2,543 research outputs found

    Critical Issues in Higher Education for the Public Good: Qualitative, Quantitative & Historical Research Perspectives

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    Critical Issues in Higher Education for the Public Good offers new evidence and insights into the complexities of higher education and the public good. This unique collection of award winning authors discusses what is needed in order to actualize higher education for the public good, where higher education and the public are inclusive of multiple constituencies. Issues of race, class, gender, ethnicity, urban environments, and systemic oppression are addressed, along with teaching and learning, study abroad, affirmative action and community-university engagement. This book represents an ongoing commitment to bring new scholarly voices into a public discussion about the relationship that exists between higher education and American society. In organizing the writing project that is reflected in these chapters, we sought to provide original empirical evidence regarding the myriad benefits between higher education and society situated within a contemporary context. The degree to which this goal has been met is a reflection of the insight, scholarship and creativity of the authors represented in these chapters. We all owe them a debt of thanks for what they have brought to their work and for their career-long commitment to higher education for the public good. It has resulted in a book that has local, state and national implications for educational practice, policy and the public; furthermore, this is a book that breaks down old frameworks that needed to be challenged, replacing them with new ideas to be explored and debated.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/ksupresslegacy/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Playing Devil’s Advocate: A Conceptual Replication of Hirt et al. (2003)

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    In the field of psychology, it is important that we foster unbiased judgments in our students and encourage them to engage with material on a critical level. The proposed study is a conceptual replication of Hirt et al. (2003), investigating whether considering alternative hypotheses about the results reduces explanation and overconfidence biases for questions about psychological research. Our proposed replication will also consider whether the benefits of counterfactual thinking were transferable, meaning once individuals are prompted to think counterfactually in one domain, they should show reduced biases when considering an unrelated domain. If these debiasing effects generalize to psychological information, and show transfer across a variety of psychological research, they could play an important role in training psychology students

    Special issue of the Journal of Global Optimization on Applications to Economics

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    A forthcoming special issue of Journal of Global Optimization contains a number of articles that may be interesting to economic theorists. Table of Contents: A.M. Bagirov and A.M. Rubinov Global optimization of marginal functions with applications to economic equilibrium K. Cechlarova, M. Dahm and V. Lacko Efficiency and stability in a discrete model of country formation I.V. Evstigneev and S.D. Flam Sharing Nonconvex Costs M.E. Jerrell and W.A. Campione Global optimization of econometric functions R. John The concave nontransitive consumer C. Le Van, F.H. Page, Jr. and M.H. Wooders Arbitrage and Equilibrium in Economies with Externalities G.G. Malcolm and B.S. Mordukhovich Pareto optimality in nonconvex economies with infinite-dimensional commodity spaces A. Soubeyran and H. Stahn Price Behaviors on Networks: Some General Results for Two-way Networks A. Villar On the efficiency of market equilibrium in production economies

    dexesESC: Development and EXpansion of Existing Services Associated with the EUROPEAN STUDENT CARD, EUt+ Sofia Week, 18-10 January, 2023

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    THE EUROPEAN STUDENT CARD INITIATIVE An initiative to help students and higher education institutions on Erasmus+ exchanges by simplifying administrative processes and enhancing digitalisation. It is also crucial to promoting student participation in educational and cultural activities in line with the vision to create a European Education Area by 2025

    Sign Language and Computing in a Developing Country: A Research Roadmap for the Next Two Decades in the Philippines

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    PACLIC / The University of the Philippines Visayas Cebu College Cebu City, Philippines / November 20-22, 200


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    Hierbas terrestres, epipétricas, raro epifíticas, generalmente perennes. Tallos del-gados, erectos o postrados, aveces arrosetados, radiados o dorsiventrales. Raíces en el extremo de ejes particulares (rizóforos) axilares, ventrales o dorsales. Trofofilos iguales o diferentes, con una pequeña lígula membranácea axilar, de 0,10-0,45 mm long., de disposición espiralada o en 4 hileras. Esporofilos iguales o diferentes a Trofofilos, generalmente agrupados en estróbilos, terminales, tetrásticos, cilíndricos a cuadrangulares, heterosporangiados. Esporangios globosos. Megasporangios con 4 esporas; megásporas blanquecinas, triletes, globoso-tetraédricas, de 200-1033 μm diám. ecuatorial, microsporangios con más de 100 esporas amarillentas a rojizas, triletes, de 18-60 μm. Protalos endospóricos, anterozoides biciliados. Es una familia monogenérica que contiene unas 750 especies, principalmente de zonas cálidas. Alston & al. (1981) citan para América tropical 133 especies y 6 subespecies o variedades, de la Sota (1972) menciona 6 especies para el Noroeste argentino, en el valle de Lerma se han encontrado solo 4


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    Plantas herbáceas, perennes; terrestres a epifíticas. Rizomas cortos, en general erectos, raíces caulógenas, simples a escasamente ramificadas, micorrízicas. Vernación generalmente conduplicada. Hojas con pedículo o eje común, parcialmente subterráneo, bases dilatadas encerrando hasta 5 primordios, divididas en una porción fotosintética estéril (trofóforo) y una porción fértil (esporóforo). Trofóforos sésiles o no, con láminas enteras, palmadas o pinnatífidas, nervaduras libres o reticuladas formando areolas. Esporóforos divergentes del pedículo común desde la base de la lámina o por debajo de la misma (raramente por encima); esporangios con paredes pluriestratificadas, dehis-centes por una hendidura longitudinal o transversal respecto al eje que los soporta, libres o parcialmente inmersos en el tejido de la parte fértil. Esporas múltiples, triletes

    Transformando la educación a través del conocimiento

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    La educación es uno de los motores de transformación social más poderoso que existen y ejerce como instrumento de cohesión social, igualando las diferencias de género, etnia, situación económica, etc. La investigación educativa es, pues, una actividad estratégica: las mejoras en educación repercuten en el conjunto de la sociedad. Es en este contexto donde se sitúa el presente volumen, titulado Transformando la educación a través del conocimiento. Esta obra recoge un total de 127 capítulos con experiencias de investigación teórica y aplicación práctica sobre experiencias concretas de innovación docente. Las contribuciones, centradas en áreas educativas diversas (educación lingüística, artística, en ciencias sociales y ambientales, etc.) y de diferentes niveles educativos (tanto de los preuniversitarios, como de educación superior), tienen en común que ofrecen una mirada renovada sobre los retos que debe enfrentar la educación actual: la inclusión educativa, la integración de las TIC en la educación, la transición entre diferentes niveles educativos, la igualdad de género o la educación emocional son, entre muchos otros, algunos de los temas abordados. El presente volumen, pues, quiere contribuir a la difusión de las algunas de las aportaciones más recientes que contribuyen al progreso del conocimiento sobre los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la sociedad actual

    Innovation in Engineering, Technology and Education for Competitiveness and Prosperity

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    Abstract The main purpose of this research project was to assess the impact of the Cambio Magistral initiative (CMI) on student engagement in the STEM courses involved. CMI is an institutional program aimed at supporting professors in the implementation of changes in their large lecture courses with the following goals: increasing student participation and engagement, fostering formative assessment practices, and incorporation of technology in support of pedagogical practice. The study responds to the following research questions: How do students perceive their learning experience in Cambio Magistral courses? How do students evaluate their commitment to their learning in Cambio Magistral courses? What kinds of engagement do student demonstrate during the Cambio Magistral classes? The study followed a quantitative research design, descriptive in nature, using class observations protocols and survey as the main data collection techniques. The students in the STEM courses involved were observed and surveyed during two semesters. Results both in terms of class observations and self-reported student data show a high level of student engagement with course content and increased frequency of higher-level cognitive activities in response to the pedagogical strategies enacted by professors