5,587 research outputs found

    Implementation of Wi-Ap; An IEEE 802.11b/g Based Electrical Switch Module With Web Enabled Interface for Electrical Appliances Control

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    The aim of this research study is to design and implement a Wi-Fi-based control panel for remote control of lights and electrical appliances with a web functionality that allows for wide area control via the intranet or Internet. This eliminates the inconvenience of moving from one switch to another for analog operation of light fixtures and appliance in home, office and campus environment. The wireless technology we adopted is IEEE 802.11 (2008) b/g, also called Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) which operates in free band and is easily accessible. Wi-Ap (Wi-Fi Automated Appliance) control system contains a web portal which allows for management and control purposes via the intranet or Internet. We built a standalone Wi-Ap console that allows the wireless switching on and off of any appliance(s) that is(are) ) plugged into it. The prototype we built was tested within the Electrical and Information Engineering department, Covenant University, Nigeria intranet and the test achieved our aim of remote appliances control from a web portal vial the intranet

    The Diagnostic Accuracy of Chest CT in the Detection of Tumor and Nodal Status in Non Small Cell Lung Carcinoma

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    At this time there is an increasing demand for an accurate pre operative staging in non small cell lung cancer. Chest Computed Tomography (CT) is one of the imaging modality of choice used for this purpose. This study evaluated the accuracy of the chest CT to determine the status of the tumor and nodules in non small cell lung cancer. During the years 1998 and 1999, a descriptive prospective study of 32 patients undergoing a contrast enhanced chest CT examination for non small cell lung cancer, stage I-IIIA, was conducted. Lobectomy, lymph nodes dissection and postoperative histo-pathological examination were done. CT findings were as follows: a sensitivity of 100%, a specificity of 25% and an accuracy of 60% in the detection of the nodule stage were found. In 17 patients with adenocarcinoma, the sensitivity, the specificity and the accuracy were 86.6%, 100% and 88.2% respectively. The diagnosis of all patients was confirmed histo-pathologically. Six patients with T2 and 26 patients with T3 were detected by chest CT; the accuracy of the tumor status was 93.7%, confirmed by surgical and histo-pathological examinations. It was concluded that the CT played an important role in determining the clinical stage of non small cell lung cancer. The specificity and accuracy were higher in adeno-carcinoma as compared with squamous cell carcinoma in detecting the nodal status

    Two-Frequency Jahn-Teller Systems in Circuit QED

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    We investigate the simulation of Jahn-Teller models with two non-degenerate vibrational modes using a circuit QED architecture. Typical Jahn-Teller systems are anisotropic and require at least a two-frequency description. The proposed simulator consists of two superconducting lumped-element resonators interacting with a common flux qubit in the ultrastrong coupling regime. We translate the circuit QED model of the system to a two-frequency Jahn-Teller Hamiltonian and calculate its energy eigenvalues and the emission spectrum of the cavities. It is shown that the system can be systematically tuned to an effective single mode Hamiltonian from the two-mode model by varying the coupling strength between the resonators. The flexibility in manipulating the parameters of the circuit QED simulator permits isolating the effective single frequency and pure two-frequency effects in the spectral response of Jahn-Teller systems.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, figures revise

    A Note on Some Classes of Function Algebras

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    In this note, we establish some new results on some special types of function algebras and also give new proofs to some existing one

    Komunitas K-popers Pekanbaru (Studi Tentang Pembentukan Kelompok Sosial)

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    Globalization brought the Korean Wave virus into Pekanbaru and caused emergences many Korean culture lovers, especially among young people. This also raises awareness by some young people to establish a community called Komunitas K-Popers Pekanbaru which aims as a forum for gathering of fans and a place to train the talents of its members. This study aims to determine the factors of community formation and social interaction processes that occur both between members and with other communities. The research method used qualitative research because the topic is difficult to be measured by data collection techniques through interviews, observation and online data tracking. Informant consists of 5 permanent members of the selected community using purposive sampling technique by meeting several criteria determined by the researcher. Through this research, it is concluded that the formation of K-Popers Pekanbaru Community because of the similarity of interest in K-Pop culture, as a media for sharing and exchanging information also to become a place for K-Popers to practice and develop their dance cover hobby . The social interaction that occurs in this community arises after the fulfillment of social interaction requirement that is social contact that most of them done indirectly by using TV and internet media and social communication which aims to convey messages and information relating to K-Pop

    The Implementation of Indonesian National Health Insurance Programme: How Satisfiedwerethe Insured Participants and the Healthcare Providers?

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    This study examined how satisfied the insured participants and the healthcare providers were with the services provided by the BPJS Health. The study took place in 24 cities/districts in Indonesia. The data was collected through face-to-face interviews with 17,820 insured participants and 1,170 healthcare providers.The survey revealed that the participantswere satisfied with the services they had obtained from the providers. However, the participants at the primary healthcare facilities hada significantly lower satisfaction level than those at the secondary healthcare facilities. Better facilities and medical equipment, better services from medics and paramedics, better drugs availability and quality, along with assurance in obtaining a proper and timeline treatment, all contributed to the higher satisfaction level. Policy makers need to consider making an improvement on the facilities and service qualities at the primary healthcare facilities in order to enhance the participants' trust. Otherwise, the referral system implementation under the NHI system might not be effectively implemented as participants prefer to get a treatment from secondary healthcare facilities. This study suggests that empathy attributes are the key factor in building satisfaction level. Special attentions need to be given on the “human” aspect of the service providers

    Instagram sebagai Gaya Hidup Masyarakat Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Komunitas Instagram di Kota Pekanbaru)

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    Along with the development of the current era, playing the media Instagram not just to search a popularity but as a means to work especially for children community instagram in Pekanbaru City, in addition to exchange thoughts fellow instagram users they can also share experiences in social media instagram, whatever Which they do it all because it has become a necessity for them to always play social media instagram and make lifestyle for them. The phenomenon of community lifestyle that makes social media instagram as lifestyle make the purpose of this research. In this research the subject of research is six people, those who become the subject of research is a member of community instagram of Pekanbaru city which has made social media instagram as his lifestyle. Data collection is done by observation following weekly activities from the community as well as interviews and documentation. Interviews conducted are in-depth interviews where the researcher ask questions verbally and directly with the subject in full and in depth. According to research that has been done can be concluded Pekanbaru urban society to play social media instagram has become a necessity for them, things that they can from users of social media instagram like information, add friendship make they always want to play the media

    Recognizing biotechnology as a tool for sustainable development

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    The last century has been largely driven by wealth of natural resources; however, more than ever before, knowledge, skills and intellectualism are now the driving force of current global wealth creation. The demonstration of this fact can be found with nations that have advanced their science and technology system and have adopted new technologies. Knowledge of space science, information technology and biotechnology in particular are been explored to narrow the divide between ‘have’ and ‘have not’ in these communities. The application of biotechnology is not new, it has been employed for centuries in the production of fermented foods such as gari, bread, beer, yoghurt, cheese and beverages such as wine. Modern advances in biotechnology hold great promise for addressing key challenges in agriculture, human health and the environment. Biotechnology, as with any new technology has its advantages and limitations; the application of modern biotechnology has highlighted its positive impact on agriculture, human health and the environment through increased crop yields, the reduced use of pesticides and herbicides, production of nutritionally enhanced foods and affordable vaccines. It is indeed an essential panacea to the pervasive poverty and food security problem in Nigeria. The debate about biotechnology continues because of, politics, trade and ethicalissues that have been raised in the public domain with little distinction being made between biotechnology as a tool and genetically modified (GM) crops and foods as products, leading to the intense controversy about the perceived risks to human health and environment. This highlights the importance of having biosafety regulations in place and ensuring that there is adequate in-country capacity so that all the necessary precautions are adhered to. The debate must shift to how thistechnology can be adopted and deployed to benefit the nation and its citizens in such a way that the ecosystem is not threatened.Keywords: Biotechnology, biosafety, wealt