42 research outputs found

    Massless Minimally Coupled Fields in De Sitter Space: O(4)-Symmetric States Versus De Sitter Invariant Vacuum

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    The issue of de Sitter invariance for a massless minimally coupled scalar field is revisited. Formally, it is possible to construct a de Sitter invariant state for this case provided that the zero mode of the field is quantized properly. Here we take the point of view that this state is physically acceptable, in the sense that physical observables can be computed and have a reasonable interpretation. In particular, we use this vacuum to derive a new result: that the squared difference between the field at two points along a geodesic observer's space-time path grows linearly with the observer's proper time for a quantum state that does not break de Sitter invariance. Also, we use the Hadamard formalism to compute the renormalized expectation value of the energy momentum tensor, both in the O(4) invariant states introduced by Allen and Follaci, and in the de Sitter invariant vacuum. We find that the vacuum energy density in the O(4) invariant case is larger than in the de Sitter invariant case.Comment: TUTP-92-1, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Squeezed States in the de Sitter Vacuum

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    We discuss the treatment of squeezed states as excitations in the Euclidean vacuum of de Sitter space. A comparison with the treatment of these states as candidate no-particle states, or alpha-vacua, shows important differences already in the free theory. At the interacting level alpha-vacua are inconsistent, but squeezed state excitations seem perfectly acceptable. Indeed, matrix elements can be renormalized in the excited states using precisely the standard local counterterms of the Euclidean vacuum. Implications for inflationary scenarios in cosmology are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, no figures. One new citation in version 3; no other change

    Andreev conductance of a domain wall

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    At low temperatures, the transport through a superconductor-ferromagnet tunnel interface is due to tunneling of electrons in pairs. Exchange field of a monodomain ferromagnet aligns electron spins and suppresses the two electron tunneling. The presence of the domain walls at the SF interface strongly enhances the subgap current. The Andreev conductance is proven to be proportional to the total length of domain walls at the SF interface.Comment: 4 pages and 1 figur

    A Model of Curvature-Induced Phase Transitions in Inflationary Universe

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    Chiral phase transitions driven by space-time curvature effects are investigated in de Sitter space in the supersymmetric Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with soft supersymmetry breaking. The model is considered to be suitable for the analysis of possible phase transitions in inflationary universe. It is found that a restoration of the broken chiral symmetry takes place in two patterns for increasing curvature : the first order and second order phase transition respectively depending on initial settings of the four-body interaction parameter and the soft supersymmetry breaking parameter. The critical curves expressing the phase boundaries in these parameters are obtained. Cosmological implications of the result are discussed in connection with bubble formations and the creation of cosmic strings during the inflationary era.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, REVTe

    Theory of proximity effect in superconductor/ferromagnet heterostructures

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    We present a microscopic theory of proximity effect in the ferromagnet/superconductor/ferromagnet (F/S/F) nanostructures where S is s-wave low-T_c superconductor and F's are layers of 3d transition ferromagnetic metal. Our approach is based on the solution of Gor'kov equations for the normal and anomalous Green's functions together with a self-consistent evaluation of the superconducting order parameter. We take into account the elastic spin-conserving scattering of the electrons assuming s-wave scattering in the S layer and s-d scattering in the F layers. In accordance with the previous quasiclassical theories, we found that due to exchange field in the ferromagnet the anomalous Green's function F(z) exhibits the damping oscillations in the F-layer as a function of distance z from the S/F interface. In the given model a half of period of oscillations is determined by the length \xi_m^0 = \pi v_F/E_ex, where v_F is the Fermi velocity and E_ex is the exchange field, while damping is governed by the length l_0 = (1/l_{\uparrow} + 1/l_{\downarrow})^{-1} with l_{\uparrow} and l_{\downarrow} being spin-dependent mean free paths in the ferromagnet. The superconducting transition temperature T_c(d_F) of the F/S/F trilayer shows the damping oscillations as a function of the F-layer thickness d_F with period \xi_F = \pi/\sqrt{m E_ex}, where m is the effective electron mass. We show that strong spin-conserving scattering either in the superconductor or in the ferromagnet significantly suppresses these oscillations. The calculated T_c(d_F) dependences are compared with existing experimental data for Fe/Nb/Fe trilayers and Nb/Co multilayers.Comment: 13 pages, REVTeX4, 8 PS-figures; improved version, submitted to PR

    Tall tales from de Sitter space II: Field theory dualities

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    We consider the evolution of massive scalar fields in (asymptotically) de Sitter spacetimes of arbitrary dimension. Through the proposed dS/CFT correspondence, our analysis points to the existence of new nonlocal dualities for the Euclidean conformal field theory. A massless conformally coupled scalar field provides an example where the analysis is easily explicitly extended to 'tall' background spacetimes.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figure

    Josephson current in superconductor-ferromagnet structures with a nonhomogeneous magnetization

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    We calculate the dc Josephson current IJI_J for two types of superconductor-ferromagnet (S/F) Josephson junctions. The junction of the first type is a S/F/S junction. On the basis of the Eilenberger equation, the Josephson current is calculated for an arbitrary impurity concentration. If hτ1% h\tau\ll1 the expression for the Josephson critical current IcI_c is reduced to that which can be obtained from the Usadel equation (hh is the exchange energy, τ\tau is the momentum relaxation time). In the opposite limit hτ1h\tau\gg1 the superconducting condensate oscillates with period % v_F/h and penetrates into the F region over distances of the order of the mean free path ll. For this kind of junctions we also calculate IJI_J in the case when the F layer presents a nonhomogeneous (spiral) magnetic structure with the period 2π/Q2\pi /Q. It is shown that for not too low temperatures, the π\pi-state which occurs in the case of a homogeneous magnetization (Q=0) may disappear even at small values of QQ. In this nonhomogeneous case, the superconducting condensate has a nonzero triplet component and can penetrate into the F layer over a long distance of the order of ξT=\xi_{T}=% \sqrt{D/2\pi T}. The junction of the second type consists of two S/F bilayers separated by a thin insulating film. It is shown that the critical Josephson current IcI_{c} depends on the relative orientation of the effective exchange field hh of the bilayers. In the case of an antiparallel orientation, IcI_{c} increases with increasing hh. We establish also that in the F film deposited on a superconductor, the Meissner current created by the internal magnetic field may be both diamagnetic or paramagnetic.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Proximity effects and characteristic lengths in ferromagnet-superconductor structures

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    We present an extensive theoretical investigation of the proximity effects that occur in Ferromagnet/Superconductor (F/SF/S) systems. We use a numerical method to solve self consistently the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations in the continuum. We obtain the pair amplitude and the local density of states (DOS), and use these results to extract the relevant lengths characterizing the leakage of superconductivity into the magnet and to study spin splitting into the superconductor. These phenomena are investigated as a function of parameters such as temperature, magnet polarization, interfacial scattering, sample size and Fermi wavevector mismatch, all of which turn out to have important influence on the results. These comprehensive results should help characterize and analyze future data and are shown to be in agreement with existing experiments.Comment: 24 pages, including 26 figure

    Spontaneous Spin Polarized Currents in Superconductor-Ferromagnetic Metal Heterostructures

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    We study a simple microscopic model for thin, ferromagnetic, metallic layers on semi-infinite bulk superconductor. We find that for certain values of the exchange spliting, on the ferromagnetic side, the ground states of such structures feature spontaneously induced spin polarized currents. Using a mean-field theory, which is selfconsistent with respect to the pairing amplitude χ\chi, spin polarization m\vec{m} and the spontaneous current js\vec{j}_s, we show that not only there are Andreev bound states in the ferromagnet but when their energies EnE_n are near zero they support spontaneous currents parallel to the ferromagnetic-superconducting interface. Moreover, we demonstrate that the spin-polarization of these currents depends sensitively on the band filling.Comment: 4 pages, 5 Postscript figures (included

    Layered ferromagnet-superconductor structures: the π\pi state and proximity effects

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    We investigate clean mutilayered structures of the SFS and SFSFS type, (where the S layer is intrinsically superconducting and the F layer is ferromagnetic) through numerical solution of the self-consistent Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations for these systems. We obtain results for the pair amplitude, the local density of states, and the local magnetic moment. We find that as a function of the thickness dFd_F of the magnetic layers separating adjacent superconductors, the ground state energy varies periodically between two stable states. The first state is an ordinary "0-state", in which the order parameter has a phase difference of zero between consecutive S layers, and the second is a "π\pi-state", where the sign alternates, corresponding to a phase difference of π\pi between adjacent S layers. This behavior can be understood from simple arguments. The density of states and the local magnetic moment reflect also this periodicity.Comment: 12 pages, 10 Figure