98 research outputs found

    Sobre la cuestión de la reproducción industrial moderna

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    In the researches concerning the modern specificity of reproduction processes, the question about the functional role of industry in economic development becomes more and more actual. This emerging reproductive structure is the result of the transformation of the main types of economic activity and, above all, industry. Theoretical base of the research is presented by scientific and practical results of domestic and international researches of reproduction regularities and tendencies of industrial production development, including in post-industrial conditions. Theoretical and analytical generalizations, functional and structural analysis, comparative and comparative methods were used as the specific basic scientific methods and methods of research. The article singles out, on the basis of the study of the specifics of the transformation of economic systems in the post-industrial era, integrating the functional role of the industrial sector of the economy, which is to ensure the formation of a new reproductive structure with a pronounced dominance of the service activity through the advanced creation of progressive material-product and cost component, which allowed to combine the systemically important patterns of use of limited production resources on priority ses.En las investigaciones sobre la especificidad moderna de los procesos de reproducción, la pregunta sobre el papel funcional de la industria en el desarrollo económico se vuelve cada vez más actual. Esta estructura reproductiva emergente es el resultado de la transformación de los principales tipos de actividad económica y, sobre todo, de la industria. La base teórica de la investigación se presenta mediante resultados científicos y prácticos de investigaciones nacionales e internacionales sobre regularidades de reproducción y tendencias del desarrollo de la producción industrial, incluso en condiciones posindustriales. Se utilizaron generalizaciones teóricas y analíticas, análisis funcionales y estructurales, métodos comparativos y comparativos como métodos científicos básicos específicos y métodos de investigación. El artículo destaca, sobre la base del estudio de los detalles de la transformación de los sistemas económicos en la era postindustrial, integrando el papel funcional del sector industrial de la economía, que es asegurar la formación de una nueva estructura reproductiva. Con un marcado dominio de la actividad de servicio a través de la creación avanzada de componentes progresivos de material-producto y costo, lo que permitió combinar los patrones sistémicamente importantes de uso de recursos de producción limitados en las sesiones prioritarias

    Prototype of Hieromonk Misail in F. M. Dostoevsky’s Novella Uncle’s Dream

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    Поступила в редакцию: 23.02.2020. Принята к печати: 22.01.2021.Submitted: 23.02.2020. Accepted: 22.01.2021.В статье дается комментарий одной детали художественного мира повести «Дядюшкин сон». Упоминание об иеромонахе Мисаиле в Светозерской пустыни рассматривается как топографическая примета, обеспечивающая убедительную локальную привязку текста Достоевского. Прототипом священника, по нашему мнению, является о. Макарий (Михаил Яковлевич Глухарев), которого называли «Апостолом земли Алтайской». В научный оборот вводится найденный в Барнауле автограф М. Я. Глухарева, анализируется миссионерская деятельность архимандрита, причины его сближения с тобольскими декабристами М. А. Фонвизиным и его супругой Н. Д. Фонвизиной, П. С. Бобрищевым-Пушкиным, П. Н. Свистуновым. В работе рассматривается также вопрос интереса Ф. М. Достоевского к личности архимандрита и каналы, по которым писатель мог узнать о старце: кружок Фонвизиных, книга об о. Макарии его преемника С. Ландышева, семипалатинский приятель Достоевского краевед Н. А. Абрамов, устная легенда, в том числе раскольничья. Сохранившиеся по сей день юмористические истории об архимандрите могли стать толчком для комической трансформации его образа в повести «Дядюшкин сон», в которой писатель с легкостью, иронично оперировал известными ему фактами, зашифровав о. Макария под мирским именем Михаил. В зрелом творчестве фигура Макария присутствует в черновых набросках романа «Братья Карамазовы», а «обдорский монашек» входит в окружение старца Зосимы в окончательном тексте произведения. Задолго до обдумывания замысла романа «Братья Карамазовы» М. Я. Глухарев становится для Достоевского не только катализатором творческого процесса и одним из прототипов героев, но и примером «романтического миссионера», народного духовного лидера и реформатора церкви.This article comments on one detail of the artistic world of the novella Uncle’s Dream. The mention of monk Misail in Svetozersky Hermitage is considered as a topographic sign, which allows one to accurately determine the local attribution of Dostoevsky’s text. According to the author of the article, the prototype of the priest is Father Macarius (Mikhail Yakovlevich Glukharev), also known as “the Apostle of the Altai Land”. The author introduces into scholarly circulation M. Ya. Glukharev’s autograph found in Barnaul and analyses the missionary activity of the Archimandrite and the reasons for his getting closer to Tobolsk Decembrists M. A. Fonvizin and his wife N. D. Fonvizina, P. S. Bobrischev-Pushkin, and P. N. Svistunov. The paper also discusses the question of F. M. Dostoevsky’s interest in the personality of the Archimandrite and the channels through which the writer could know about the old man: Fonvizin’s circle, the book about father Macarius of his succеssоr S. Landyshev, Dostoevsky’s Semipalatinsk fellow ethnographer N. A. Abramov, or oral legends, including raskolnik ones. The extant humorous stories about the Archimandrite might have served as an impetus for the comic transformation of his image in the novella Uncle’s Dream, in which the writer easily and ironically used facts known to him encrypting Father Macarius and using the secular name Mikhail. In the writer’s later works, the figure of Macarius is presented in the rough drafts of the novel The Brothers Karamazov and “the monk of Obdor” is included in the environment of Elder Zosima in the final text of the work. Long before the emergence of the conception of The Brothers Karamazov, M. Ya. Glukharev becomes not only a catalyst in the creative process and one of the prototypes for Dostoevsky, but also an example of the “romantic missionary”, a popular spiritual leader and reformer of the Church.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке гранта РФФИ и Кемеровской области в рамках научного проекта № 20-412-420002 «Языковая личность в региональном социокультурном пространстве: режимы производства локального знания о жизни и творчестве Ф. М. Достоевского».The research was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Kemerovo Region grant project 20-412-420002 “Linguistic Personality in the Regional Socio-Cultural Space: Modes of Production of Local Knowledge about the Life and Work of F. M. Dostoevsky”

    Magic wavelengths for the np-ns transitions in alkali-metal atoms

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    Extensive calculations of the electric-dipole matrix elements in alkali-metal atoms are conducted using the relativistic all-order method. This approach is a linearized version of the coupled-cluster method, which sums infinite sets of many-body perturbation theory terms. All allowed transitions between the lowest ns, np_1/2, np_3/2 states and a large number of excited states are considered in these calculations and their accuracy is evaluated. The resulting electric-dipole matrix elements are used for the high-precision calculation of frequency-dependent polarizabilities of the excited states of alkali-metal atoms. We find magic wavelengths in alkali-metal atoms for which the ns and np_1/2 and np_3/2 atomic levels have the same ac Stark shifts, which facilitates state-insensitive optical cooling and trapping.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Magic-zero wavelengths of alkali-metal atoms and their applications

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    Using first-principles calculations, we identify "magic-zero" optical wavelengths, \lambda_zero, for which the ground-state frequency-dependent polarizabilities of alkali-metal atoms vanish. Our approach uses high-precision, relativistic all-order methods in which all single, double, and partial triple excitations of the Dirac-Fock wave functions are included to all orders of perturbation theory. We discuss the use of magic-zero wavelengths for sympathetic cooling in two-species mixtures of alkalis with group-II and other elements of interest. Special cases in which these wavelengths coincide with strong resonance transitions in a target system are identified.Comment: 6 page

    Tsar and his people: power and society in Moscow state during the second half of the 16th century

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    The article raises the issue about the nature of the relationship between the supreme power and society of the early Russian state. The authors of the article show that this unwritten contract, which was well understood by both parties, who participated in it, functioned well in Russia during the 16th - 17th centuries, and its existence refutes convincingly the Herberstein's passage, who failed to understand the Russian political realities of the early Modern Ag

    Methods for the diagnosis and treatment of oligometastases in patients with prostate cancer and progressive disease after radical treatment

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    Prostate cancer (PC) is one of the most urgent problems of modern urologic oncology in Russia because of a steady rise in morbidity and mortality rates associated with this disease. Radical prostatectomy (RP) and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) or brachytherapy are mainstay treatments in patients with localized and locally advanced PC. Just the same, the rate of lymphogenic disease progression after radical treatment is as high as 15–40 %. At the same time, a search for a tumor focus leading to an increase in the marker is extremely important. If a local recurrence is detected after previous RP, there may be salvage EBRT. After verifying the relapse after salvage EBRT or brachytherapy, RP may be recommended to patients in the specialized centers having appropriate experience with this type of surgery. In patients with distant metastases, palliative hormonal therapy has been the only conventional method so far. Nonetheless, in a considerable number of patients, a marker recurrence may be associated with the so-called oligometastatic progression of the disease, in which the number of detected metastatic foci is minimal. The clinical introduction of promising and precise diagnostic methods having high sensitivity and specificity even with the minimal levels of prostate-specific antigen, such as magnetic resonance imaging and positron tomography, could substantially increase the number of detectable patients with oligometastases and propose new therapeutic conceptions for the treatment of this contingent of patients. Recently, in the literature there have been increasingly more works suggesting the possibility of using local treatments (surgery or radiotherapy) in patients with oligometastases when the disease progresses after radical treatment. The results of investigations show that a personalized approach and surgical or radiation treatments in selected patients make it possible to increase survival prior to the use of hormonal treatment and, in a number of cases, to completely abandon the latter. The paper gives a review of the literature data dealing with this problem


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    Natural nanocomposites hemicellulose arabinogalactan and flavonoids isolated (from Siberian larch) and characterized. Additionally nitro- and sulfo-esters of arabinogalactan and its calcium salt are synthesized and. characterized. All of the derivatives of the beta-hemicellulose arabinogalactan. are water-soluble and are promising prebiotics on the example test-strain Bifidobacterium bifidum. (except for the nitrate esters of arabinogalactan)

    Thermal effects of carbonated hydroxyapatite modified by glycine and albumin

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    In this work calcium phosphate powders were obtained by precipitation method from simulated solutions of synovial fluid containing glycine and albumin. X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy determined that all samples are single-phase and are presented by carbonate containing hydroxyapatite (CHA). The thermograms of solid phases of CHA were obtained and analyzed; five stages of transformation in the temperature range of 25-1000°C were marked. It is shown that in this temperature range dehydration, decarboxylation and thermal degradation of amino acid and protein connected to the surface of solid phase occur. The tendency of temperature lowering of the decomposition of powders synthesized from a medium containing organic substances was determined. Results demonstrate a direct dependence between the concentration of the amino acid in a model solution and its content in the solid phase

    Методы диагностики и лечения олигометастазов у больных раком предстательной железы с прогрессированием заболевания после проведенного радикального лечения

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    Prostate cancer (PC) is one of the most urgent problems of modern urologic oncology in Russia because of a steady rise in morbidity and mortality rates associated with this disease. Radical prostatectomy (RP) and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) or brachytherapy are mainstay treatments in patients with localized and locally advanced PC. Just the same, the rate of lymphogenic disease progression after radical treatment is as high as 15–40 %. At the same time, a search for a tumor focus leading to an increase in the marker is extremely important. If a local recurrence is detected after previous RP, there may be salvage EBRT. After verifying the relapse after salvage EBRT or brachytherapy, RP may be recommended to patients in the specialized centers having appropriate experience with this type of surgery. In patients with distant metastases, palliative hormonal therapy has been the only conventional method so far. Nonetheless, in a considerable number of patients, a marker recurrence may be associated with the so-called oligometastatic progression of the disease, in which the number of detected metastatic foci is minimal. The clinical introduction of promising and precise diagnostic methods having high sensitivity and specificity even with the minimal levels of prostate-specific antigen, such as magnetic resonance imaging and positron tomography, could substantially increase the number of detectable patients with oligometastases and propose new therapeutic conceptions for the treatment of this contingent of patients. Recently, in the literature there have been increasingly more works suggesting the possibility of using local treatments (surgery or radiotherapy) in patients with oligometastases when the disease progresses after radical treatment. The results of investigations show that a personalized approach and surgical or radiation treatments in selected patients make it possible to increase survival prior to the use of hormonal treatment and, in a number of cases, to completely abandon the latter. The paper gives a review of the literature data dealing with this problem.Рак предстательной железы (РПЖ) является одной из наиболее актуальных проблем современной онкоурологии в России по причине неуклонного роста показателей заболеваемости и смертности от данной патологии. Основными методами лечения больных локализованным и местно-распространенным РПЖ являются радикальная простатэктомия (РПЭ) и дистанционная лучевая терапия (ДЛТ) или брахитерапия. Тем не менее частота лимфогенного прогрессирования заболевания после проведения радикального лечения достигает 15–40 %. При этом крайне важным является поиск опухолевого очага, приводящего к повышению маркера. В случае выявления местного рецидива после выполненной ранее РПЭ может быть проведена спасительная ДЛТ. При верификации рецидива после спасительной ДЛТ или брахитерапии больным может быть рекомендована РПЭ в специализированных центрах, обладающих должным опытом выполнения данного вида хирургического вмешательства. У пациентов с появлением отдаленных метастазов единственным общепринятым методом до настоящего времени являлась паллиативная гормональная терапия. Тем не менее у значительного числа больных маркерный рецидив может быть ассоциирован с так называемым олигометастатическим прогрессированием заболевания, при котором количество выявленных метастатических очагов минимально. Внедрение в клиническую практику перспективных и высокоточных методов диагностики, обладающих высокой чувствительностью и специфичностью даже при минимальных уровнях простатического специфического антигена, таких как магнитно-резонансная и позитронно-эмиссионная томография, позволило существенно увеличить число выявляемых пациентов с олигометастазами и предложить новые терапевтические концепции для лечения данного контингента больных. В последнее время в литературе появляется все больше работ, свидетельствующих о возможности применения локальных методов терапии (хирургии или лучевой терапии) у пациентов с наличием олигометастазов при прогрессировании заболевания после радикального лечения. Как показывают результаты исследований, персонализированный подход и использование хирургических или лучевых методов терапии у отобранных пациентов позволяет существенно увеличить продолжительность времени до назначения гормонального лечения, а в ряде случаев – полностью отказаться от его проведения. В статье приведен обзор данных литературы, освещающих данную проблему