22,942 research outputs found

    The locality of the square-root method for improved staggered quarks

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    We study the effects of improvement on the locality of square-rooted staggered Dirac operators in lattice QCD simulations. We find the localisation lengths of the improved operators (FAT7TAD and ASQTAD) to be very similar to that of the one-link operator studied by Bunk et al., being at least the Compton wavelength of the lightest particle in the theory, even in the continuum limit. We conclude that improvement has no effect. We discuss the implications of this result for the locality of the nth-rooted fermion determinant used to reduce the number of sea quark flavours, and for possible staggered valence quark formulations

    Study made of corrosion resistance of stainless steel and nickel alloys in nuclear reactor superheaters

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    Experiments performed under conditions found in nuclear reactor superheaters determine the corrosion rate of stainless steel and nickel alloys used in them. Electropolishing was the primary surface treatment before the corrosion test. Corrosion is determined by weight loss of specimens after defilming

    Directed Explicit Model Checking with HSF-SPIN

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    We present the explicit state model checker HSF-SPIN which is based on the model checker SPIN and its Promela modeling language. HSF-SPIN incorporates directed search algorithms for checking safety and a large class of LTL-specified liveness properties. We start off from the A* algorithm and define heuristics to accelerate the search into the direction of a specified failure situation. Next we propose an improved nested depth-first search algorithm that exploits the structure of Promela Never-Claims. As a result of both improvements, counterexamples will be shorter and the explored part of the state space will be smaller than with classical approaches, allowing to analyze larger state spaces. We evaluate the impact of the new heuristics and algorithms on a set of protocol models, some of which are real-world industrial protocols

    Loss of redundant gene expression after polyploidization in plants

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    Based on chromosomal location data of genes encoding 28 biochemical systems in allohexaploid wheat,Triticum aestivum L. (genomes AABBDD), it is concluded that the proportions of systems controlled by triplicate, duplicate, and single loci are 57%, 25%, and 18% respectively

    Mitigating Cotton Revenue Risk Through Irrigation, Insurance, and Hedging

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    This study focuses on managing cotton production and marketing risks using combinations of irrigation levels, put options (as price insurance), and crop insurance. Stochastic cotton yields and prices are used to simulate a whole-farm financial statement for a 1,000 acre furrow irrigated cotton farm in the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley under 16 combinations of risk management strategies. Analyses for risk-averse decision makers indicate that multiple irrigations are preferred. The benefits to purchasing put options increase with yields, as they are more beneficial when higher yields are expected from applying more irrigation applications. Crop insurance is strongly preferred at lower irrigation levels.cotton, crop insurance, irrigation, options, puts, risk, simulation, stochastic efficiency with respect to a function, Farm Management, Risk and Uncertainty, D81, Q12, Q15,

    The Index Theorem and Universality Properties of the Low-lying Eigenvalues of Improved Staggered Quarks

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    We study various improved staggered quark Dirac operators on quenched gluon backgrounds in lattice QCD generated using a Symanzik-improved gluon action. We find a clear separation of the spectrum into would-be zero modes and others. The number of would-be zero modes depends on the topological charge as expected from the Index Theorem, and their chirality expectation value is large (approximately 0.7). The remaining modes have low chirality and show clear signs of clustering into quartets and approaching the random matrix theory predictions for all topological charge sectors. We conclude that improvement of the fermionic and gauge actions moves the staggered quarks closer to the continuum limit where they respond correctly to QCD topology.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Electronic Structure of Cu_(1-x)Ni_xRh_2S_4 and CuRh_2Se_4: Band Structure Calculations, X-ray Photoemission and Fluorescence Measurements

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    The electronic structure of spinel-type Cu_(1-x)Ni_xRh_2S_4 (x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0) and CuRh_2Se_4 compounds has been studied by means of X-ray photoelectron and fluorescent spectroscopy. Cu L_3, Ni L_3, S L_(2,3) and Se M_(2,3) X-ray emission spectra (XES) were measured near thresholds at Beamline 8.0 of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's Advanced Light Source. XES measurements of the constituent atoms of these compounds, reduced to the same binding energy scale, are found to be in excellent agreement with XPS valence bands. The calculated XES spectra which include dipole matrix elements show that the partial density of states reproduce experimental spectra quite well. States near the Fermi level (E_F) have strong Rh d and S(Se) p character in all compounds. In NiRh_2S_4 the Ni 3d states contribute strongly at E_F, whereas in both Cu compounds the Cu 3d bands are only ~1 eV wide and centered ~2.5 eV below E_F, leaving very little 3d character at E_F. The density of states at the Fermi level is less in NiRh_2S_4 than in CuRh_2S_4. This difference may contribute to the observed decrease, as a function of Ni concentration, in the superconducting transition temperature in Cu_(1-x)Ni_xRh_2S_4. The density of states of the ordered alloy Cu_(1/2)Ni_(1/2)Rh_2S_4 shows behavior that is more ``split-band''-like than ``rigid band''-like.Comment: 7 pages of text, 11 trailing figures, updated to fix faulty postscript in Fig.

    The multiple junction edge illuminated solar cell

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    The multiple junction edge illuminated solar cell was devised for high voltage low current applications. Devices to be flight tested in early 1974 with 96 series connected PNN+ junctions in a 2 cm X 2.3 cm size deliver 36 volts at 1 milliampere. Test data of M-J cells fabricated with resistivities of 10, 50, 100, 200, 450, and 1000 ohm cm silicon are presented and problem areas are discussed. An additional potential application of the M-J cell lies in ultilization of its high intensity performance that has been demonstrated at levels in excess of 100 AMO suns
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