12 research outputs found

    Interaction of antihypertensive drugs and rosuvastatin: focus on safety, efficiency and prospects

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    Arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia is a very frequent comorbid condition. Arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia are combined in 40-70% of patients. The statins is the basic drug in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease and in the reduction of cardiovascular complications. We`ve attempted to summarize some data about the statins and interaction of antihypertensive drugs. Rosuvastatin is a medicine that provides an intensive reduction of low-density lipoproteins, does not require dose adjustment when applied in conjunction with antihypertensive drugs. The absence of inhibition and activation of rosuvastatin cytochrome P450 provides a low risk of negative interactions in the clinical situations of induced polypharmacy. Every clinician is to remember that it`s crucial to take into account some adverse reactions combining the statins with drugs of other pharmacological groups

    Physiology of digestion and basis of rational nutrition

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    A significant part of the population is not aware of the principles of healthy eating. Therefore, the study of the basics of proper nutrition is absolutely necessary to strengthen public health and improve the culture of nutrition. The purpose of the work is to consider the basic digestive processes and the basics of good nutrition, collect statistics on the daily nutrition of students of the Kuban State Technological University and, based on statistical data, come to a generalized conclusion about the state of health, as well as propose measures aimed at improving and improving the physical condition of students . We concluded that each student (group of 20 people) does not comply with the regime, culture and good nutrition. More than half of the students surveyed feel daily fatigue and lethargy without good reason, which is more associated with unorganized nutrition and a lack of all macro- and micronutrients. Based on this, special attention should be paid to moderation in nutrition, which is expressed not only in the frequency of food intake, but, first of all, in the qualitative aspect of nutrition: the correspondence of the chemical composition of food to the needs of the body. To eat rationally, you need to have an idea of the composition of the products, their biological value and the transformation of nutrients in the body. Compliance with recommendations for proper nutrition is the main source of increasing the body's resistance to various harmful environmental influences and reducing the number of non-infectious chronic diseases

    Combined Therapy of Arterial Hypertension. The Opinion of a Clinical Pharmacologist

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    Modern tactics of treatment of arterial hypertension (AH) involves the use of both monotherapy and combination therapy. Monotherapy is recommended primarily for low-risk patients with systolic blood pressure (BP)< 150 mm Hg. Monotherapy should also be preferred in very high risk patients with high normal BP and frail elderly patients. However, combination therapy is recommended for most hypertensive patients as initial therapy. Starting combination therapy is more effective in lowering BP than monotherapy. Even at low doses, it is usually more effective than maximum dose monotherapy. The most commonly prescribed combinations today contain a renin-angiotensin system blocker (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blocker) with a calcium antagonist or diuretic. The combination of lisinopril with amlodipine not only proved its high efficiency in various international and Russian studies, but also turned out to be pharmacoeconomically more profitable. Fixed combinations of lisinopril and amlodipine are the optimal choice in the treatment of hypertensive patients, due to all the advantages of both components: higher efficacy and safety rates compared to monotherapy and better patient adherence to treatment

    The Assessment of Physicians' and Senior Medical Students' Knowledge in the Field of Community-acquired Pneumonia: Preliminary Results of the KNOCAP-II Project (2017-2019).

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    Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is one of the most relevant problems of modern medicine. Today, CAP takes 4th place in the structure of mortality (after cardio­vascular, cerebrovascular diseases and Malignant neoplasms) and 1st place among all deaths from infectious diseases. The aim of the study is to assess the level of general physician' and senior medical students' basic knowledge in CAP treatment. The article represents the results of anonymous prospective surveys within the framework of the second stage of KNOCAP multi-centered research project (full name of the project «The assessment of physician' and students' knowledge of community-acquired pneumonia basics») aimed at accessing the knowledge and preferences of doctors and students on the fundamental issues in diagnosis and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia. The survey conducted in 2017-2019 involved 588 physicians and 394 students from seventeen Russian, Kyrgyzstan and Ukrainian centers. The method of anonymous questioning was used in this study, for which an original questionnaire was developed on the basis of current clinical recommendations. The following fundamental questions caused the greatest difficulties in the respondents: terms for a repeated X-ray examination in positive dynamics of CAP treatment, the choice of main diagnostic criteria of CAP, the choice of the typical mistakes of CAP treatment, the choice of the initial antimicrobial therapy. In general, the respondents' knowledge in CAP patients' management deviates significantly from the current clinical guidelines, as of 2010, and from the new clinical guidelines draft, 2018-2019. Currently, there is a need to increase the level of knowledge and improve the professional activities of therapists and senior medical students, as a multicenter section of the knowledge and preferences of specialists in many issues revealed their insufficient level for the correct management of patients with CAP