9 research outputs found

    Amino-Acid Ferroelectric Thin Films

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    Advanced method for sea ice concentration retrieval from satellite microwave radiometer measurements at frequencies near 90 GHz

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    An advanced method for sea ice concentration retrieval from satellite microwave radiometer measurements at frequencies near 90 GHz is presented. The method is based on the new approach for the determination of the tie points ― the polarization differences (PD) of the brightness temperatures (TB) of the ocean-atmosphere system (PDW) and the sea ice-atmosphere system microwave radiation (PDSI). The approach is based on the results of physical modeling of the sea ice – ocean – atmosphere TB and the analysis of the measurements of the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) in the Arctic region. The TB simulation is carried out for the whole ranges of the Arctic atmospheric conditions and sea ice and ocean parameters. The method of sea ice concentration (SIC) retrieval uses PD in measurements on the vertical and horizontal polarization at the frequency of 89 GHz and the values of tie points over the ice-free sea surface and over the sea ice. The range of PDW and PDSI variability is analyzed basing on the AMSR2 measurement data and the results of TB model calculations. The advancement of the method as compared to those traditionally used is the use of variable PDW values depending on how far from the sea ice edge is the pixel for which C is estimated. The method was tested using the maps of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (NMI) for the Northeren, Kara and Barents seas. The error of SIC estimation, calculated using the new method, turned out to be 4.2 %, which is almost two times lower than the error of the standard product of the University of Bremen, calculated using the same verification data set


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    The article presents a generalized 2-year Russian experience in the application of monoclonal antibodies to IgE in children and adolescents with severe, resistant to standard treatment of bronchial asthma. Data on 65 patients treated with anti-IgE therapy with omalizumab within more than 6 months period in 6 centers of the Russian Federation from 2007 to 2010 were analyzed. The results of this analysis demonstrate the safety and high clinical effectiveness of anti-IgE-therapy in children and adolescents with severe uncontrolled atopic bronchial asthma. Full control of the disease or marked improvement can be achieved in 73% patients, the effect in most cases significantly increases during the first 6 months of treatment and becomes stable in the future, providing a good quality of life and normal lung function.Key words: bronchial asthma, anti-IgE-therapy, treatment, adolescents, children, quality of life, omalizumab


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    The article presents a generalized 2-year Russian experience in the application of monoclonal antibodies to IgE in children and adolescents with severe, resistant to standard treatment of bronchial asthma. Data on 65 patients treated with anti-IgE therapy with omalizumab within more than 6 months period in 6 centers of the Russian Federation from 2007 to 2010 were analyzed. The results of this analysis demonstrate the safety and high clinical effectiveness of anti-IgE-therapy in children and adolescents with severe uncontrolled atopic bronchial asthma. Full control of the disease or marked improvement can be achieved in 73% patients, the effect in most cases significantly increases during the first 6 months of treatment and becomes stable in the future, providing a good quality of life and normal lung function.Key words: bronchial asthma, anti-IgE-therapy, treatment, adolescents, children, quality of life, omalizumab.В статье представлен обобщенный 2-летний российский опыт применения моноклональных антител к IgE у детей и подростков с тяжелой, резистентной к стандартному лечению, бронхиальной астмой. Проанализированы данные 65 больных, получавших анти-IgE терапию омализумабом более 6 мес, в 6 центрах РФ с 2007 по 2010 гг. Результаты проведенного анализа свидетельствуют о безопасности и высокой клинической эффективности анти- IgE-терапии у детей и подростков с тяжелой неконтролируемой атопической бронхиальной астмой. Полного контроля болезни или выраженного улучшения удалось достичь у 73% пациентов, эффект в большинстве случаев значимо нарастает в первые 6 мес лечения и является стабильным в дальнейшем, обеспечивая хорошее качество жизни и нормальные показатели функции легких. Ключевые слова: бронхиальная астма, анти-IgE-терапия, лечение, подростки, дети, качество жизни, омализумаб. (Педиатрическая фармакология –2011; 8(2): 50-56

    α-Heteroatom-substituted gem-Bisphosphonates: Advances in the Synthesis and Prospects for Biomedical Application

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