
DaVinc3i: Virtualisation Scenarios For Floricultural Trade Networks


The Dutch floricultural industry is generally appreciated for its world leadership; the Netherlands is the trading hub for the European market. There are two trends affecting this position. First, virtualisation of trade and logistics control enabled by technological progress. Second, internationalisation of markets and production reshapes the market in size and distance. To maintain leadership, the Dutch floricultural industry has initiated the Dinalog DaVinc3i project. In this paper we outline the activities we are currently undertaking and some of the outcomes achieved so far. These include 12 commercial scenarios for the future of the industry and specific challenges related to ICT as an enabler of virtualisation in floricultural logistics and trade. Alongside the discussion of these activities and outcomes, we present some thoughts on how to address the challenges based on an (inter)national benchmark carried out as part of the project

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