494 research outputs found

    Efficient expansion of subspaces in the Jacobi-Davidson method for standard and generalized eigenproblems

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    We discuss approaches for an efficient handling of the correction equation in the Jacobi-Davidson method. The correction equation is effective in a subspace orthogonal to the current eigenvector approximation. The operator in the correction equation is a dense matrix, but it is composed from three factors that allow for a sparse representation. If the given matrix eigenproblem is sparse then one often aims for the construction of a preconditioner for that matrix. We discuss how to restrict this preconditioner effectively to the subspace orthogonal to the current eigenvector. The correction equation itself is formulated in terms of approximations for an eigenpair. In order to avoid misconvergence one has to make the right selection for the approximations, and this aspect will be discussed as well

    The role of alcohol specific socialization in adolescents’ drinking behavior.

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    ABSTRACT Aims To determine which alcohol-specific socialization practices are related to adolescents' alcohol use, and to investigate whether parents differ in their alcohol-specific socialization towards their children. Design In a sample of 428 families, both parents and two adolescents (aged 13-16 years) completed a questionnaire at home about alcohol-specific parenting and their own alcohol use. Based on the reports of each family member, three different models of alcohol-specific socialization were formulated: from the perspective of the siblings, the mother and the father. Findings Results of structural equation modelling generally showed the same associations between alcohol-specific socialization and drinking of younger and older adolescents. The strongest association was found for providing alcoholspecific rules. Applying strict rules about alcohol use was negatively related to adolescents' alcohol use; this was also the case for having confidence in the effectiveness of alcohol-specific socialization. Unexpectedly, frequency of communication about alcohol issues was positively associated with alcohol consumption of adolescents. Conclusions This study is one of the first to examine associations between alcohol-specific socialization and adolescents' drinking using a between-and a within-family design. Results showed strong associations between alcoholspecific socialization (particularly of enforcing rules) and adolescent alcohol use. Although parents strongly differentiated their socialization practices between children, no differences in associations between alcohol-specific socialization and drinking were found between older and younger adolescents

    Evaluation of furosemide regimens in neonates treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

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    INTRODUCTION: Loop diuretics are the most frequently used diuretics in patients treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). In patients after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery, the use of continuous furosemide infusion is increasingly documented. Because ECMO and CPB are 'comparable' procedures, continuous furosemide infusion is used in newborns on ECMO. We report on the use of continuous intravenous furosemide in neonates treated with ECMO. METHODS: This was a retrospective observational study in neonates treated with continuous intravenous furosemide during ECMO. RESULTS: Thirty-one patients were included in the study. A median of 25 (9–149) hours after the start of ECMO, continuous furosemide therapy was started at a median rate of 0.08 (0.02–0.17) mg/kg per hour. The continuous furosemide dose was not changed in the individual patient. Seven patients received a furosemide bolus prior to, and five patients received additional loop diuretics during, the continuous infusion. Urine production before continuous furosemide therapy was not significantly different between patients who received a furosemide bolus prior to the infusion and those who did not receive this bolus (P = 0.2879). Although a positive effect of the 'loading' bolus was observed in urine output in the first 24 hours, there was no statistically significant difference in urine output (P = 0.0961) or in time (P = 0.1976) to reach a urine output of 6 ml/kg per hour between patients. After 24 hours, urine production remained a median of 6.2 ml/kg per hour irrespective of furosemide boluses. The forced diuresis was well tolerated as illustrated by stable haemodynamic parameters and a decrease in ECMO flow and vasopressor score over the observation period. CONCLUSION: This is the first report on continuous intravenous furosemide therapy in newborns treated with ECMO. The furosemide regimens used in this study varied widely in continuous and intermittent doses. However, all regimens achieved adequate urine output. An advantage of continuous, over intermittent, intravenous furosemide could not be documented. Furosemide dosing regimens should be developed for neonates treated with ECMO. In addition, therapeutic drug-monitoring studies are required to prevent furosemide toxicity because so far no data are available on serum furosemide levels in neonates treated with ECMO

    DaVinc3i: Virtualisation Scenarios For Floricultural Trade Networks

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    The Dutch floricultural industry is generally appreciated for its world leadership; the Netherlands is the trading hub for the European market. There are two trends affecting this position. First, virtualisation of trade and logistics control enabled by technological progress. Second, internationalisation of markets and production reshapes the market in size and distance. To maintain leadership, the Dutch floricultural industry has initiated the Dinalog DaVinc3i project. In this paper we outline the activities we are currently undertaking and some of the outcomes achieved so far. These include 12 commercial scenarios for the future of the industry and specific challenges related to ICT as an enabler of virtualisation in floricultural logistics and trade. Alongside the discussion of these activities and outcomes, we present some thoughts on how to address the challenges based on an (inter)national benchmark carried out as part of the project

    Double-heterostructure cavities: from theory to design

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    We derive a frequency-domain-based approach for radiation (FAR) from double-heterostructure cavity (DHC) modes. We use this to compute the quality factors and radiation patterns of DHC modes. The semi-analytic nature of our method enables us to provide a general relationship between the radiation pattern of the cavity and its geometry. We use this to provide general designs for ultrahigh quality factor DHCs with radiation patterns that are engineered to emit vertically

    DAVINC3I: moving towards responsive hub network designs

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    The Dutch floricultural sector is generally appreciated for its world leadership; the Netherlands is the flower trading hub for the European market. There are two trends affecting this position. First, virtualisation makes trade flows relatively footloose and flexible. Moreover, it enables the use of better and more information in logistics decision making. Second, internationalisation of markets and production has increased the size of the global market and associated distances. To maintain leadership, the Dutch floricultural sector has initiated the Dinalog DaVinc3i project. In this paper we outline the activities we are currently undertaking and some of the outcomes achieved so far. This includes the effects of orchestration in floriculture logistics and the development of a new logistics network model for floriculture logistics. Subsequently we will provide a brief overview of some of the student projects carried out within the DaVinc3i project: reasons for outsourcing floriculture logistics in export flows, pooling of inventory by florists and collection of flowers in a small network. Finally, aspects of collaboration for product quality are addressed, as well as recommendations for a cooperative business model for a B2C web shop for plants and flowers

    Stent graft sizing for endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair using open source image processing software

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    Introduction: An important step to reach a favorable outcome of abdominal endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) is preoperative sizing of the stent graft using computed tomography angiography (CTA) images of the abdominal aorta. A variety of costly image processing software options is available to obtain the necessary aortic measurements. A package that can be used for EVAR sizing is OsiriX Lite (R)-an open source, freely downloadable image processing option. This study assesses the concurrent validity of OsiriX Lite (R) when compared with commercially available 3Mensio Vascular (R) and Siemens Syngo.via (R).Methods: CTA scans of 20 patients that underwent EVAR for abdominal aneurysm were selected, 10 elective and 10 ruptured. For each scan, 6 observers determined 20 parameters needed for proper stent graft sizing, 2 using Osirix Lite (R), 3 using 3Mensio Vascular (R), and 1 using Siemens Syngo.via (R). For each parameter, an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and a P-value were calculated. Interrater agreement was interpreted using the Koo and Li Guidelines. Time needed to perform EVAR planning was compared.Results: Overall interrater agreement between the 3 sizing options was found to be either "good" or "moderate" for 16 out of 20 parameters (80%). Time needed to perform EVAR planning was not significantly different for Osirix Lite (R) (568 sec) when compared with 3Mensio Vascular (R) (603 sec) or Siemens Syngo.via (R) (659 sec) with a P-value of 0.88.Conclusions: The authors conclude that Osirix Lite (R) is an accurate and time-effective image processing option for preoperative sizing of an EVAR stent graft when matched to 3Mensio Vascular (R) and Siemens Syngo.via (R).Development and application of statistical models for medical scientific researc

    Lattice field theory simulations of graphene

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    We discuss the Monte Carlo method of simulating lattice field theories as a means of studying the low-energy effective theory of graphene. We also report on simulational results obtained using the Metropolis and Hybrid Monte Carlo methods for the chiral condensate, which is the order parameter for the semimetal-insulator transition in graphene, induced by the Coulomb interaction between the massless electronic quasiparticles. The critical coupling and the associated exponents of this transition are determined by means of the logarithmic derivative of the chiral condensate and an equation-of-state analysis. A thorough discussion of finite-size effects is given, along with several tests of our calculational framework. These results strengthen the case for an insulating phase in suspended graphene, and indicate that the semimetal-insulator transition is likely to be of second order, though exhibiting neither classical critical exponents, nor the predicted phenomenon of Miransky scaling.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Published version freely available if accessed via http://physics.aps.org/articles/v2/3

    Application of stochastic programming to reduce uncertainties in quality-based supply planning of slaughterhouses

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    To match products of different quality with end market preferences under supply uncertainty, it is crucial to integrate product quality information in logistics decision making. We present a case of this integration in a meat processing company that faces uncertainty in delivered livestock quality. We develop a stochastic programming model that exploits historical product quality delivery data to produce slaughterhouse allocation plans with reduced levels of uncertainty in received livestock quality. The allocation plans generated by this model fulfil demand for multiple quality features at separate slaughterhouses under prescribed service levels while minimizing transportation costs. We test the model on real world problem instances generated from a data set provided by an industrial partner. Results show that historical farmer delivery data can be used to reduce uncertainty in quality of animals to be delivered to slaughterhouses
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