reduced when induced upon gemcitabine as well by sCD95Fc. Moreover, TNF-α as well as TRAIL up-regulate the expression of CD95 and CD95L in both cell lines. Conversely, we detected a significant inhibitory effect of sCD95Fc on the expression of both IL8 and IL6 induced upon TNF-α and TRAIL stimulation. In vivo, CD95L inhibition reduced xeno-transplanted recurrent PDAC growth. Thus, our findings indicate that inhibition of CD95 signaling altered the chemotherapeutic effects of gemcitabine, not only by suppressing the pro-inflammatory responses that arose from the CD95L-positive tumor cells but also from the TNF-α and TRAIL signaling in a bi-lateral crosstalk manner

    Impaired Expression of Neuregulin 1 and Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor β4 Subunit in Diverticular Disease

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    Neuregulin 1 (NRG1) regulates the expression of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and is suggested to promote the survival and maintenance of the enteric nervous system (ENS), since deficiency of its corresponding receptor complex ErbB2/ErbB3 leads to postnatal colonic aganglionosis. As diverticular disease (DD) is associated with intestinal hypoganglionosis, the NRG1-ErbB2/ErbB3 system and the nAChR were studied in patients with DD and controls. Samples of tunica muscularis of the sigmoid colon from patients with DD (n = 8) and controls (n = 11) were assessed for mRNA expression of NRG1, ErbB2, and ErbB3 and the nAChR subunits α3, α5, α7, β2, and β4. Site-specific gene expression levels of the NRG1-ErbB2/3 system were determined in myenteric ganglia harvested by laser microdissection (LMD). Localization studies were performed by immunohistochemistry for the NRG1-ErbB2/3 system and nAChR subunit β4. Rat enteric nerve cell cultures were stimulated with NRG1 or glial-cell line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) for 6 days and mRNA expression of the aforementioned nAchR was measured. NRG1, ErbB3, and nAChR subunit β4 expression was significantly down-regulated in both the tunica muscularis and myenteric ganglia of patients with DD compared to controls, whereas mRNA expression of ErbB3 and nAChR subunits β2, α3, α5, and α7 remained unaltered. NRG1, ErbB3, and nAChR subunit β4 immunoreactive signals were reduced in neuronal somata and the neuropil of myenteric ganglia from patients with DD compared to control. nAChR subunit β4 exhibited also weaker immunoreactive signals in the tunica muscularis of patients with DD. NRG1 treatment but not GDNF treatment of enteric nerve cell cultures significantly enhanced mRNA expression of nAchR β4. The down-regulation of NRG1 and ErbB3 in myenteric ganglia of patients with DD supports the hypothesis that intestinal hypoganglionosis observed in DD may be attributed to a lack of neurotrophic factors. Regulation of nAChR subunit β4 by NRG1 and decreased nAChR β4 in patients with DD provide evidence that a lack of NRG1 may affect the composition of enteric neurotransmitter receptor subunits thus contributing to the intestinal motility disorders previously reported in DD

    The Role of ICG in Robot-Assisted Liver Resections

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    Introduction: Robotic-assisted liver surgery (RALS) with its known limitations is gaining more importance. The fluorescent dye, indocyanine green (ICG), is a way to overcome some of these limitations. It accumulates in or around hepatic masses. The integrated near-infrared cameras help to visualize this accumulation. We aimed to compare the influence of ICG staining on the surgical and oncological outcomes in patients undergoing RALS. Material and Methods: Patients who underwent RALS between 2014 and 2021 at the Department of General Surgery at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel, were included. In 2019, ICG-supported RALS was introduced. Results: Fifty-four patients were included, with twenty-eight patients (50.9%) receiving preoperative ICG. Hepatocellular carcinoma (32.1%) was the main entity resected, followed by the metastasis of colorectal cancers (17%) and focal nodular hyperplasia (15.1%). ICG staining worked for different tumor entities, but diffuse staining was noted in patients with liver cirrhosis. However, ICG-supported RALS lasted shorter (142.7 ± 61.8 min vs. 246.4 ± 98.6 min, p < 0.001), tumors resected in the ICG cohort were significantly smaller (27.1 ± 25.0 mm vs. 47.6 ± 35.2 mm, p = 0.021) and more R0 resections were achieved by ICG-supported RALS (96.3% vs. 80.8%, p = 0.075). Conclusions: ICG-supported RALS achieve surgically and oncologically safe results, while overcoming the limitations of RALS

    Detection of Marker Associated with CTC in Colorectal Cancer in Mononuclear Cells of Patients with Benign Inflammatory Intestinal Diseases

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    Colorectal carcinoma (CRC) belongs to the most common tumor entities in western countries. Circulating tumor cells (CTC) in blood of CRC patients are a powerful prognostic and predictive biomarker. However, whether CTC-associated markers can also be used for early CRC detection and discrimination from benign diseases is not known. This study investigated the presence of CTC-associated markers CK20, PLS3, LAD1, and DEFA5 in blood of patients with benign inflammatory intestinal disease (IID) and their correlation with malignancy. The detection rate of CK20 and DEFA5 significantly differed between diseased patients and healthy controls. LAD1 and PLS3 were detected in all samples with clear differences in gene expression. DEFA5 expression was higher in CRC and IID patients compared to healthy donors, while CK20 and PLS3 were lower in CRC compared to IID patients or healthy controls. Overall, all CTC-associated markers were detectable in blood of IID patients, but not correlating with inflammation severity. Finally, PLS3 emerged as a suitable marker for differentiation between malignant and non-malignant intestinal diseases or healthy controls, however its suitability for early CRC detection needs to be further validated

    Титульные страницы и содержание

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    BACKGROUND: Psychotropic drugs are prescribed to approximately 30-40% of adults with intellectual disability (ID) and challenging behaviour, despite the limited evidence of effectiveness and the potential of adverse events. AIMS: To assess the prevalence of adverse events in association with psychotropic drug use in adults with ID and challenging behaviour and to examine the relation of these adverse events with the person's quality of life. METHOD: The presence of adverse events was measured with a questionnaire that had to be filled in by the physicians of the participants. Movement disorders were measured separately with a standardised protocol. The strength of the association between adverse events and Intellectual Disability Quality of Life-16 (IDQOL-16), and daily functioning was investigated using linear regression analyses, taking into account the severity of disease (CGI-S) as potential confounder. RESULTS: Virtually all of 103 adults with ID and challenging behaviour had at least one adverse event (84.4%) and almost half had ≥3 adverse events (45.6%) across different subclasses. Using psychotropic drugs increased the prevalence of adverse events significantly. Respectively 13% of the patients without psychotropic drugs and 61% of the patients with ≥2 psychotropic drugs had ≥3 adverse events. Having adverse events had a significantly negative influence on the quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: A large majority of all patients had at least one adverse event associated with psychotropic drug use. More attention is needed for these adverse events and their negative influence on the quality of life of these patients, taking into account the lack of evidence of effectiveness of psychotropic drugs for challenging behaviour

    Assessment of anti-inflammatory tumor treatment efficacy by longitudinal monitoring employing sonographic micro morphology in a preclinical mouse model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>With the development of increasingly sophisticated three-dimensional volumetric imaging methods, tumor volume can serve as a robust and reproducible measurement of drug efficacy. Since the use of molecularly targeted agents in the clinic will almost certainly involve combinations with other therapeutic modalities, the use of volumetric determination can help to identify a dosing schedule of sequential combinations of cytostatic drugs resulting in long term control of tumor growth with minimal toxicity. The aim of this study is to assess high resolution sonography imaging for the in vivo monitoring of efficacy of Infliximab in pancreatic tumor.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the first experiment, primary orthotopic pancreatic tumor growth was measured with Infliximab treatment. In the second experiment, orthotopic tumors were resected ten days after inoculation of tumor cells and tumor recurrence was measured following Infliximab treatment. Tumor progression was evaluated using 3D high resolution sonography.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sonography measurement of tumor volume in vivo showed inhibitory effect of Infliximab on primary tumor growth in both non-resected and resected models. Measurement of the dynamics of tumor growth by sonography revealed that in the primary tumor Infliximab is effective against established tumors while in the resection model, Infliximab is more effective at an early stage following tumor resection. Infliximab treatment is also effective in inhibiting tumor growth growth as a result of tumor cell contamination of the surgical field.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Clinical application of Infliximab is feasible in both the neoadjuvant and adjuvant setting. Infliximab is also effective in slowing the growth of tumor growth under the peritoneum and may have application in treating peritoneal carcinomatosis. Finally the study demonstrates that high resolution sonography is a sensitive imaging modality for the measurement of pancreatic tumor growth.</p

    Immune Reconstitution Kinetics as an Early Predictor for Mortality using Various Hematopoietic Stem Cell Sources in Children

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    AbstractThe severity of complications of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is governed mainly by the status of immune reconstitution. In this study, we investigated differences in immune reconstitution with different cell sources and the association between the kinetics of immune reconstitution and mortality. Immunophenotyping was performed every 2 weeks in children who had undergone HSCT between 2004 and 2008 at University Medical Center Utrecht. Lymphocyte reconstitution in the first 90 days after HSCT was studied in relation to mortality in 3 HSCT groups: matched sibling bone marrow (BM) recipients (35 patients), unrelated BM recipients (32 patients), and unrelated cord blood recipients (36 patients). The median age of recipients was 5.9 years (range, 0.1-21 years). The nature and speed of T cell, B cell, and natural killer (NK) cell reconstitution were highly dependent on the cell source. In the first 90 days after HSCT, faster B cell and NK cell reconstitution and delayed T cell reconstitution were shown in unrelated cord blood recipients compared with matched sibling BM and unrelated BM recipients. Of the lymphocyte subsets investigated, a large number of NK cells and a more rapid CD4+ immune reconstitution over time, resulting in sustained higher CD4+ counts, were the only predictors of a lower mortality risk in all cell sources. The final model showed that during the first 90 days, patients with an area under the CD4+ cell receiver- operating curve of >4,300 cells/day and no peak in CD4+ cell counts had the highest likelihood of survival (hazard ratio for mortality, 0.2; 95% confidence interval, 0.06-0.5). Our data indicate that CD4+ kinetics may be used to identify patients at greatest risk for mortality early after HSCT

    Feasibility of transcervical robotic-assisted esophagectomy (TC-RAMIE) in a cadaver study-A future outlook for an extrapleural approach

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    In recent years, the evolution of advanced robotic medical systems has increased rapidly. These technical developments have led to advanced robotic systems, such as the da Vinci Xi, which allows superior controlled complex procedures and innovative surgical strategies. In esophageal surgery, the robotic-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy (RAMIE) procedure is being developed and carried out with increasing frequency at centers worldwide. Recently, a new single port robotic system was introduced (da Vinci Single Port (SP)), which may allow for the exploration of new routes, such as transcervical robotic assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy (TC-RAMIE). This approach avoids opening the pleura by entering the mediastinum through the jugular window. In this report, we describe the technical steps of the TC-RAMIE using the new da Vinci SP system and compare it to the da Vinci Xi system

    Differences in potential biomarkers of delirium between acutely ill medical and elective cardiac surgery patients

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    Background/aims: The pathophysiology of delirium is poorly understood. Increasing evidence suggests that different pathways might be involved in the pathophysiology depending on the population studied. The aim of the present study was to investigate potential differences in mean plasma levels of neopterin, amino acids, amino acid ratios and homovanillic acid between two groups of patients with delirium. Methods: Data from acutely ill medical patients aged 65 years and older, and patients aged 70 years and older undergoing elective cardiac surgery, were used. Differences in biomarker levels between the groups were investigated using univariate ANOVA with adjustments for age, sex, comorbidities, C-reactive protein (CRP) and the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), where appropriate. Linear regression analysis was used to identify potential determinants of the investigated biochemical markers. Results: Eighty patients with delirium were included (23 acutely ill medical patients and 57 elective cardiac surgery patients). After adjustment, higher mean neopterin levels (93.1 vs 47.3 nmol/L, P=0.001) and higher phenylalanine/tyrosine ratios (1.39 vs 1.15, P=0.032) were found in acutely ill medical patients when compared to elective cardiac surgery patients. CRP levels were positively correlated with neopterin levels in acutely ill medical patients, exp