17 research outputs found

    Capacitance spectroscopy of InAs self-assembled quantum dots

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    Capacitance spectroscopy is used to study electronic properties of self-assembled InAs quantum dots. The capacitance-voltage, C(V), measurements in combination with the magneto-capacitance, C(B), results make it possible to investigate the electrostatic profile of a series of single-barrier n-i-n GaAs/AlAs/GaAs heterostructures incorporating a layer of self-assembled InAs quantum dots in the AlAs barrier. We find that the negative charge associated with electron filling of the dots is closely compensated by a positive charge in the AlAs barrier, which we ascribe to ionised defects or impurities, possibly in association with the quantum dots. It is shown the compensation degree considerably depends on the growth conditions.Ємнiсна спектроскопiя використується для дослiдження електронних властивостей само-органiзованих InAs квантових точок. Вимiрювання вольт-фарадних характеристик, C(V), одночасно з даними по магнето-емностi, C(B), дозволяють дослiджувати електростатичний профiль однобар.єрних p-i-n GaAs/AlAs/GaAs гетероструктур, якi мiстять в AlAs бар.єрі шар само-органiзованих InAs квантових точок. Ми визначили, що негативний заряд, пов.язаний з заповненням квантових точок електронами, майже повнiстю компенсується позитивним зарядом в AlAs бар.єрi, що, на нашу думку, пов.язано з iонiзованими дефектами чи домiшками, якi обумовлені квантовими точками. Показано, що мiра компенсацiї суттєво залежить вiд ростових умов.Емкостная спектроскопия используется для исследования электронных свойств само-организованных InAs квантовых точек. Измерение вольт-фарадных характеристик, C(V), совместно с данными по магнето-емкости, C(B), позволяют исследовать электростатический профиль однобарьерных p-i-n GaAs/AlAs/GaAs гетероструктур, содержащих в AlAs барьере слой само-организованных InAs квантовых точек. Мы установили, что отрицательный заряд, связанный с заполнением квантовых точек электронами, почти полностью компенсируется положительным зарядом в AlAs барьере, который, по нашему мнению, связан с ионизованными дефектами или примесями, обусловленными квантовыми точками. Показано, что степень компенсации существенно зависит от ростовых условий

    Comparison of DNA-spot hybridization, cell culture and direct immunofluorescence staining for the diagnosis of avian chlamydiae

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    DNA-spot hybridization, cell culture and direct immunofluoresence staining were compared for the detection of avian Chlamydia psittaci strains in cell culture dilutions and in routine samples submitted for diagnosis. With dilutions of infected cell culture material, growth in BGM cells was by far the most sensitive technique, detecting 0.01 infected cells (20 elementary bodies) ml. DNA-spot hybridization and direct immunofluorescence staining were of approximately equal sensitivity, both detecting 16 infected cells (3.2×10 elementary bodies) per ml. When 27 avian liver and spleen samples were assayed, all 3 tests performed similarly (13 positive and 12 negative by all 3 tests). This suggests that in most avian samples presented for diagnosis, sufficient numbers of chlamydiae are present to allow any of the test to the be used. Thus, the direct immunofluorescence staining method is currently the test of choice for routine diagnosis since it is available in kit form, is relatively simple and quick to perform, and like DNA-spot hybridization, detects non-viable as well as viable organisms. However, if low levels of chlamydiae are to be effectively detected, such as in carrier birds or birds with recently acquired infections, then cell culture should be used

    Detection of Eimeria acervulina using the polymerase chain reaction

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    A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay was developed for the detection of Eimeria acervulina. Primers were designed to amplify a fragment of the EASZ240/160 sporozoite antigen gene. The PCR assay detected as few as 10 E. acervulina oocysts in a mixed population containing a total of 10(6) oocysts. No nonspecific reaction was observed with any other species of avian Eimeria known to occur in Australia. PCR products from genomic DNA were 237 bp larger than predicted from previously reported cDNA sequences. Sequencing of the product revealed the presence of a probable intron. This work demonstrates the potential of PCR-based assays for identification and detection of avian Eimeria. Potential uses include identification of minor species present in mixed infections and quality control in the production of live vaccines