188 research outputs found

    Aglaia fellii W.E.Cooper & Joyce (Meliaceae), a new species for Cape York Peninsula

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    Aglaia fellii W.E.Cooper & Joyce (Meliaceae) is described from restricted areas of rainforest on Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia. Given the unusual morphological features of the species, including solitary flowers and fruits, a molecular phylogenetic analysis was conducted to confirm its placement within Aglaia prior to formal description. All Australian Aglaia species and eight Australian representa- tives of closely allied Meliaceae genera were sampled, and 353 nuclear loci were sequenced. Maximum likelihood analysis of these loci retrieved A. fellii as nested within Aglaia, most closely related to A. cooper- ae and A. monticola. This validates its assignment to Aglaia, making it the only Aglaia species with mostly solitary flowers (rarely 3- or 4-flowered) and solitary fruits. A full taxonomic description of Aglaia fellii and notes on its habitat are provided

    More haste less speed: A meta-analysis of thinking latencies during planning in people with psychosis

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    Cognitive impairment is a core feature of psychosis, with slowed processing speed thought to be a prominent impairment in schizophrenia and first-episode psychosis. However, findings from the Stockings of Cambridge (SOC) planning task suggest changes in processing speed associated with the illness may include faster responses in early stages of planning, though findings are inconsistent. This review uses meta-analytic methods to assess thinking times in psychosis across the available literature. Studies were identified by searching PubMed, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Eligibility criteria: 1) included a sample of people with non-affective psychosis according to DSM III, DSM IV, DSM V or ICD-10 criteria; 2) employed the SOC task; 3) included a healthy control group; and 4) published in English. We identified 11 studies that employed the SOC task. Results show that people with psychosis have significantly faster initial thinking times than non-clinical participants, but significantly slower subsequent thinking times during problem execution. These findings indicate that differences in processing speed are not limited to slower responses in people with psychosis but may reflect a preference for step-by-step processing rather than planning before task execution. We suggest this style of responding is adopted to compensate for working memory impairment

    Towards a Nonequilibrium Quantum Field Theory Approach to Electroweak Baryogenesis

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    We propose a general method to compute CPCP-violating observables from extensions of the standard model in the context of electroweak baryogenesis. It is alternative to the one recently developed by Huet and Nelson and relies on a nonequilibrium quantum field theory approach. The method is valid for all shapes and sizes of the bubble wall expanding in the thermal bath during a first-order electroweak phase transition. The quantum physics of CPCP-violation and its suppression coming from the incoherent nature of thermal processes are also made explicit.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure available upon e-mail reques

    Interaction between vitamin D receptor genotype and estrogen receptor alpha genotype influences vertebral fracture risk

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    In view of the interactions of vitamin D and the estrogen endocrine system, we studied the combined influence of polymorphisms in the estrogen receptor (ER) alpha gene and the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene on the susceptibility to osteoporotic vertebral fractures in 634 women aged 55 yr and older. Three VDR haplotypes (1, 2, and 3) of the BsmI, ApaI, and TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphisms and three ERalpha haplotypes (1, 2, and 3) of the PvuII and XbaI restriction fragment length polymorphisms were identified. We captured 131 nonvertebral and 85 vertebral fracture cases during a mean follow-up period of 7 yr. ERalpha haplotype 1 was dose-dependently associated with increased vertebral fracture risk (P < 0.001) corresponding to an odds ratio of 1.9 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.9-4.1] per copy of the risk allele. VDR haplotype 1 was overrepresented in vertebral fracture cases. There was a significant interaction (P = 0.01) between ERalpha haplotype 1 and VDR haplotype 1 in determining vertebral fracture risk. The association of ERalpha haplotype 1 with vertebral fracture risk was only present in homozygous carriers of VDR haplotype 1. The risk of fracture was 2.5 (95% CI, 0.6-9.9) for heterozygous and 10.3 (95% CI, 2.7-40) for homozygous carriers of ERalpha haplotype 1. These associations were independent of bone mineral density. In conclusion, interaction between ERalpha and VDR gene polymorphisms leads to increased risk of osteoporotic vertebral fractures in women, largely independent of bone mineral density

    Interaction between vitamin D receptor genotype and estrogen receptor alpha genotype influences vertebral fracture risk

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    In view of the interactions of vitamin D and the estrogen endocrine system, we studied the combined influence of polymorphisms in the estrogen receptor (ER) alpha gene and the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene on the susceptibility to osteoporotic vertebral fractures in 634 women aged 55 yr and older. Three VDR haplotypes (1, 2, and 3) of the BsmI, ApaI, and TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphisms and three ERalpha haplotypes (1, 2, and 3) of the PvuII and XbaI restriction fragment length polymorphisms were identified. We captured 131 nonvertebral and 85 vertebral fracture cases during a mean follow-up period of 7 yr. ERalpha haplotype 1 was dose-dependently associated with increased vertebral fracture risk (P < 0.001) corresponding to an odds ratio of 1.9 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.9-4.1] per copy of the risk allele. VDR haplotype 1 was overrepresented in vertebral fracture cases. There was a significant interaction (P = 0.01) between ERalpha haplotype 1 and VDR haplotype 1 in determining vertebral fracture risk. The association of ERalpha haplotype 1 with vertebral fracture risk was only present in homozygous carriers of VDR haplotype 1. The risk of fracture was 2.5 (95% CI, 0.6-9.9) for heterozygous and 10.3 (95% CI, 2.7-40) for homozygous carriers of ERalpha haplotype 1. These associations were independent of bone mineral density. In conclusion, interaction between ERalpha and VDR gene polymorphisms leads to increased risk of osteoporotic vertebral fractures in women, largely independent of bone mineral density

    The tissue-specific aspect of genome-wide DNA methylation in newborn and placental tissues: Implications for epigenetic epidemiologic studies

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    Epigenetic programming is essential for lineage differentiation, embryogenesis and placentation in early pregnancy. In epigenetic association studies, DNA methylation is often examined in DNA derived from white blood cells, although its validity to other tissues of interest remains questionable. Therefore, we investigated the tissue specificity of epigenome-wide DNA methylation in newborn and placental tissues. Umbilical cord white blood cells (UC-WBC, n = 25), umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells (UC-MNC, n = 10), human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC, n = 25) and placental tissue (n = 25) were obtained from 36 uncomplicated pregnancies. Genome-wide DNA methylation was measured by the Illumina HumanMethylation450K BeadChip. Using UC-WBC as a reference tissue, we identified 3595 HUVEC tissue-specific differentially methylated regions (tDMRs) and 11,938 placental tDMRs. Functional enrichment analysis showed that HUVEC and placental tDMRs were involved in embryogenesis, vascular development and regulation of gene expression. No tDMRs were identified in UC-MNC. In conclusion, the extensive amount of genome-wide HUVEC and placental tDMRs underlines the relevance of tissue-specific approaches in future epigenetic association studies, or the use of validated representative tissues for a certain disease of interest, if available. To this purpose, we herewith provide a relevant dataset of paired, tissue-specific, genome-wide methylation measurements in newborn tissues

    Biometric conversion factors as a unifying platform for comparative assessment of invasive freshwater bivalves

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    Invasive bivalves continue to spread and negatively impact freshwater ecosystems worldwide. As different metrics for body size and biomass are frequently used within the literature to standardise bivalve-related ecological impacts (e.g. respiration and filtration rates), the lack of broadly applicable conversion equations currently hinders reliable comparison across bivalve populations. To facilitate improved comparative assessment among studies originating from disparate geographical locations, we report body size and biomass conversion equations for six invasive freshwater bivalves (or species complex members) worldwide: Corbicula fluminea, C. largillierti, Dreissena bugensis, D. polymorpha, Limnoperna fortunei and Sinanodonta woodiana, and tested the reliability (i.e. precision and accuracy) of these equations. Body size (length, width and height) and biomass metrics of living-weight (LW), wet-weight (WW), dry-weight (DW), dry shell-weight (SW), shell free dry-weight (SFDW) and ash-free dry-weight (AFDW) were collected from a total of 44 bivalve populations located in Asia, the Americas and Europe. Relationships between body size and individual biomass metrics, as well as proportional weight-to-weight conversion factors, were determined. For most species, although inherent variation existed between sampled populations, body size directional measurements were found to be good predictors of all biomass metrics (e.g. length to LW, WW, SW or DW: R2 = 0.82–0.96), with moderate to high accuracy for mean absolute error (MAE): ±9.14%–24.19%. Similarly, narrow 95% confidence limits and low MAE were observed for most proportional biomass relationships, indicating high reliability for the calculated conversion factors (e.g. LW to AFDW; CI range: 0.7–2.0, MAE: ±0.7%–2.0%). Synthesis and applications. Our derived biomass prediction equations can be used to rapidly estimate the biologically active biomass of the assessed species, based on simpler biomass or body size measurements for a wide range of situations globally. This allows for the calculation of approximate average indicators that, when combined with density data, can be used to estimate biomass per geographical unit-area and contribute to quantification of population-level effects. These general equations will support meta-analyses, and allow for comparative assessment of historic and contemporary data. Overall, these equations will enable conservation managers to better understand and predict ecological impacts of these bivalves. © 2021 The Authors. Journal of Applied Ecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Societ

    The experience and impact of chronic disease peer support interventions: A qualitative synthesis

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    OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to synthesise qualitative literature about the perceived impact and experience of participating in peer support interventions for individuals with chronic disease. METHODS: We carried out a meta-ethnography to synthesize 25 papers meeting specific inclusion criteria. RESULTS: Thirteen concepts were identified that reflected participants' perceptions of the experience and impact of intervention participation. These were brought together in a conceptual model that highlighted both positive and negative perceptions, while also indicating if specific experiences and impacts had greater pertinence for mentors, mentees, or were mutually experienced. CONCLUSION: Although peer support interventions may establish uneven power relationships between mentors and mentees, there is also potential for initially asymmetrical relationships to become more symmetrical over time. Our synthesis suggests that emotional support is particularly valued when delivered under conditions that do not merely reproduce biomedical hierarchies of power. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: This synthesis suggests that those developing and implementing peer support interventions need to be sensitive to their potential negative effects. They will need to manage the tension between the hierarchical and egalitarian aspects of peer support interventions, and consider the impact on both mentors and mentees

    Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture Prevalence Varies Widely Between Qualitative and Quantitative Radiological Assessment Methods: The Rotterdam Study

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    Accurate diagnosis of vertebral osteoporotic fractures is crucial for the identification of individuals at high risk of future fractures. Different methods for radiological assessment of vertebral fractures exist, but a gold standard is lacking. The aim of our study was to estimate statistical measures of agreement and prevalence of osteoporotic vertebral fractures in the population-based Rotterdam Study, across two assessment methods. The quantitative morphometry assisted by SpineAnalyzer® (QM SA) method evaluates vertebral height loss that affects vertebral shape whereas the algorithm-based qualitative (ABQ) method judges endplate integrity and includes guidelines for the differentiation of vertebral fracture and nonfracture deformities. Cross-sectional radiographs were assessed for 7582 participants aged 45 to 95 years. With QM SA, the prevalence was 14.2% (95% CI, 13.4% to 15.0%), compared to 4.0% (95% CI, 3.6% to 4.5%) with ABQ. Inter-method agreement according to kappa (κ) was 0.24. The highest agreement between methods was among females (κ = 0.31), participants age >80 years (κ = 0.40), and at the L1 level (κ = 0.40). With ABQ, most fractures were found at the thoracolumbar junction (T12–L1) followed by the T7–T8 level, whereas with QM SA, most deformities were in the mid thoracic (T7–T8) and lower thoracic spine (T11–T12), with similar number of fractures in both peaks. Excluding mild QM SA deformities (grade 1 with QM) from the analysis increased, the agreement between the methods from κ = 0.24 to 0.40, whereas reexamining mild deformities based on endplate depression increased agreement from κ = 0.24 to 0.50 (p <0.001). Vertebral fracture prevalence differs significantly between QM SA and ABQ; reexamining QM mild deformities based on endplate depression would increase the agreement between methods. More widespread and consistent application of an optimal method may improve clinical care
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