94 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Borderline Personality Disorder in University Samples: Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine pooled prevalence of clinically significant traits or features of Borderline Personality Disorder among college students, and explore the influence of methodological factors on reported prevalence figures, and temporal trends. DATA SOURCES: Electronic databases (1994-2014: AMED; Biological Abstracts; Embase; MEDLINE; PsycARTICLES; CINAHL Plus; Current Contents Connect; EBM Reviews; Google Scholar; Ovid Medline; Proquest central; PsychINFO; PubMed; Scopus; Taylor & Francis; Web of Science (1998-2014), and hand searches. STUDY SELECTION: Forty-three college-based studies reporting estimates of clinically significant BPD symptoms were identified (5.7% of original search). DATA EXTRACTION: One author (RM) extracted clinically relevant BPD prevalence estimates, year of publication, demographic variables, and method from each publication or through correspondence with the authors. RESULTS: The prevalence of BPD in college samples ranged from 0.5% to 32.1%, with lifetime prevalence of 9.7% (95% CI, 7.7-12.0; p < .005). Methodological factors contributing considerable between-study heterogeneity in univariate meta-analyses were participant anonymity, incentive type, research focus and participant type. Study and sample characteristics related to between study heterogeneity were sample size, and self-identifying as Asian or "other" race. The prevalence of BPD varied over time: 7.8% (95% CI 4.2-13.9) between 1994 and 2000; 6.5% (95% CI 4.0-10.5) during 2001 to 2007; and 11.6% (95% CI 8.8-15.1) from 2008 to 2014, yet was not a source of heterogeneity (p = .09). CONCLUSIONS: BPD prevalence estimates are influenced by the methodological or study sample factors measured. There is a need for consistency in measurement across studies to increase reliability in establishing the scope and characteristics of those with BPD engaged in tertiary study

    Surveillance study of apparent life-threatening events (ALTE) in the Netherlands

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    SIDS and ALTE are different entities that somehow show some similarities. Both constitute heterogeneous conditions. The Netherlands is a low-incidence country for SIDS. To study whether the same would hold for ALTE, we studied the incidence, etiology, and current treatment of ALTE in The Netherlands. Using the Dutch Pediatric Surveillance Unit, pediatricians working in second- and third-level hospitals in the Netherlands were asked to report any case of ALTE presented in their hospital from January 2002 to January 2003. A questionnaire was subsequently sent to collect personal data, data on pregnancy and birth, condition preceding the incident, the incident itself, condition after the incident, investigations performed, monitoring or treatment initiated during admission, any diagnosis made at discharge, and treatment or parental support offered after discharge. A total of 115 cases of ALTE were reported, of which 110 questionnaires were filled in and returned (response rate 97%). Based on the national birth rate of 200,000, the incidence of ALTE amounted 0.58/1,000 live born infants. No deaths occurred. Clinical diagnoses could be assessed in 58.2%. Most frequent diagnoses were (percentages of the total of 110 cases) gastro-esophageal reflux and respiratory tract infection (37.3% and 8.2%, respectively); main symptoms were change of color and muscle tone, choking, and gagging. The differences in diagnoses are heterogeneous. In 34%, parents shook their infants, which is alarmingly high. Pre- and postmature infants were overrepresented in this survey (29.5% and 8.2%, respectively). Ten percent had recurrent ALTE. In total, 15.5% of the infants were discharged with a home monitor. In conclusion, ALTE has a low incidence in second- and third-level hospitals in the Netherlands. Parents should be systematically informed about the possible devastating effects of shaking an infant. Careful history taking and targeted additional investigations are of utmost importance

    Altered T Cell Memory and Effector Cell Development in Chronic Lymphatic Filarial Infection That Is Independent of Persistent Parasite Antigen

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    Chronic lymphatic filarial (LF) infection is associated with suppression of parasite-specific T cell responses that persist even following elimination of infection. While several mechanisms have been implicated in mediating this T cell specific downregulation, a role for alterations in the homeostasis of T effector and memory cell populations has not been explored. Using multiparameter flow cytometry, we investigated the role of persistent filarial infection on the maintenance of T cell memory in patients from the filarial-endemic Cook Islands. Compared to filarial-uninfected endemic normals (EN), microfilaria (mf) positive infected patients (Inf) had a reduced CD4 central memory (TCM) compartment. In addition, Inf patients tended to have more effector memory cells (TEM) and fewer effector cells (TEFF) than did ENs giving significantly smaller TEFF ∶ TEM ratios. These contracted TCM and TEFF populations were still evident in patients previously mf+ who had cleared their infection (CLInf). Moreover, the density of IL-7Rα, necessary for T memory cell maintenance (but decreased in T effector cells), was significantly higher on memory cells of Inf and CLInf patients, although there was no evidence for decreased IL-7 or increased soluble IL7-Rα, both possible mechanisms for signaling defects in memory cells. However, effector cells that were present in Inf and CLInf patients had lower percentages of HLA-DR suggesting impaired function. These changes in T cell populations appear to reflect chronicity of infection, as filarial-infected children, despite the presence of active infection, did not show alterations in the frequencies of these T cell phenotypes. These data indicate that filarial-infected patients have contracted TCM compartments and a defect in effector cell development, defects that persist even following clearance of infection. The fact that these global changes in memory and effector cell compartments do not yet occur in infected children makes early treatment of LF even more crucial

    CD70 (TNFSF7) is expressed at high prevalence in renal cell carcinomas and is rapidly internalised on antibody binding

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    In order to identify potential markers of renal cancer, the plasma membrane protein content of renal cell carcinoma (RCC)-derived cell lines was annotated using a proteomics process. One unusual protein identified at high levels in A498 and 786-O cells was CD70 (TNFSF7), a type II transmembrane receptor normally expressed on a subset of B, T and NK cells, where it plays a costimulatory role in immune cell activation. Immunohistochemical analysis of CD70 expression in multiple carcinoma types demonstrated strong CD70 staining in RCC tissues. Metastatic tissues from eight of 11 patients with clear cell RCC were positive for CD70 expression. Immunocytochemical analysis demonstrated that binding of an anti-CD70 antibody to CD70 endogenously expressed on the surface of A498 and 786-O cell lines resulted in the rapid internalisation of the antibody–receptor complex. Coincubation of the internalising anti-CD70 antibody with a saporin-conjugated secondary antibody before addition to A498 cells resulted in 50% cell killing. These data indicate that CD70 represents a potential target antigen for toxin-conjugated therapeutic antibody treatment of RCC

    Simultaneous siRNA Targeting of Src and Downstream Signaling Molecules Inhibit Tumor Formation and Metastasis of a Human Model Breast Cancer Cell Line

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    Src and signaling molecules downstream of Src, including signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (Stat3) and cMyc, have been implicated in the development, maintenance and/or progression of several types of human cancers, including breast cancer. Here we report the ability of siRNA-mediated Src knock-down alone, and simultaneous knock-down of Src and Stat3 and/or cMyc to inhibit the neoplastic phenotype of a highly metastatic human model breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-435S, a widely used model for breast cancer research.Src and its downstream signaling partners were specifically targeted and knocked-down using siRNA. Changes in the growth properties of the cultured cancer cells/tumors were documented using assays that included anchorage-dependent and -independent (in soft agar) cell growth, apoptosis, and both primary and metastatic tumor growth in the mouse tumor model. siRNA-mediated Src knock-down alone, and simultaneous knock-down of Src and Stat3 and/or cMyc inhibited the neoplastic phenotype of a highly metastatic human model breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-435S. This knock-down resulted in reduced growth in monolayer and soft agar cultures, and a reduced ability to form primary tumors in NOD/SCID mice. In addition, direct intra-tumoral injection of siRNAs targeting these signaling molecules resulted in a substantial inhibition of tumor metastases as well as of primary tumor growth. Simultaneous knock-down of Src and Stat3, and/or Myc exhibited the greatest effects resulting in substantial inhibition of primary tumor growth and metastasis.These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of simultaneous targeting of Src and the downstream signaling partners Stat3 and/or cMyc to inhibit the growth and oncogenic properties of a human cancer cell line. This knowledge may be very useful in the development of future therapeutic approaches involving targeting of specific genes products involved in tumor growth and metastasis

    Sorry, Your Order Has a Substitution : The Effects of Substitution Policy in Online Grocery Retailing

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    Post-purchase out-of-stock (OOS) often happens in an online store context, where products appear to be available at the time a consumer makes an order and checks out, but then become OOS when the order is to be dispatched. To mitigate negative responses from consumers, online grocery retailers often provide consumers a substitution alternative to the OOS item. This paper investigates the effects of two substitution policies where we focus on different matching strategies of the substitution with the OOS item. In policy one, we measure the effect of matching on the dominant attribute (brand vs. flavour). In policy two, we test the effect of matching with a product from the consumers’ past purchase portfolio. We investigate these two substitution policies and their interaction in two categories that differ on the level of differentiation (i.e., the degree to which distinctions are objectively measurable – vertical differentiation/VD vs. not easy to evaluate – horizontal differentiation/HD). Our dependent variable is the probability to accept the substitute. The study employs a computer-simulated purchase experiment, using two product categories: margarine (VD) and cereals (HD). 2,113 UK consumers representative of general UK shopper profile participated. Findings show that in the margarine category where brand is the dominant attribute, the same brand substitution is more likely to be accepted than the same flavour substitution. In contrast, in the cereal category where flavour is more likely to be the dominant attribute, same flavour substitution is more likely to be accepted than same brand substitution. The results also show that, in both categories, matching the substitution product with a product from consumers’ past purchase portfolio is more likely to be accepted than offering a substitute that consumers have not bought before. We also found a significant interaction between the two policy types but for cereals only. The effects of two substitution policies are mediated by perceived fairness of the substitution. The paper discusses contributions and implication for future research
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