15 research outputs found


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    Bioluminescence of deep-sea coronate medusae (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa)

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    Bioluminescence is the production of visible light by a living organism. The light commonly appears as flashes from point sources (involving one or more cells, usually described as photocytes) or as a glandular secretion. A visible flash usually involves synchronous light emission from a group of cells or, if from a single-celled organism such as a dinoflagellate, from a group of organelles. The number of cells (or organelles) responding synchronously is the main determinant of the flash intensity. Bioluminescence is a common phenomenon in many deep-sea animals and is widespread among the Cnidaria. In this paper, we compare and contrast in situ and laboratory recordings of the bioluminescent responses of specimens of the deep-sea scyphozoans Atolla wyvillei, Atolla vanhoffeni, Atolla parva, Nausithoe rubra, Paraphyllina intermedia, Periphyllopsis braueri and Periphylla periphylla. Displays in all seven species consist of localised flashes and propagated waves of light in the surface epithelium. The first few single waves propagate at rates of up to 60 cm s-1 but subsequent ones in any sequence of stimuli gradually decrease in speed. After several single wave responses, a subsequent stimulus may elicit multiple waves that persist for several seconds. Following such a frenzy, the specimen becomes temporarily refractory to further stimuli, but if rested will recover its normal responses and may produce further frenzies. The dome area, situated above the coronal groove, of the genera Paraphyllina, Periphylla, and Nausithoe is covered with luminescent point sources. Such point sources are generally absent from the dome of species of Atolla. Captured specimens of A. parva also produce secretory bioluminescence, corroborating prior in situ observations of this ability. Secretory bioluminescence in P. periphylla takes the form of scintillating particles released from the lappet margins. We did not observe secretory displays in specimens of any other species in the laboratory, but one instance of apparent secretory luminescence was recorded in situ in a specimen of A. wyvillei

    Giant Deep-Sea Protist Produces Bilaterian-like Traces

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    One of the strongest paleontological arguments in favor of the origin of bilaterally symmetrical animals (Bilateria) prior to their obvious and explosive appearance in the fossil record in the early Cambrian, 542 million years ago, is the occurrence of trace fossils shaped like elongated sinuous grooves or furrows in the Precambrian [1-5]. Being restricted to the seafloor surface, these traces are relatively rare and of limited diversity, and they do not show any evidence of the use of hard appendages [2, 6]. They are commonly attributed to the activity of the early nonskeletonized bilaterians or, alternatively, large cnidarians such as sea anemones or sea pens. Here we describe macroscopic groove-like traces produced by a living giant protist and show that these traces bear a remarkable resemblance to the Precambrian trace fossils, including those as old as 1.8\ua0billion years. This is the first evidence that organisms other than multicellular animals can produce such traces, and it prompts re-evaluation of the significance of Precambrian trace fossils as evidence of the early diversification of Bilateria. Our observations also render indirect support to the highly controversial interpretation of the enigmatic Ediacaran biota of the late Precambrian as giant protists [7, 8]

    Evolution of Consumption Volatility for the Liquidity Constrained Households over 1983 to 2004

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    A practical first-principles band-theory approach to the study of correlated materials

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    71.10.-w Theories and models of many-electron systems, 71.15.Mb Density functional theory, local density approximation, gradient and other corrections, 71.28.+d Narrow-band systems; intermediate-valence solids, 75.10.-b General theory and models of magnetic ordering,

    High-energy astrophysics with neutrino telescopes

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    Neutrino astrophysics offers new perspectives on the Universe investigation: high energy neutrinos, produced by the most energetic phenomena in our Galaxy and in the Universe, carry complementary (if not exclusive) information about the cosmos with respect to photons. While the small interaction cross section of neutrinos allows them to come from the core of astrophysical objects, it is also a drawback, as their detection requires a large target mass. This is why it is convenient put huge cosmic neutrino detectors in natural locations, like deep underwater or under-ice sites. In order to supply for such extremely hostile environmental conditions, new frontiers technologies are under development. The aim of this work is to review the motivations for high energy neutrino astrophysics, the present status of experimental results and the technologies used in underwater/ice Cherenkov experiments, with a special focus on the efforts for the construction of a km3 scale detector in the Mediterranean Sea.Comment: 88 pages and 41 figure