3,525 research outputs found

    Модель нелінійного деформування зернистих композитів

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    The model of nonlinear deformation of a granular composite material of a stochastic structure with physically nonlinear components was constructed. The basis is the stochastic differential equations of the physically nonlinear theory of elasticity by L.P. Khoroshun. The solution to the problem of the stress-strain state and effective deformable properties of the composite material is built using the averaging method. An algorithm for determining the effective properties of granular material with physically nonlinear components has been developed. The solution of nonlinear equations, taking into account their physical nonlinearity, is constructed by the iterative method. The law of the relationship between macrostresses and macrostrains in granular material and the dependence of average strains and stresses in its components on macrostrains has been established. Curves of deformation of the material were constructed for different values of the volume content of its components. The dependence of the effective deformable properties of the granular material on the volume content of the components was studied. The effect of component nonlinearity on the deformation of granular composite material was studied. It was established that the nonlinearity of the components significantly affects the effective deformable properties and the stress-strain state of granular materials. Pages of the article in the issue: 168 - 171 Language of the article: UkrainianПобудовано модель нелінійного деформування зернистого композитного матеріалу стохастичної структури з фізично нелінійними компонентами. В основу покладені стохастичні диференціальні рівняння фізично нелінійної теорії пружності Л.П. Хорошуна. Розв’язок задачі про напружено-деформівний стан та ефективні деформативні властивості композитного матеріалу будується за методом осереднення. Розроблено алгоритм визначення ефективних властивостей зернистого матеріалу з фізично нелінійними компонентами. Розв’язок нелінійних рівнянь, що враховують їх фізичну нелінійність, будується за ітераційним методом. Встановлено закон зв'язку між макронапруженнями і макродеформаціями в зернистому матеріалі та залежності середніх деформацій і напружень в його компонентах від макродеформацій. Побудовано криві деформування матеріалу для різних значень об'ємного вмісту його компонентів. Вивчено залежність ефективних деформативних властивостей зернистого матеріалу від об'ємного вмісту компонентів. Досліджено вплив нелінійності компонентів на деформування зернистого композитного матеріалу. Встановлено, що нелінійність компонентів суттєво впливає на ефективні деформативні властивості та напружено-деформований стан зернистих матеріалів

    The environmental component of ESG factors from the standpoint of management in a closed-loop economy

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    Various approaches to the implementation of the concept of extended producer responsibility in the European Union are considered, and the features of the introduction and use of the closed-cycle economy in European countries are determined. Some examples of the impact of waste legislation on the production cycle of a product in the European Union are considered, as well as the main obstacles that manufacturers had to face when trying to introduce the extended producer responsibility concept in its current form into production. The key problems of using and implementing the concept under consideration in the economy are highlighted. The interrelation of ESG factors as guidelines for strategic development with the need for the development of mechanisms of extended producer responsibility is shown. The prospects for the development of extended producer responsibility in Russian production are also outlined

    Spin excitations of the correlated semiconductor FeSi probed by THz radiation

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    By direct measurements of the complex optical conductivity σ(ν)\sigma(\nu) of FeSi we have discovered a broad absorption peak centered at frequency ν0(4.2K)32cm1\nu_{0}(4.2 K) \approx 32 cm^{-1} that develops at temperatures below 20 K. This feature is caused by spin-polaronic states formed in the middle of the gap in the electronic density of states. We observe the spin excitations between the electronic levels split by the exchange field of He=34±6TH_{e}=34\pm 6 T. Spin fluctuations are identified as the main factor determining the formation of the spin polarons and the rich magnetic phase diagram of FeSi.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Generative User-Experience Research for Developing Domain-specific Natural Language Processing Applications

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    User experience (UX) is a part of human-computer interaction (HCI) research and focuses on increasing intuitiveness, transparency, simplicity, and trust for system users. Most of the UX research for machine learning (ML) or natural language processing (NLP) focuses on a data-driven methodology, i.e., it fails to focus on users' requirements, and engages domain users mainly for usability evaluation. Moreover, more typical UX methods tailor the systems towards user usability, unlike learning about the user needs first. The paper proposes a methodology for integrating generative UX research into developing domain NLP applications. Generative UX research employs domain users at the initial stages of prototype development, i.e., ideation and concept evaluation, and the last stage for evaluating the change in user value. In the case study, we report the full-cycle prototype development of a domain-specific semantic search for daily operations in the process industry. Our case study shows that involving domain experts increases their interest and trust in the final NLP application. Moreover, we show that synergetic UX+NLP research efficiently considers data- and user-driven opportunities and constraints, which can be crucial for NLP applications in narrow domain