10 research outputs found

    Modern views about reproductive health and potential in women with HIV infection and viral blood-borne hepatitis

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    The article presents a review of literature devoted to the epidemiology of HIV infection in the world and Russia, as well as the investigation of reproductive disorders in women with HIV infection and viral blood-borne hepatitis. Actuality of the problem lies in the fact that grows the number of HIV infected and having blood-borne viral hepatitis with involvement in the epidemiological process people of reproductive age, and especially the increase in the number of HIV-infected women of childbearing age. Importantly, it is necessary to predict, diagnose and correct reproductive disorders in women, taking into account basic patterns and risk factors for the formation of such violations with a view to the restoration and preservation of reproductive capacity and ability to have healthy children

    Regularities of structural-cellular structure of ovaries in ontogenesis

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    The article presents the examination of the ovaries of embryos, ovaries of human feti and ovaries of children of the tender age. The researches revealed the increase of the surface of follicles, nucleus and primary oocyte's cytoplasm that tells about the fact that further follicular maturation continues in the ovaries of a child of 2-4 months old. Also we registered the increase of nuclear cytoplasmic ratio, appearance of single mature follicles with cumulus oophorus that testifies to the fact that the ovary is functionally mature. Furthermore the research revealed increased content of lipids and DNA in follicular epithelium that also tells aboutfunctional maturity of the ovary. It was found that incretory activity of an ovary during the first year of life is provided by the cells originated from the connective tissue membrane of atresic follicles


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    Disorders of sex development with Y chromosome material has been associated with a high risk for developing germ cell tumors such as gonadoblastoma or dysgerminoma. The aim of the study was to investigate the risk of germ cell tumors in patients with XY gonadal dysgenesis. Material and methods. In the study included 11 patients with XY gonadal dysgenesis: 4 with complete gonadal dysgenesis and 4 with partial gonadal dysgenesis. Results. Pathologic examination revealed gonadoblastoma and dysgerminoma with gonadoblastoma in 2 of 9 (22%) patients (who had gonadectomy), including 2 of 3 patients (66 %) with complete gonadal dysgenesis. In our series of patients with gonadal dysgenesis 46,XY the risk of germ cell tumors was high, especially in patients with complete gonadal dysgenesis. Considering this results, early gonadectomy is strongly recommended in females patients. The patients with partial dysgenesis with scrotal gonads being reared as males need monitoring. Нарушение формирования пола с кариотипом 46,XY или наличием в кариотипе материала Y-хро­мосомы рассматривается в качестве фактора риска опухоли гонад из герминативных клеток: гонадобластомы и дисгерминомы. Однако характер риска при различных вариантах нарушения формирования пола окончательно не установлен.Цель исследования – определить риск развития опухоли из герминативных клеток при одном из вариантов нарушения формирования пола – дисгенезии яичек с кариотипом 46,XY.Материал и методы. В исследование включено 11 пациентов с дисгенезией яичек и кариотипом 46,XY. В 4 наблюдениях имела место тотальная, в 7 – парциальная дисгенезия яичек. В 9 случаях проведена гонадэктомия с последующим гистологическим исследованием материала.Результаты. По результатам гистологического исследования гонадобластома и дисгерминома выявлены в 2 (22%) из 9 наблюдений. При этом гонадобластома и дисгерминома имели место в 2 (66%) из 3 наблюдений при тотальной дисгенезии яичек, и не выявлены ни в одном из 6 случаев парциальной дисгенезии яичек (p = 0,1).Заключение. Таким образом, дисгенезия яичек с кариотипоп 46,XY является фактором риска развития опухоли из герминативных клеток. При тотальной форме дисгенезии яичек риск развития опухоли несколько выше. Необходимо производить гонадэктомию при тотальной дисгенезии яичек в момент выявления заболевания. При парциальной дисгенезии яичек и выборе мужского паспортного пола требуется длительное наблюдение за сохраненными гонадами

    A Global Characterization and Identification of Multifunctional Enzymes

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    Multi-functional enzymes are enzymes that perform multiple physiological functions. Characterization and identification of multi-functional enzymes are critical for communication and cooperation between different functions and pathways within a complex cellular system or between cells. In present study, we collected literature-reported 6,799 multi-functional enzymes and systematically characterized them in structural, functional, and evolutionary aspects. It was found that four physiochemical properties, that is, charge, polarizability, hydrophobicity, and solvent accessibility, are important for characterization of multi-functional enzymes. Accordingly, a combinational model of support vector machine and random forest model was constructed, based on which 6,956 potential novel multi-functional enzymes were successfully identified from the ENZYME database. Moreover, it was observed that multi-functional enzymes are non-evenly distributed in species, and that Bacteria have relatively more multi-functional enzymes than Archaebacteria and Eukaryota. Comparative analysis indicated that the multi-functional enzymes experienced a fluctuation of gene gain and loss during the evolution from S. cerevisiae to H. sapiens. Further pathway analyses indicated that a majority of multi-functional enzymes were well preserved in catalyzing several essential cellular processes, for example, metabolisms of carbohydrates, nucleotides, and amino acids. What’s more, a database of known multi-functional enzymes and a server for novel multi-functional enzyme prediction were also constructed for free access at http://bioinf.xmu.edu.cn/databases/MFEs/index.htm

    Polymers with Heterocyclic Rings in the Chain

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