7,911 research outputs found

    Memory retention in wild-type and tau mutant Syrian hamsters

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    Rats are known to display a temporary deficit in memory function 6 h after training on a learning task, a phenomenon known as the ‘Kamin effect’. Later studies showed that maximal retrieval recurs in 24 h intervals after a single training and implied the role of the circadian clock in the suppression of memory retrieval at non-24 h intervals. This study aimed to investigate this further by analysing retention deficits following passive avoidance training in the Syrian hamster. The availability of hamsters carrying the tau mutation was exploited to address the role of the circadian system in periodic retention deficits. It was expected that tau mutant hamsters with an endogenous circadian period of approximately 20 h would have a high retention score at 20 h after training. Surprisingly, deficits in retention were found at 12, 18, 24, and 36 h after training in wild-type hamsters with best performance at 30 h after training. Tau mutant hamsters had significant deficits in memory retention at 20, 24, and 30 h, and no clear periodicity in retention could be observed. Step-through latency scores for mutant hamsters were low at all times except training-testing intervals of 0.25 and 6 h. These results demonstrate the absence of clear memory deficit oscillations in both wild-type and mutant hamsters, and may suggest in particular a long-termmemory deficit in tau mutant hamsters.

    Leren van de buren (samenvatting). Beleid publieke gezondheid internationaal bezien: roken, alcohol, overgewicht, depressie, gezondheidsachterstand, jeugd, screening

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    English summary of report 270051010 A full English translation is available in report 270626001Nederland kan veel leren van het gezondheidsbeleid in andere landen. De overheid doet er goed aan gezondheidsproblemen vaker aan te pakken met een nationale strategie of actieplan. Ervaring uit het buitenland leert dat een dergelijk nationaal actieplan bijdraagt aan een systematischer beleid en minder versnippering van maatregelen. Dit concludeert het RIVM op basis van het internationaal vergelijkend rapport Leren van de buren. Het rapport is 9 juli 2007 aangeboden aan minister Klink van VWS. Het RIVM concludeerde vorig jaar dat Nederland op gebied van gezondheid niet langer bij beste Europese landen hoort.* Zo blijft Nederland achter met de daling van het aantal rokers en drinken Nederlandse jongeren vaker alcohol dan hun Europese leeftijdsgenoten. Het ontmoedigingsbeleid voor tabak en alcohol blijkt niet streng vergeleken met veel andere landen. Ook met de bestrijding van bijvoorbeeld depressies en gezondheidsachterstanden bij bevolkingsgroepen ontbreekt in Nederland een integrale aanpak. Het RIVM heeft het Nederlandse gezondheidsbeleid op roken, alcohol, overgewicht, gezondheidsachterstanden, depressie, jeugd en screening, vergeleken met dat van andere Europese landen. Hieruit blijkt dat veel maatregelen effectiever en meer in samenhang kunnen gebeuren. Zo heffen Duitsland, Zwitserland, Frankrijk en Denemarken extra belasting op breezers om jongeren te ontmoedigen alcohol te drinken. In sommige landen is een pakje sigaretten twee keer zo duur als in Nederland. Schotland, Finland en Australie bevorderen de psychische gezondheid met programma's op school en werk. Marktkrachten en andere -internationale- invloeden bemoeilijken soms de weg naar goed beleid, maar kunnen ook kansen bieden. Het RIVM adviseert de Nederlandse overheid om op basis van de buitenlandse ervaring haalbare doelen en effectieve maatregelen te vinden voor een meer integraal gezondheidsbeleid in Nederland. * Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenningen, RIVM juni 2006.The Netherlands does not make sufficient use of national strategies or action plans in tackling its public health problems. Our neighbours teach us that a comprehensive national strategy can contribute to the creation of a more systematic body of policy and less fragmented preventive measures. This is the conclusion reached by the RIVM in an international comparative report 'Learning from our neighbours; Cross-national inspiration for Dutch public health policies'. The Report was presented to Ab Klink, the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sports on July 9th 2007. Last year, the RIVM concluded that Dutch public health lags behind leading European nations.* The percentage of smokers hasn't decreased as fast as in other countries and Dutch young people drink alcohol more often than their European peers. The alcohol and tobacco control policies in place in the Netherlands are not as strict as those in other countries. Prevention of depression and reducing health inequalities miss a coherent strategy. Learning from our neighbours outlines existing policies on smoking, alcohol, overweight, depression, health inequalities, youth and screening throughout the world. For example Germany, Switzerland, France and Denmark levy extra taxes on breezers to discourage young people to drink alcohol. In some countries a package of cigarettes is two times as expensive as in the Netherlands. Scotland, Finland and Australia promote mental health through programmes at school and work. Market forces and other -international- influences sometimes interfere with good policy-making, but they also offer opportunities. To ensure a more coherent body of health policy, the RIVM recommends that Dutch public authorities make use of the lessons from our neighbours to set realistic goals and effective measures

    Leren van de buren : Beleid publieke gezondheid internationaal bezien: roken, alcohol, overgewicht, depressie, gezondheidsachterstanden, jeugd, screening

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    English translation of RIVM report 270051010 RIVM report 270262002 is a summary of this reportNederland kan veel leren van het gezondheidsbeleid in andere landen. De overheid doet er goed aan gezondheidsproblemen vaker aan te pakken met een nationale strategie of actieplan. Ervaring uit het buitenland leert dat een dergelijk nationaal actieplan bijdraagt aan een systematischer beleid en minder versnippering van maatregelen. Dit concludeert het RIVM op basis van het internationaal vergelijkend rapport Leren van de buren. Het rapport is 9 juli 2007 aangeboden aan minister Klink van VWS. Het RIVM concludeerde vorig jaar dat Nederland op gebied van gezondheid niet langer bij beste Europese landen hoort.* Zo blijft Nederland achter met de daling van het aantal rokers en drinken Nederlandse jongeren vaker alcohol dan hun Europese leeftijdsgenoten. Het ontmoedigingsbeleid voor tabak en alcohol blijkt niet streng vergeleken met veel andere landen. Ook met de bestrijding van bijvoorbeeld depressies en gezondheidsachterstanden bij bevolkingsgroepen ontbreekt in Nederland een integrale aanpak. Het RIVM heeft het Nederlandse gezondheidsbeleid op roken, alcohol, overgewicht, gezondheidsachterstanden, depressie, jeugd en screening, vergeleken met dat van andere Europese landen. Hieruit blijkt dat veel maatregelen effectiever en meer in samenhang kunnen gebeuren. Zo heffen Duitsland, Zwitserland, Frankrijk en Denemarken extra belasting op breezers om jongeren te ontmoedigen alcohol te drinken. In sommige landen is een pakje sigaretten twee keer zo duur als in Nederland. Schotland, Finland en Australie bevorderen de psychische gezondheid met programma's op school en werk. Marktkrachten en andere -internationale- invloeden bemoeilijken soms de weg naar goed beleid, maar kunnen ook kansen bieden. Het RIVM adviseert de Nederlandse overheid om op basis van de buitenlandse ervaring haalbare doelen en effectieve maatregelen te vinden voor een meer integraal gezondheidsbeleid in Nederland. * Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenningen, RIVM juni 2006.The Netherlands does not make sufficient use of national strategies or action plans in tackling its public health problems. Our neighbours teach us that a comprehensive national strategy can contribute to the creation of a more systematic body of policy and less fragmented preventive measures. This is the conclusion reached by the RIVM in an international comparative report 'Learning from our neighbours; Cross-national inspiration for Dutch public health policies'. The Report was presented to Ab Klink, the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sports on July 9th 2007. Last year, the RIVM concluded that Dutch public health lags behind leading European nations.* The percentage of smokers hasn't decreased as fast as in other countries and Dutch young people drink alcohol more often than their European peers. The alcohol and tobacco control policies in place in the Netherlands are not as strict as those in other countries. Prevention of depression and reducing health inequalities miss a coherent strategy. Learning from our neighbours outlines existing policies on smoking, alcohol, overweight, depression, health inequalities, youth and screening throughout the world. For example Germany, Switzerland, France and Denmark levy extra taxes on breezers to discourage young people to drink alcohol. In some countries a package of cigarettes is two times as expensive as in the Netherlands. Scotland, Finland and Australia promote mental health through programmes at school and work. Market forces and other -international- influences sometimes interfere with good policy-making, but they also offer opportunities. To ensure a more coherent body of health policy, the RIVM recommends that Dutch public authorities make use of the lessons from our neighbours to set realistic goals and effective measures

    Treatment of severe alcoholic hepatitis: A systematic review

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    Severe alcoholic hepatitis is the most severe form of alcohol-related liver disease. Corticosteroids remain the first choice of treatment. However, they are only effective in a subset of patients and are associated with an increased infection risk. Furthermore, nonresponders to corticosteroids have a poor prognosis with a mortality of 70% over 6 months. As such, there is a high need for a more personalized use of corticosteroids and the development and identification of alternative therapeutic strategies. In this review, we summarize the recent and ongoing randomized controlled trials concerning the treatment of severe alcoholic hepatitis

    A 7-year follow-up of sacral anterior root stimulation for bladder control in patients with a spinal cord injury: quality of life and users' experiences\ud

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    Study design: Cross-sectional descriptive study.\ud \ud Objectives: To assess long-term effects and quality of life (QoL) of using sacral anterior root stimulation (SARS) in spinal cord injured patients.\ud \ud Setting: Neurosurgical and Urological Departments of a large teaching hospital and a large rehabilitation centre in the Netherlands.\ud \ud Methods: In all, 42 patients with complete spinal cord injury (SCI) implanted between 1987 and 2000 were included. A questionnaire was constructed to determine complications, technical failures and personal experiences of the patients. The Qualiveen questionnaire was used and the outcome was compared with data obtained from a reference group of 400 SCI patients with neurogenic bladder problems not using the bladder controller. The Qualiveen questionnaire measures disease-specific aspects in four domains with respect to limitations, constraints, fears and feelings and general QoL aspects, suitable for use in SCI patients with urinary disorders.\ud \ud Results: The results of 37 patients are presented. Our results with the bladder controller with respect to medical and technical complications and infection rates are similar to the results presented by others. From users' experiences, the most important advantages reported were a decreased infection rate (68%), improved social life (54%) and continence (54%). Comparison of the obtained results of our patient group with the Qualiveen questionnaire with a reference group not using the bladder controller indicates that the specific impact of urinary disorders in the four domains on QoL is reduced and that general QoL is improved.\ud \ud Conclusion: SARS is effective and safe for neurogenic bladder management in patients with complete SCI. Users' experiences are positive. Furthermore, this therapy seems to reduce the effects of urinary-disorder-specific QoL aspects, and to increase the QoL in general\u

    Let's stop dumping cookstoves in local communities. It's time to get implementation right

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    We most welcome the comment by Thakur, van Schayck and Boudewijns on our article on the effects and acceptability of implementing improved cookstoves. Adoption rates of improved cookstoves by local communities are often strikingly low. The authors underline the urge to advance cookstove implementation strategies, and reinforce the approach used in the FRESH AIR project. They highlight several important factors to increase adoption success and call for further research on the topic. We want to build on this comment by reflecting on decades of substantial discrepancies between the disappointing adoption rates of improved cookstoves, and the subsequent failure to adapt implementation strategies accordingly. We argue that it is not necessarily the lack of evidence that impedes the success of implementation strategies for improved cookstoves. Moreover, it is the lack of use of the evidence by implementors. We propose several ideas for overcoming this evidence-to-practice gap

    Successful immunotherapy with matrix metalloproteinase-derived peptides in adjuvant arthritis depends on the timing of peptide administration

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    We have recently found that matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are targets for T-cell and B-cell reactivity in experimental arthritis. In the present article, we investigate whether modulation of MMP-specific T-cell responses could influence the course of adjuvant arthritis (AA). Lewis rats were treated nasally with MMP peptides prior to or after AA induction. Administration of the MMP-10 or the MMP-16 peptide prior to AA induction reduced the arthritic symptoms. In contrast, administration of the MMP-10 peptide after AA induction aggravated the arthritic symptoms. The present study shows the possible usefulness of MMP peptides for immunotherapy. However, a clear understanding of proper timing of peptide administration is crucial for the development of such therapies

    Balancing Selection at the Tomato RCR3 Guardee Gene Family Maintains Variation in Strength of Pathogen Defense

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    Coevolution between hosts and pathogens is thought to occur between interacting molecules of both species. This results in the maintenance of genetic diversity at pathogen antigens (or so-called effectors) and host resistance genes such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in mammals or resistance (R) genes in plants. In plant-pathogen interactions, the current paradigm posits that a specific defense response is activated upon recognition of pathogen effectors via interaction with their corresponding R proteins. According to the''Guard-Hypothesis,'' R proteins (the ``guards'') can sense modification of target molecules in the host (the ``guardees'') by pathogen effectors and subsequently trigger the defense response. Multiple studies have reported high genetic diversity at R genes maintained by balancing selection. In contrast, little is known about the evolutionary mechanisms shaping the guardee, which may be subject to contrasting evolutionary forces. Here we show that the evolution of the guardee RCR3 is characterized by gene duplication, frequent gene conversion, and balancing selection in the wild tomato species Solanum peruvianum. Investigating the functional characteristics of 54 natural variants through in vitro and in planta assays, we detected differences in recognition of the pathogen effector through interaction with the guardee, as well as substantial variation in the strength of the defense response. This variation is maintained by balancing selection at each copy of the RCR3 gene. Our analyses pinpoint three amino acid polymorphisms with key functional consequences for the coevolution between the guardee (RCR3) and its guard (Cf-2). We conclude that, in addition to coevolution at the ``guardee-effector'' interface for pathogen recognition, natural selection acts on the ``guard-guardee'' interface. Guardee evolution may be governed by a counterbalance between improved activation in the presence and prevention of auto-immune responses in the absence of the corresponding pathogen

    Placental pathology in cancer during pregnancy and after cancer treatment exposure

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    Cancer during pregnancy has been associated with (pathologically) small for gestational age offspring, especially after exposure to chemotherapy in utero. These infants are most likely growth restricted, but sonographic results are often lacking. In view of the paucity of data on underlying pathophysiological mechanisms, the objective was to summarize all studies investigating placental pathology related to cancer(treatment). A systematic search in PubMed/Medline, Embase (OVID) and SCOPUS was conducted to retrieve all studies about placental pathology in cancer during pregnancy or after cancer treatment, published until August 2020. The literature search yielded 5784 unique publications, of which 111 were eligible for inclusion. Among them, three groups of placental pathology were distinguished. First, various histopathologic changes including maternal vascular malperfusion have been reported in pregnancies complicated by cancer and after cancer treatment exposure, which were not specific to type of cancer(treatment). Second, cancer(treatment) has been associated with placental cellular pathology including increased oxidative damage and apoptosis, impaired angiogenesis and genotoxicity. Finally, involvement of the placenta by cancer cells has been described, involving both the intervillous space and rarely villous invasion, with such fetuses are at risk of having metastases. In conclusion, growth restriction is often observed in pregnancies complicated by cancer and its cause can be multifactorial. Placental histopathologic changes, cellular pathology and genotoxicity caused by the cancer(treatment) may each play a role