1,004 research outputs found

    Using temporary water to resupply fresh water (on example Kanaka SCC)

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    In boarding houses, located at the mouth of the Kanaka beam (SCC), the problem of provision with fresh drinking water worsened. So far, the provision with drinking water was carried out with water wells from the aquifer at a depth of up to 15 m from the earth surface

    Features of micro- and ultrastructure of low-fat butter and its low-fat analogues

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    The aim of the research was to study the features of the structure of low-fat butter and butter pastes, which, in terms of composition and properties, more fully meet the requirements of a healthy diet than high-fat types of butter. The objects of research were: butter with fat content of 72.5%; butter with fat content of 55% made with the addition of skimmed milk powder; butter of the same fat content with the addition of stabilizers based on guar and xanthan gums and emulsifiers based on monoand diglycerides of fatty acids; butter pastes with fat content of 45% with similar additives used to increase the stability of the process of butter formation and improve the texture. The microstructure was studied using an MBI-6 microscope, and the ultramicrostructure was studied using a Phillips electron microscope. In the first case, the sample was prepared by crushing the sample, in the second one — by the method of ultrafast freeze-fracture and etching. Researches have shown that the use of the introduced ingredients improves the homogeneity of the structure of the studied products. Due to the ability of milk proteins and stabilizers to retain moisture, it is more evenly distributed and well retained in the fat matrix of the product, formed from crystalline and liquid fat in the form of a continuous phase, which is confirmed by a sufficient penetration depth of the fat-soluble dye. Plasma droplets in butter with fat content of 72.5% and 55% are more isolated than in butter pastes, as indicated by the greater penetration depth of the water-soluble dye. The average diameter of isolated moisture droplets in low-fat products was 3.3–5.4 μm, and the average diameter of the fat globules that form the basis of the crystalline framework was 5.4–7.4 μm, depending on the composition of the product. For butter with fat content of 72.5%, the values of these indicators were 2.8 and 4.0 μm. The results of the study indicate the presence of differences in the sizes of structural elements, but at the same time confirm the uniformity of the structure of low-fat products, allowing them to be attributed to dispersions «water-in-oil»


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    The research was conducted to assess the changes in the excess return of Ukrainian stock market (using the example of the representative stock index PFTS) on the informational content of such major non-monetary signals of the USA as “Consumer Price Index”, “Personal Spending”, “Unemployment Rate”, “Gross Domestic Product”, “Industrial Production”, “Consumer Confidence” and “Housing Starts” on the basis of daily data for 2000—2017 (number of observations — 4436). We used the toolkit of vector autoregressive modelling to determine the sources of Ukrainian stock index PFTS response to the US non-monetary information signals, which is based on the decomposition of changes in stock market excess return through the channels of economic transmission (“expected future dividends”, “real interest rate” and “risk premium”) and takes into account the unexpected values of the informational context of selected non-monetary signals. Target time series are stationary according to the KPSS and ADF criteria. The results show that four of the six selected non-monetary information signals of the USA do not have a significant effect on the response of endogenous variables of econometric model. The existence of significant direct influence of US non-monetary informational signals “Personal Spending” and “Consumer Confidence” on the response of the excess return of Ukrainian stock index PFTS has been established. It is substantiated that the actual and forecast state of the USA national economy is considered by the participants of the local stock markets, in particular in Ukraine, as one of the most important sources of macroeconomic information while making strategic and tactical investment decisions. Thus, the increasing importance of the component of “surprise” of such non-monetary information signals of the USA is considered as “positive” news for the domestic stock market by investors, which increases the excess return of the stock index PFTS.Проведено исследование по оценке изменений избыточной доходности украинского рынка акций (на примере репрезентативного фондового индекса PFTS) на информационное содержание немонетарных сигналов США на основе ежедневных данных за 2000—2017 гг. Использован инструментарий векторного авторегрессионного моделирования для определения источников реакции фондового индекса PFTS, основанный на декомпозиции изменений избыточной доходности рынка акций. Установлено наличие значительного прямого влияния немонетарных информационных сигналов США «Personal Spending» и «Consumer Confidence» на реакцию избыточной доходности фондового индекса PFTS. Таким образом, рост значения компоненты «неожиданность» по таким немонетарным информационным сигналам США рассматривается инвесторами как «позитивная» новость, которая увеличивает избыточную доходность фондового индекса PFTS.Проведено дослідження щодо оцінювання змін надлишкової доходності українського ринку акцій (на прикладі репрезентативного фондового індексу PFTS) на інформаційний зміст таких основних немонетарних сигналів США, як «Consumer Price Index», «Personal Spending», «Unemployment Rate», «Gross Domestic Product», «Industrial Production», «Consumer Confidence» та «Housing Starts» на основі щоденних даних за 2000—2017 рр. (кількість спостережень — 4 436). Використано інструментарій векторного авторегресійного моделювання для визначення джерел реакції українського фондового індексу PFTS на немонетарні інформаційні сигнали США, що ґрунтується на декомпозиції змін надлишкової дохідності ринку акцій через канали економічної трансмісії («очікувані майбутні дивіденди», «реальна відсоткова ставка» і «премія за ризик») та враховує неочікувані значення інформаційного контексту відібраних немонетарних сигналів. Цільові часові ряди є стаціонарними відповідно до критеріїв KPSS та ADF. Отримані результати свідчать, що чотири із шести відібраних немонетарних інформаційних сигналів США не мають суттєвого впливу на реакцію ендогенних змінних економетричної моделі. Установлено наявність значного прямого впливу немонетарних інформаційних сигналів США «Personal Spending» і «Consumer Confidence» на реакцію надлишкової дохідності українського фондового індексу PFTS. Обґрунтовано, що фактичний і прогнозний стани національної економіки США розглядається учасниками локальних ринків акцій, зокрема України, як одне з найважливіших джерел макроекономічної інформації при ухваленні стратегічних і тактичних інвестиційних рішень. Таким чином, зростання значення компоненти «несподіванки» за такими немонетарними інформаційними сигналами США розглядається інвесторами як «позитивна» новина для вітчизняного ринку акцій, яка збільшує надлишкову дохідність фондового індексу PFTS

    Regulation of Cross-Border Insolvency in the EAEU Law

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    In the context of the development and expansion of the Eurasian Economic Union, the dynamically developing system of integration relations in the Eurasian space on the one hand, and the collapse of Russia’s economic integration in the European Union, the regulation of the institution of cross-border bankruptcy in the law of the EAEU are becoming particularly relevant and require urgent consideration of the issues of legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy) with a foreign element in the territory of the EAEU.Aim. To reveal the main problems of legal regulation of cross-border insolvency in the Eurasian region.Tasks. It is proposed to consider models of regulation of cross-border insolvency on the example of Regulation of the European Union No. 2015/848 of 20.05.2015. on insolvency proceedings and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, to analyze the relevance of the considered sources of law, to present the main elements of the concept of development of regulation of cross-border insolvency in the EAEU.Methods. The methodological basis of the research is based on a systematic approach and general scientific methods of retrospective analysis, comparative analysis, induction and deduction, generalization, grouping of information, comparative legal analysis of international law in the field of cross-border insolvency.Results. The proposed approach by studying the established international practice of regulating insolvency cases with a foreign element, comparing the bankruptcy legislation of the EAEU countries, trends in the current international economic and political situation will solve the problems of forming sources of legal regulation of cross-border bankruptcies in the territory of the EAEU countries, the creation of the Eurasian Institute of Cross-Border Insolvency of a mixed model for the exequatur recognition of bankruptcies with a foreign element on the model of the UNCITRAL Model Law on CrossBorder Insolvency of 1997, with the procedure for determining international jurisdiction and applicable law - on the model of Regulation of the European Union No. 2015/848 of 20.05.2015.Conclusion. The presence of clear, transparent, acts regulating cross-border bankruptcies on the territory of the EAEU as a whole, and not within the framework of local phenomena of individual insolvency proceedings with a foreign element on the territory of individual member states of the integration association is a guarantee of investor confidence, as a result — the spread of foreign direct investment, the opening of capital markets, the creation of supply chains and contractual networks, the creation and development of multinational enterprises, economic growth in the countries of the association, as well as the growth of the attractiveness of the EAEU for new member countries with a positive assessment of the prospects in case of accession

    Attracting Teenagers to Museums

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    Статья посвящена исследованию подростковой аудитории музеев, привлечению подростков к игровому диалогу с музеем, созданию опроса для выявления предпочтений у аудитории. Были рассмотрены примеры коммуникаций с посетителями в музеях, а также способы привлечения подростков.The article is devoted to the study of the adolescent audience of museums, attracting adolescents to a game dialogue with the museum, creating a survey to identify the preferences of the audience. Examples of communication with visitors in museums were considered, as well as ways to attract adolescents

    Souvenir as a Tool for Promoting a Modern Museum

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    Cтатья посвящена исследованию и рассмотрению способов коммуникации и определения потенциальных посетителей в музейном пространстве. Были рассмотрены виды сувенирной продукции в музеях, а также способы привлечения новой аудитории.The article is devoted to research and consideration of commu nication methods and identification of potential visitors in the museum space. Types of souvenirs in museums were examined, as well as ways to attract a new audience


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    The article examines the characteristics of hemogram in children with various forms of acute appendicitis. It is conducting a study of 56 children aged from 7 to 14 years, as a result of which showed significant differences in the number of segmented leukocytes, lymphocytes, leukocyte index of intoxication by JJ Kalf-Caliph, as well as the heterogeneity of red blood cells in volume thrombocrit and mean platelet volume