20 research outputs found
Effect of eye movements on the magnitude of functional magnetic resonance imaging responses in extrastriate cortex during visual motion perception
We have studied the effects of pursuit eye movements on the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) responses in extrastriate visual areas during visual motion perception. Echoplanar imaging of 10–12 image planes through visual cortex was acquired in nine subjects while they viewed sequences of random-dot motion. Images obtained during stimulation periods were compared with baseline images, where subjects viewed a blank field. In a subsidiary experiment, responses to moving dots, viewed under conditions of fixation or pursuit, were compared with those evoked by static dots. Eye movements were recorded with MR-compatible electro-oculographic (EOG) electrodes. Our findings show an enhanced level of activation (as indexed by blood-oxygen level-dependent contrast) during pursuit compared with fixation in two extrastriate areas. The results support earlier findings on a motion-specific area in lateral occipitotemporal cortex (human V5). They also point to a further site of activation in a region approximately 12 mm dorsal of V5. The fMRI response in V5 during pursuit is significantly enhanced. This increased response may represent additional processing demands required for the control of eye movements
Vorhersage von Psychosen durch stufenweise Mehrebenenabklärung - Das Basel FePsy (Früherkennung von Psychosen)-Projekt
Hintergrund: In Basel haben wir verschiedene Studien zur Verbesserung der Methodik zur Früherkennung von Psychosen (FePsy) durchgeführt. Methodik: Vom 01.03.2000 bis 29.02.2004 wurden 234 Individuen mithilfe des Basler Screening Instruments für Psychosen (BSIP) gescreent. Bei 10 6 Patienten konnte ein Risikostatus für Psychosen diagnostiziert werden, 53 davon konnten bis zu 7 Jahre (Mittel 5. 4 Jahre) nachuntersucht werden. Die weiteren Untersuchungen erfolgten u.a. mit einem spezifisch entwickelten Anamnese - Instrument, verschiedenen Skalen zur Psychopathologie, Untersuchungen der Neuropsychologie u n d Feinmotorik , klinische m und quantitative m EEG, MRI des Gehirns, Labor. Ergebnisse: Allein auf der Basis des BSIP konnte eine relativ zuverlässige Vorher sage getroffen werden: 21 (39.6 % ) der als „ Risikopatienten “Identifizierten entwickelten innerhalb der Beobachtungszeit tatsächlich eine Psychose. Post hoc konnte durch spezifischere Gewichtung der Psychopathologie und Einbezug neuropsychologischer Untersuchungen die Vorhersagegenauigkeit auf 81 % gesteigert werden. Die anderen oben genannten Verfahren können offensichtlich zur weiteren Verbesserung der Prädiktion beitragen. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Risikoabklärung für Psychose sollte stufenweise und unter Einbezug verschiedener Untersuchungsebenen erfolgen.
Background: We have conducted various studies in Basel with the aim of improving the methods for the early detection of psychosis (Fruherkennung von Psychosen, FePsy).Methods: From 1.3.2000 to 29.2.2004 234 individuals were screened using the Basel Screening Instrument for Psychosis (BSIP). 106 patients were identified as at risk for psychosis; out of these 53 remained in follow-up for up to 7 years (mean 5.4 years). The assessments were done with a specifically developed instrument for history taking, various scales for the psychopathology, assessments of neuropsychology and fine motor functioning, clinical and quantitative EEG, MRI of the brain, laboratory etc.Results: Based on the BSIP alone, a relatively reliable prediction was possible: 21 (39.6 %) of the individuals identified as at risk developed psychosis within the follow-up time. Post-hoc prediction could be improved to 81 % by weighting psychopathology and including neuropsychology. Including the other domains obviously allows further improvements of prediction.Conclusions: The risk for psychosis should be assessed in a stepwise procedure. In a first step, a clinically oriented screening should be conducted. If an at-risk status is found, further assessments in various domains should be done in a specialised centre
Электроснабжение установки перекачки нефти п. Пионерный ОАО «Томскнефть»
Выпускная квалификационная работа 149 с., 23 рис., 32 табл., 29 источников, 6 прил.
Ключевые слова: нефтепровод, насос, электрооборудование, схема электроснабжения, линия, сеть, электроприемник, нагрузка, оборудование, защита, ток, напряжение, мощность.
Объектом исследования является электрическая часть УПН п. Пионерный ОАО «Томскенефть».
Цель работы – проектирование схемы электроснабжения предприятия, выбор оборудования.
В процессе исследования проводился сбор исходных данных в ходе производственной практики на объекте исследования.
В результате была спроектирована схема электроснабжения от подстанции энергосистемы, до конечного электроприемника. Были выбраны кабели и провода, коммутационное оборудование, были сделаны необходимые проверки. Также результатом работы сталESSAY
Final qualifying work 149 p., 23 fig., 32 tab., 29 sources, 6 adj.
Keywords: oil, pump, electrical equipment, power supply circuit, line, network, power-consuming equipment, load equipment, protection, current, voltage, power.
The object of research is the electrical part of UPN claim. Pionerny of "Tomskeneft".
The purpose of work - designing enterprise power scheme, the choice of equipment.
The study was conducted to collect baseline data in the course of practical training on the subject of the study.
As a result, power supply circuit has been designed from the substation grid, appliance, to the end. Were selected cables and wires, switching equipment, the necessary checks have been made. It is also the result of the work became an economic calculation of capital costs for the con
Auditory system: functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Functional MR imaging (fMRI) is being used increasingly to explore the human central auditory system. The considerable background noise produced by echo-planar imaging (EPI) and other fMRI sequences, however, interferes in an unpredictable way with the experimental stimuli. Several approaches exist to overcome this problem. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. These different approaches allow researchers to tailor the experimental designs to specific research questions. Recent studies have yielded significant information about human auditory function. Compared with other sensory systems such as the visual system, the auditory database still is relatively small. It is expected that novel methodologic approaches will stimulate scientific exploration of auditory processing and eventually lead to clinically meaningful applications of auditory fMRI
Therapy-induced plasticity of cognitive functions in MS patients : insights from fMRI
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system whose pathological mechanisms are still not completely understood. Physical as well as cognitive deterioration are consequences within the disease process that have an extensive impact on the patient's quality of life. Therefore, understanding the functional background of spontaneous as well as induced remission is of high relevance. Studies on visualization of therapeutic effects of pharmacological or cognitive treatment by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are still rare. From fMRI studies on focal brain lesions hypotheses on mechanisms of brain reorganization can be derived. This contribution will first give an overview of the existing studies using fMRI in MS, on cognitive decline, on cognitive treatment studies and its therapeutic effects on behavioural readouts in MS, and on therapy-induced brain plasticity and its possible visualization by fMRI. Results of a study on correlating the effects of cognitive training with changes in brain organization in patients with mild to severe cognitive impairment will be reported. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Analysis of impairment related functional architecture in MS patients during performance of different attention tasks
More than 50 % of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) suffer from cognitive deficits. Attention is one of the most frequently affected cognitive functions. It has been shown that MS patients suffer from a specific but not necessarily from a generalized decrease in performance and that different severity grades of impaired attentional processing can be distinguished. Little is known about patterns of brain activation in MS patients with different grades of attentional deficits. The objective was to examine if different severity grades in attentional impairment are reflected by altered patterns of brain activation in specific attention tasks. In the present study cerebral activation induced by three attention tasks of different complexity was assessed in 14 MS patients and seven healthy controls by functional MRI (fMRI). Based on their performance on the tests recorded off-line with a computerized test battery and during the fMRI investigation, patients were classified as mildly and severely impaired. MS patients with mild impairment showed increased and additional activation of brain areas which were in part not activated in normal subjects. Those were located mainly in the frontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex. This effect decreased with increasing task complexity and was strongest for the alertness task. In MS patients with severe impairment no additional activation was found in prefrontal structures and activation in the premotor cortex was not significantly different from controls. These findings suggest that compensation in MS patients is in part achieved by functional integration of frontal and parietal association areas. The extent of compensation seems to depend on the brain's capacity to access additional brain structures. Exhaustion of this capacity may finally lead to severe cognitive impairment