79 research outputs found

    Structure of a bacterial voltage-gated sodium channel pore reveals mechanisms of opening and closing

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    Voltage-gated sodium channels are vital membrane proteins essential for electrical signalling; in humans, they are key targets for the development of pharmaceutical drugs. Here we report the crystal structure of an open-channel conformation of NavMs, the bacterial channel pore from the marine bacterium Magnetococcus sp. (strain MC-1). It differs from the recently published crystal structure of a closed form of a related bacterial sodium channel (NavAb) by having its internal cavity accessible to the cytoplasmic surface as a result of a bend/rotation about a central residue in the carboxy-terminal transmembrane segment. This produces an open activation gate of sufficient diameter to allow hydrated sodium ions to pass through. Comparison of the open and closed structures provides new insight into the features of the functional states present in the activation cycles of sodium channels and the mechanism of channel opening and closing

    Sodium channel slow inactivation interferes with open channel block

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    Mutations in the voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.7 are linked to inherited pain syndromes such as erythromelalgia (IEM) and paroxysmal extreme pain disorder (PEPD). PEPD mutations impair Nav1.7 fast inactivation and increase persistent currents. PEPD mutations also increase resurgent currents, which involve the voltage-dependent release of an open channel blocker. In contrast, IEM mutations, whenever tested, leave resurgent currents unchanged. Accordingly, the IEM deletion mutation L955 (ΔL955) fails to produce resurgent currents despite enhanced persistent currents, which have hitherto been considered a prerequisite for resurgent currents. Additionally, ΔL955 exhibits a prominent enhancement of slow inactivation (SI). We introduced mutations into Nav1.7 and Nav1.6 that either enhance or impair SI in order to investigate their effects on resurgent currents. Our results show that enhanced SI is accompanied by impaired resurgent currents, which suggests that SI may interfere with open-channel block

    Mutagenesis of the NaChBac sodium channel discloses a functional role for a conserved S6 asparagine

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    Asparagine is conserved in the S6 transmembrane segments of all voltage-gated sodium, calcium, and TRP channels identified to date. A broad spectrum of channelopathies including cardiac arrhythmias, epilepsy, muscle diseases, and pain disorders is associated with its mutation. To investigate its effects on sodium channel functional properties, we mutated the simple prokaryotic sodium channel NaChBac. Electrophysiological characterization of the N225D mutant reveals that this conservative substitution shifts the voltage-dependence of inactivation by 25 mV to more hyperpolarized potentials. The mutant also displays greater thermostability, as determined by synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy studies of purified channels. Based on our analyses of high-resolution structures of NaChBac homologues, we suggest that the side-chain amine group of asparagine 225 forms one or more hydrogen bonds with different channel elements and that these interactions are important for normal channel function. The N225D mutation eliminates these hydrogen bonds and the structural consequences involve an enhanced channel inactivation

    Self-Medication as Adaptive Plasticity: Increased Ingestion of Plant Toxins by Parasitized Caterpillars

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    Self-medication is a specific therapeutic behavioral change in response to disease or parasitism. The empirical literature on self-medication has so far focused entirely on identifying cases of self-medication in which particular behaviors are linked to therapeutic outcomes. In this study, we frame self-medication in the broader realm of adaptive plasticity, which provides several testable predictions for verifying self-medication and advancing its conceptual significance. First, self-medication behavior should improve the fitness of animals infected by parasites or pathogens. Second, self-medication behavior in the absence of infection should decrease fitness. Third, infection should induce self-medication behavior. The few rigorous studies of self-medication in non-human animals have not used this theoretical framework and thus have not tested fitness costs of self-medication in the absence of disease or parasitism. Here we use manipulative experiments to test these predictions with the foraging behavior of woolly bear caterpillars (Grammia incorrupta; Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) in response to their lethal endoparasites (tachinid flies). Our experiments show that the ingestion of plant toxins called pyrrolizidine alkaloids improves the survival of parasitized caterpillars by conferring resistance against tachinid flies. Consistent with theoretical prediction, excessive ingestion of these toxins reduces the survival of unparasitized caterpillars. Parasitized caterpillars are more likely than unparasitized caterpillars to specifically ingest large amounts of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. This case challenges the conventional view that self-medication behavior is restricted to animals with advanced cognitive abilities, such as primates, and empowers the science of self-medication by placing it in the domain of adaptive plasticity theory

    Painful and painless mutations of SCN9A and SCN11A voltage-gated sodium channels

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    Chronic pain is a global problem affecting up to 20% of the world’s population and has a significant economic, social and personal cost to society. Sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) detect noxious stimuli and transmit this sensory information to regions of the central nervous system (CNS) where activity is perceived as pain. DRG neurons express multiple voltage-gated sodium channels that underlie their excitability. Research over the last 20 years has provided valuable insights into the critical roles that two channels, NaV1.7 and NaV1.9, play in pain signalling in man. Gain of function mutations in NaV1.7 cause painful conditions while loss of function mutations cause complete insensitivity to pain. Only gain of function mutations have been reported for NaV1.9. However, while most NaV1.9 mutations lead to painful conditions, a few are reported to cause insensitivity to pain. The critical roles these channels play in pain along with their low expression in the CNS and heart muscle suggest they are valid targets for novel analgesic drugs