393 research outputs found

    Quasiparticles for the one-dimensional nonlocal Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov equation

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    We construct quasiparticles-like solutions to the one-dimensional Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov (FKPP) with a nonlocal nonlinearity using the method of semiclassically concentrated states in the weak diffusion approximation. Such solutions are of use for predicting the dynamics of population patterns. The interaction of quasiparticles stems from nonlocal competitive losses in the FKPP model. We developed the formalism of our approach relying on ideas of the Maslov method. The construction of the asymptotic expansion of a solution to the original nonlinear evolution equation is based on solutions to an auxiliary dynamical system of ODEs. The asymptotic solutions for various specific cases corresponding to various spatial profiles of the reproduction rate and nonlocal competitive losses are studied within the framework of the approach proposed.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure

    Semiclassical approach to the nonlocal kinetic model of metal vapor active media

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    A semiclassical approach based on the WKB–Maslov method is developed for the kinetic ionization equation in dense plasma with approximations characteristic of metal vapor active media excited by a contracted discharge. We develop the technique for constructing the leading term of the semiclassical asymptotics of the Cauchy problem solution for the kinetic equation under the supposition of weak diffusion. In terms of the approach developed, the local cubic nonlinear term in the original kinetic equation is considered in a nonlocal form. This allows one to transform the nonlinear nonlocal kinetic equation to an associated linear partial differential equation with a given accuracy of the asymptotic parameter using the dynamical system of moments of the desired solution of the equation. The Cauchy problem solution for the nonlinear nonlocal kinetic equation can be obtained from the solution of the associated linear partial differential equation and some algebraic equations for the coefficients of the linear equation. Within the developed approach, the plasma relaxation in metal vapor active media is studied with asymptotic solutions expressed in terms of higher transcendental functions. The qualitative analysis of such the solutions is given

    Semiclassical approach to the nonlocal nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a non-Hermitian term

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    The nonlinear Sch\"{o}dinger equation (NLSE) with a non-Hermitian term is the model for various phenomena in nonlinear open quantum systems. We deal with the Cauchy problem for the nonlocal generalization of multidimensional NLSE with a non-Hermitian term. Using the ideas of the Maslov method, we propose the method of constructing asymptotic solutions to this equation within the framework of semiclassically concentrated states. The semiclassical nonlinear evolution operator and symmetry operators for the leading term of asymptotics are derived. Our approach is based on the solutions of the auxiliary dynamical system that effectively linearize the problem under certain algebraic conditions. The formalism proposed is illustrated with the specific example of the NLSE with a non-Hermitian term that is the model of an atom laser. The analytical asymptotic solution to the Cauchy problem is obtained explicitly for this example.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figur

    Family of asymptotic solutions to the two-dimensional kinetic equation with a nonlocal cubic nonlinearity

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    We apply the original semiclassical approach to the kinetic ionization equation with the nonlocal cubic nonlinearity in order to construct the family of its asymptotic solutions. The approach proposed relies on an auxiliary dynamical system of moments of the desired solution to the kinetic equation and the associated linear partial differential equation. The family of asymptotic solutions to the kinetic equation is constructed using the symmetry operators acting on functions concentrated in a neighborhood of a point determined by the dynamical system. Based on these solutions, we introduce the nonlinear superposition principle for the nonlinear kinetic equation. Our formalism based on the Maslov germ method is applied to the Cauchy problem for the specific two-dimensional kinetic equation. The evolution of the ion distribution in the kinetically enhanced metal vapor active medium is obtained as the nonlinear superposition using the numerical-analytical calculations.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, minor improvements, the article is published in Symmetr

    Individual personality traits as predictors of intra-organizational vertical career growth of employees

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    The paper is devoted to the research on the influence of individual personality traits on the success of intra-organizational vertical career growth of employees, the indicator of which is the promotion of employees in their position (status) in the organization, taking into account their speed of passing the career levels. The article analyzes the types of career, criteria and factors of career growth, including personality characteristics in the context of their influence on career processes. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the managers of JSC Concern Energomera, Stavropol (Russia), which determined the relationship between the success rate of intra-organizational vertical career growth and individual personality characteristics, manifested in the level of mental tension (anxiety, suspicion, inclination to risk, spontaneity and emotional sensitivity) and expressiveness. The authors did not find statistically significant contribution of regulatory properties and indicators of general mental abilities to distinguishing groups of employees with high and low indicators of vertical career growth. The averaged personal profiles of employees with high and low indicators of vertical career growth are presented.peer-reviewe

    Investigation of the electric field distribution in the human brain based on MRI and EEG data

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    This work is devoted to the development of the approach to restoration of the spatial-temporal distribution of electric field in the human brain. This field was estimated from the model derived from the Maxwell’s equations with boundary conditions corresponding to electric potentials at the EEG electrodes, which are located on the surface of the head according to the standard “10-20” scheme. The MRI data were used for calculation of the spatial distribution of the electrical conductivity of biotissues in the human brain. The study of the electric field distribution using our approach was carried out for the healthy child and the child with autism. The research was carried out using the equipment of the Tomsk Regional Common Use Center of Tomsk State University

    Representations of the Generalized Lie Algebra sl(2)_q

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    We construct finite-dimensional irreducible representations of two quantum algebras related to the generalized Lie algebra \ssll (2)_q introduced by Lyubashenko and the second named author. We consider separately the cases of qq generic and qq at roots of unity. Some of the representations have no classical analog even for generic qq. Some of the representations have no analog to the finite-dimensional representations of the quantised enveloping algebra Uq(sl(2))U_q(sl(2)), while in those that do there are different matrix elements.Comment: 14 pages, plain-TEX file using input files harvmac.tex, amssym.de