22 research outputs found

    Astrocyte-mediated short-term synaptic depression in the rat hippocampal CA1 area: two modes of decreasing release probability

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Synaptic burst activation feeds back as a short-term depression of release probability at hippocampal CA3-CA1 synapses. This short-term synaptic plasticity requires functional astrocytes and it affects both the recently active (< 1 s) synapses (post-burst depression) as well as inactive neighboring synapses (transient heterosynaptic depression). The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the components contributing to the depression of release probability in these two different scenarios.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>When tested using paired-pulses, following a period of inactivity, the transient heterosynaptic depression was expressed as a reduction in the response to only the first pulse, whereas the response to the second pulse was unaffected. This selective depression of only the first response in a high-frequency burst was shared by the homosynaptic post-burst depression, but it was partially counteracted by augmentation at these recently active synapses. In addition, the expression of the homosynaptic post-burst depression included an astrocyte-mediated reduction of the pool of release-ready primed vesicles.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that activated astrocytes depress the release probability via two different mechanisms; by depression of vesicular release probability only at inactive synapses and by imposing a delay in the recovery of the primed pool of vesicles following depletion. These mechanisms restrict the expression of the astrocyte-mediated depression to temporal windows that are typical for synaptic burst activity.</p

    Ubiquitous molecular substrates for associative learning and activity-dependent neuronal facilitation.

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    Recent evidence suggests that many of the molecular cascades and substrates that contribute to learning-related forms of neuronal plasticity may be conserved across ostensibly disparate model systems. Notably, the facilitation of neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission that contribute to associative learning in Aplysia and Hermissenda, as well as associative LTP in hippocampal CA1 cells, all require (or are enhanced by) the convergence of a transient elevation in intracellular Ca2+ with transmitter binding to metabotropic cell-surface receptors. This temporal convergence of Ca2+ and G-protein-stimulated second-messenger cascades synergistically stimulates several classes of serine/threonine protein kinases, which in turn modulate receptor function or cell excitability through the phosphorylation of ion channels. We present a summary of the biophysical and molecular constituents of neuronal and synaptic facilitation in each of these three model systems. Although specific components of the underlying molecular cascades differ across these three systems, fundamental aspects of these cascades are widely conserved, leading to the conclusion that the conceptual semblance of these superficially disparate systems is far greater than is generally acknowledged. We suggest that the elucidation of mechanistic similarities between different systems will ultimately fulfill the goal of the model systems approach, that is, the description of critical and ubiquitous features of neuronal and synaptic events that contribute to memory induction

    The purinergic receptor P2RX7 directs metabolic fitness of long-lived memory CD8(+) T cells

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    Extracellular ATP (eATP) is an ancient 'danger signal' used by eukaryotes to detect cellular damage1. In mice and humans, the release of eATP during inflammation or injury stimulates both innate immune activation and chronic pain through the purinergic receptor P2RX72-4. It is unclear, however, whether this pathway influences the generation of immunological memory, a hallmark of the adaptive immune system that constitutes the basis of vaccines and protective immunity against re-infection5,6. Here we show that P2RX7 is required for the establishment, maintenance and functionality of long-lived central and tissue-resident memory CD8+ T cell populations in mice. By contrast, P2RX7 is not required for the generation of short-lived effector CD8+ T cells. Mechanistically, P2RX7 promotes mitochondrial homeostasis and metabolic function in differentiating memory CD8+ T cells, at least in part by inducing AMP-activated protein kinase. Pharmacological inhibitors of P2RX7 provoked dysregulated metabolism and differentiation of activated mouse and human CD8+ T cells in vitro, and transient P2RX7 blockade in vivo ameliorated neuropathic pain but also compromised production of CD8+ memory T cells. These findings show that activation of P2RX7 by eATP provides a common currency that both alerts the nervous and immune system to tissue damage, and promotes the metabolic fitness and survival of the most durable and functionally relevant memory CD8+ T cell populations

    A utilização de instrumentos para avaliação da liderança nos serviços de saúde e enfermagem

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    RESUMO Objetivo Identificar as evidências científicas disponíveis acerca da utilização de instrumentos para a avaliação da liderança nos serviços de saúde e enfermagem, bem como verificar a utilização de estilos/modelos/teorias de lideranças na construção dos mesmos. Método Revisão integrativa da literatura de estudos indexados nas bases de dados LILACS, PUBMED, CINAHL e EMBASE, no período de 2006 a 2016. Resultados 38 artigos foram analisados, exibindo 19 instrumentos de avaliação da liderança, sendo os mais utilizados o Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, a Global Transformational Leadership Scale, o Leadership Practices Inventory, o Servant Leadership Questionnaire, o Servant Leadership Survey e o Authentic Leadership Questionnaire. Conclusões A busca na literatura possibilitou a identificação das principais teorias/estilos/modelos de liderança contemporâneos, assim como a análise de sua utilização na construção de instrumentos de avaliação da liderança, se destacando a liderança transformacional, situacional, servidora e autêntica. Em menor proporção, foram evidenciadas as lideranças quantum, carismática e clínica