237 research outputs found


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    Bone tissue preserves high metabolic activity during all time of its life. Homeostasis of bone tissue is provided by fine balance between its formation by osteoblasts and its resorption by osteoclasts. There are complex regulatory interrelations between cells of bone differon and. system of interferons, the peculiarities of production of which mediate disturbances of osteoformating and. resorptive components of osteo metabolism at various pathological conditions. The review presents literature data on the role of interferons in regulation of osteogenous and. osteoresorptive processes which opens up the prospective of aimed application of interferons preparations with the purpose of restoration of immunologic imbalance and. bone tissue homeostasis

    Complications at the hip replacement and ways of their prediction (review of literature)

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    The review presents modern data on the role of immune system in development of postoperative complications at hip replacement. Surgical stress while having depressive influence on immune system is powerful factor that causes conditions for development of secondary immune depression or intensifies it. On this background possibility of development of both early and late postoperative complications is quite high, that's why frequency of revision hip replacement increases steadily. Providing of stability of endoprosthesis is extremely important at total hip replacement. Researches realized during last decades determined connection of processes of osteogenesis and bone resorption and polypeptide factors of growth - cytokines. That's why questions of prevention and. correction of loss of bone substance with use of modern pharmacological preparations are important in the movement of observed problem. Infectious complications are also very significant ones at hip replacement. The fact of infectious process being the result of interrelation of macro- and. microorganisms and. immune system having one the leading roles in this process is doubtless. Among all the measures for prevention of postoperative complications their prevention that allows to determine right tactics of operative treatment, to realize complex of preparatory and. rehabilitation measures and. to improve the results of treatment and quality of life of patient, becomes important. Use of immunologic methods allowed to choose criteria and to develop ways of prevention of development of complications at hip replacement. However proposed ways not always allow to count individual susceptibility of an organism to different infectious pathogens; most of them are based on the determination of various specific and. quite laborious indices. Necessity of realization of researches before an operation and. in different terms of postoperative period for determination of dynamic dependence of changes of laboratory indices is significant disadvantage and requires quite prolonged observation of the patient for getting an information about prevention of hip replacement results. That's why further development and use of new ways of early hip replacement undoubtedly allows to improve results of surgical treatment of patients with different forms of coxarthrosis

    Обгрунтування використання декскетопрофену для знеболення в ранньому післяопераційному періоді в онкохірургії

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    Дослідження проведені у 64 пацієнтів (16,4 ± 1,2 років), прооперованих з приводу пухлин заочеревинного простору (44 пацієнти, 69 %), пухлин яєчника (20 пацієнтів, 31 %). Дослідження проводилися у двох групах хворих (n = 64), знеболення морфіном у дозі 10 мг (НА, 34 пацієнтів) у стандартному виконанні та декскетопрофен («Кейвер») (ДА, 30 пацієнтів) за схемою: 1-ше введення в дозі 50 мг «Кейверу» внутрішньом’язово за 40 хв до оперативного втручання, 2-ге введення в тій же дозі (50 мг в/м) через 8 год від 1-го введення і 3-тє – в тій же дозі (50 мг в/м) через 8 год від 2-го введення. Добова доза лікарського засобу не перевищувала 150 мг/добу. Використання декскетопрофену дозволяє значно знизити потребу в опіоїдах, а їх комбінування може відновити аналгетичний потенціал останніх. Різні механізми дії даних препаратів дозволяють призначати їх у комбінації і в малих дозуваннях з метою досягнення значного аналгетичного ефекту. Призначення декскетопрофену дозволяє значно знизити прояви синдрому абдомінальної гіпертензії та покращить кровоплин у магістральних судинах черевної порожнини за даними ультразвукового дослідження. Ключов

    One-Dimensional Discrete Stark Hamiltonian and Resonance Scattering by Impurities

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    A one-dimensional discrete Stark Hamiltonian with a continuous electric field is constructed by extension theory methods. In absence of the impurities the model is proved to be exactly solvable, the spectrum is shown to be simple, continuous, filling the real axis; the eigenfunctions, the resolvent and the spectral measure are constructed explicitly. For this (unperturbed) system the resonance spectrum is shown to be empty. The model considering impurity in a single node is also constructed using the operator extension theory methods. The spectral analysis is performed and the dispersion equation for the resolvent singularities is obtained. The resonance spectrum is shown to contain infinite discrete set of resonances. One-to-one correspondence of the constructed Hamiltonian to some Lee-Friedrichs model is established.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, no figure

    Development of an Intellectual Educational and Diagnostic Complex for the Histological Analysis of Thyroid Tumors

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    The purpose of this project is the creation of an interactive intellectual training system based on the DBMS, which allows to organize and store information, transfer and copy data for employees. The already existing images and their characteristics are structured, a decision support system is developed for the recognition of tumors and suspicious cells, which saves time for an already experienced oncologist. This system allows to increase the accuracy of diagnosis. Educational and diagnostic complexes help to accumulate experience for young specialists in the field of image analysis, carry out comparative research, which speeds up the learning process, promotes professional development of the specialist. Keywords: diagnostic,thyroid, oncological, aspiration biopsy

    Development of methodology for creating an audio guide for the blind and visually impaired people

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    Основной целью данной работы является разработка инновационной методологии образного и наиболее полного описания объектов с целью создания аудиогида по основным достопримечательностям города Екатеринбурга. Данный аудиогид предназначен для слепых и слабовидящих людей. Подобный проект может иметь серьезный социальный резонанс, а также значим с точки зрения увеличения комфорта городской среды для людей с ограниченными возможностями. Поскольку подобных аудиогидов в Российской Федерации не создано, применение стандартных методик к созданию туристического продукта невозможно. Реализация проекта, направленного на разработку методологии описания городских объектов и подбор маршрута для людей с ограниченными возможностями, позволит коллективу молодых ученых кафедры получить результат, который в дальнейшем может иметь как дальнейшее научное развитие, так и варианты применения в сфере туризма.The main purpose of this work is to develop an innovative methodology of figurative and the most complete descriptions of objects in order to create an audio guide of the main attractions of the city of Yekaterinburg. This audio guide is designed for the blind and visually impaired people. Such a project can have serious social resonance, as well as significant in terms of increasing the comfort of the urban environment for people with disabilities. Since these audio guides in the Russian Federation doesn’t exist, the application of standard techniques to create a tourism product is not possible. The implementation of a project aimed at developing a methodology descriptions of urban facilities and the selection of a route for people with disabilities, will allow the team of young scientists of the department to get the result, which in the future may have a further scientific development and applications of in tourism.Программа развития УрФУ на 2013 год (п.


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    The article presents the results of bariatric surgeries carried out in the clinic in patients with morbid obesity. We traced both the nearest and remote results after treatment, the loss of body weight in dynamics, relief of the manifestations of "metabolic syndrome" as well as we estimated the quality of life of patients in pre-and postoperative period

    Complex of Measures Aimed at Prevention of Ebola Virus Disease Importation and Transmission, Performed within the Frames of Sanitary Protection of the Territories of the Russian Federation

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    An estimated scope of measures, aimed at the prevention of Ebola virus disease importation and transmission in the territory of the Russian Federation, targets the maximum level of hazard to the population. It has a complex interagency character, whereby the Federal service for surveillance in the sphere of consumers rights protection and human welfare functions as coordinator and principal executing agency. The measures affect the following areas: regulatory compliance and methodological support, sanitary-quarantine control reinforcement at the entry points on the state border of the Russian Federation, strengthening of anti-epidemic preparedness of the Rospotrebnadzor and public healthcare institutions and authorities, including operational preparedness of the laboratory facilities, information support within the framework of epidemiological surveillance, and involvement in the activities under the international collaboration for epidemic response and control. Practices have been completed as regards series of actions conducted from the time of the case identification and further on; evacuation of the infected and suspected individuals, procedures for sanitary disinfection, interventions in the relation to contact persons, and readiness for anti-epidemic measures performance

    Surgical removal of tumors in the area of the craniovertebral junction (on the example of a clinical case of robotic transoral chordoma removal)

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    The article deals with the clinical case and tactics of robotic transoral removal of a malignant tumor (chordoma) of the C2 vertebra found in a patient 27 years after a car accident. This case was taken from the publications of the Pennsylvania Medical University. We also describe the etiology, morphology, markers, and diagnostic methods of chordoma. We analyzed the surgical approaches used to remove craniovertebral junction tumors and the stages of using these approaches in Russia.В статье рассмотрен клинический случай и тактика роботизированного трансорального удаления злокачественной опухоли (хордомы) С2 позвонка, обнаруженной у пациента 27 лет после автомобильной аварии. Данный случай был взят из публикаций Пенсильванского медицинского университета. Также нами описаны этиология, морфология, ИГХ-маркеры и методы диагностики хордомы. Мы проанализировали оперативные доступы, применяемые для удаления опухолей краниовертебрального перехода и этапы применения этих доступов в Росси