5 research outputs found

    To what extentd do judges make law in the Australian Common Law system?: Basis from the common law judicial law creation for continental law system

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    In the Common Law system judges have the power to create subsidiary laws: they make rules in strict sense. This Kind of power responds to a special way in which the Common Law develops and adapts itself to achieve the best rules for a given society. Understanding how the Australian law system works, as an example of a common law structure, and how judges interact with the parliament in the creation of the best rules of law -which makes the process coherent- is paramount for other legal systems that have a mixture of legal institutions from both civil and common law systems, as Colombia. Colombia has an unclear mixture of law systems, which generates an uncertainty of the application of the law producing both by judges and parliament, and serious structural law problems; so, understanding the basis of the common law system it is important to clarify the limits in the competence of each authority and the interaction between the law made by the Parliament and the one that the judges produce.In the Common Law system judges have the power to create subsidiary laws: they make rules in strict sense. This Kind of power responds to a special way in which the Common Law develops and adapts itself to achieve the best rules for a given society. Understanding how the Australian law system works, as an example of a common law structure, and how judges interact with the parliament in the creation of the best rules of law -which makes the process coherent- is paramount for other legal systems that have a mixture of legal institutions from both civil and common law systems, as Colombia. Colombia has an unclear mixture of law systems, which generates an uncertainty of the application of the law producing both by judges and parliament, and serious structural law problems; so, understanding the basis of the common law system it is important to clarify the limits in the competence of each authority and the interaction between the law made by the Parliament and the one that the judges produce


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    La Academia se hace con base en las posiciones distintas que brindan temas de an谩lisis encontrados. Les hablo de un tema que me preocupa mucho, es el tema de la constitucionalizaci贸n del Derecho Privado

    Arbitraje comercial internacional: Algunas cuestiones practicas basadas en el Derecho australiano y colombiano

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    This article aims to explore some of the main aspects and practical problems to have in mind when readers are getting familiar with international commercial arbitration. The text does not pretend to be a profound analysis of the international commercial arbitration institutions, but to review some of the main topics to take into account to begin studying this settlement dispute system.This article aims to explore some of the main aspects and practical problems to have in mind when readers are getting familiar with international commercial arbitration. The text does not pretend to be a profound analysis of the international commercial arbitration institutions, but to review some of the main topics to take into account to begin studying this settlement dispute system Este art铆culo tiene como objetivo explorar algunos de los principales aspectos y problemas pr谩cticos a tener en cuenta cuando los lectores se est谩n familiarizando con el arbitraje comercial internacional. El texto no pretende ser un an谩lisis profundo de las instituciones de arbitraje comercial internacional, sino una revisi贸n de los principales temas a tener en cuenta para comenzar a estudiar este m茅todo de resoluci贸n de conflictos&nbsp

    Basel and Securitization: Conflicting Incentives and Rationales

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    The financial crisis presented in 2007 has a number of similar factors with the 1929 crisis; an environment of economic deregulation preceded both. There are in banking systems a series of incentives and rationales that, depending on the position occupied in the financial market, are constantly in conflict with the regulation and with the principles set out in Basel for the proper functioning of the system. Consequently under the creation of new mechanisms, such as the securization or the futures market, the incentives will greatly influence the financial market actors, to not comply with their obligations (Basel I, II, and III), because they could achieve greater profit for them and for the institutions they work for. Therefore the measures contained in Basel III, as a reaction from the financial crisis (based primarily on increasing risk capital and reduce leverage), could if not accompanied by an effective policy control, will not be efficient in the long term to control the market, so may be a new economic crisis will occur.La crisis financiera presentada en el 2007 reviste una serie de factores similares a lo que gener贸 la crisis de 1929, precedidas por un ambiente de desregulaci贸n econ贸mica. Existen entonces dentro de los sistemas bancarios una serie de incentivos y racionalidades que, dependiendo de la posici贸n que se ocupe dentro del mercado financiero, est谩n constantemente en conflicto con la regulaci贸n y en especial con los principios establecidos en Basilea para el correcto funcionamiento del sistema. En consecuencia al presentarse nuevos mecanismos de negocios, como la titulaci贸n o el mercado de futuros, estos incentivos van a influenciar enormemente en los agentes del mercado financiero, para que incumplan sus obligaciones (Basilea I, II, y III). As铆 logran una mayor ganancia tanto para ellos como para las instituciones a las que pertenecen. Por lo anterior las medidas contenidas en Basilea III, que se basan principalmente en aumentar el capital de riesgo y disminuir el apalancamiento, si no se acompa帽an con una pol铆tica de control efectiva, teniendo en cuenta los incentivos y al agente racional dentro del mercado, no van a ser eficientes en el largo plazo, siendo posible que se produzca una nueva crisis econ贸mica, si se encuentra un nuevo instrumento financiero apto para ello

    Proteger a quien migra: la aplicaci贸n de la Carta Andina para la promoci贸n y la protecci贸n de derechos humanos en caso de migraci贸n

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    Granting human rights requires harmonized interpretations, it means, lectures that integrate international (universal and regional) norms for eliminating vulnerability situations of persons, who migrate because of war, forced displacement or the search of new life opportunities. In Colombia, the law recognizes an integrated protection through the distinction of migration types and the adjudication of labor guarantees. This article explains how the Comunidad Andina de Naciones offers a set of rights in favor of migrants and the way in wich the Colombian State incorporates them in its legislation and jurisprudence. The work uses the legal dogmatics and the jurisprudential analysis and shows the different kinds of migrants in Colombia and the rights they have.聽 聽La protecci贸n de derechos humanos requiere de lecturas armonizadoras, es decir, que integren mandatos internacionales (universales y regionales), que eliminen la situaci贸n de vulnerabilidad a la que se encuentren sometidas las personas que, por razones de b煤squeda de empleo, de desplazamiento forzado o de guerra, buscan nuevas y mejores oportunidades de vida. En el derecho colombiano, la protecci贸n integrada se da mediante la distinci贸n de tipos de migraci贸n y el reconocimiento de los derechos derivados de las relaciones laborales. El art铆culo explora c贸mo el ordenamiento de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones contempla un conjunto de derechos a favor de los migrantes y la forma en que el Estado colombiano los materializa a trav茅s de sus normas y jurisprudencia. Para ello, se acude a un estudio de dogm谩tica jur铆dica y de an谩lisis jurisprudencial, que evidencia los distintos tipos de migraci贸n que pueden darse en Colombia y los derechos que les son reconocidos