11 research outputs found

    Ba and Sr Doped PbS Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition

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    The work was financially supported by program 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation (№ 02.A03.21.0006)

    Clinical-epidemiological features and improvement of botulism laboratory diagnos-102 tics in Irkutsk region

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    Irkutsk Region is one of the Russian Regions where botulism cases are registered yearly. Botulism morbidity in Irkutsk Region is analysed for the ten-year period (since 2002); its clinical-epidemiological features are revealed at the present stage. Sporadic cases of botulism, are dominated. (81,9 %). From. 2006 in Irkutsk Region botulism share makes 100 % in food poisoning number. A considerable role in the infection transmission plays consumption of fish, mainly smoked or salty Baikal omul (90,9 %). In 30 % of cases injured people purchased fish at private persons in unascertained trade places, 60 % of patients ate own salting fish. In Irkutsk Region botulism is registered more often from July till November with peaks in July (58,3 %) and. September (20,8 %) that is connected, with activation of unprofitable fabricated fish selling in combination, with adverse conditions of this foodstuff storage. Botulism affects various age groups of population with, prevalence of the age category 30-49 years old. (47,8 %). Socially active able-bodied population. (72,3 %) is most often affected that increases the social importance of the disease. Mainly, moderate severe (56, 5 %) and. severe (34,8 %) disease forms were registered. Primary symptoms include two variants - dyspeptically-paralytic and. ophthalmologic-neurological forms. Analysis of botulism etiological structure showed, that the leading part in the disease occurrence in Irkutsk Region belonged to botulinum. type Е (73, 9 %). Clinical material and. foodstuff testing to botulinum toxin presence was conducted in parallel by the standard reaction of biological toxin neutralisation in white mice and dot-immunoanalysis with application of the test system that we have developed. Possibility of dot-immunoassay application in laboratory diagnostics of botulism is estimated as the express method with high specificity, sensitivity and. simplicity

    Эффективность использования микробиологических удобрений при выращивании земляники садовой на дерново-среднеподзолистой почве

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    In agriculture, the use of microbiological fertilizers is becoming more and more widespread. The presence of microorganisms in them allows improving soil fertility, increasing the productivity of crops, while ensuring the cultivation of environmentally friendly products. There is a wide variety of microbiological fertilizers, so determining the type of preparation for garden strawberries when grown in the conditions of the Udmurt Republic is relevant. The purpose of the research: a comparative assessment of the effect of various types of microbiological fertilizers on the productivity of garden strawberries.Materials and Methods. Studies on the effect of microbiological fertilizers on the yield and its structure of garden strawberries were carried out on the territory of Vostochny LLC, Zavyalovsky District, Udmurt Republic. In 2016, 2018 studies were carried out on the feeding of garden strawberries of the Darenka vari- ety of the first and third years of fruiting with microbiological fertilizers on soddy-medium-podzolic medium-loamy soil. The scheme of the experiment included the following options: Water (control), Baikal EM 1, Emix, Humat EM. The total area of the plot is 2,9 m2. The accounting area of the plot is 1,8 m2. Placement of variants by a systematic method, in six-fold repetition.Results. Harvesting was carried out in five terms. Studies have proven the positive effect of the studied microbiological fertilizers on plant productivity. The highest yield of berries was 833,6 g/m2, which was obtained using Baikal EM 1. The largest berry was obtained in 2016, also when treated with Baikal EM 1, and amounted to 145 g. lo to increase the number of berries from the bush. So, in 2016 their number was 45,2; in 2018 – 42,0 pieces.В сельском хозяйстве все большее широкое распространение получает применение микробиологических удобрений. Наличие в них микроорганизмов позволяет улучшать плодородие почв, повышать продуктивность сельскохозяйственных культур, при этом обеспечивается выращивание экологически чистой продукции. Существует большое разнообразие микробиологических удобрений, поэтому определение вида препарата для земляники садовой при выращивании в условиях Удмуртской Республики является актуальным. Цель исследований: сравнительная оценка действия различных видов микробиологических удобрений на продуктивность земляники садовой.Материалы и методы. Исследования по изучению влияния микробиологических удобрений на урожайность и её структуру у земляники садовой проводили на территории ООО «Восточный» Завьяловского района Удмуртской Республики. В 2016, 2018 годах проведены исследования подкормки земляники садовой сорта Даренка первого и третьего года плодоношения микробиологическими удобрениями на дерново-среднеподзолистой среднесуглинистой почве. Схема опыта включала следующие варианты: Вода (контроль), Байкал ЭМ 1, Эмикс, Гумат ЭМ. Общая площадь делянки – 2,9 м2. Учётная площадь делянки 1,8 м2. Размещение вариантов систематическим методом, в шестикратной повторности. Сбор урожая проводили в пять сроков. Исследованиями доказано положительное влияние изучаемых микробиологических удобрений на продуктивность растений. Наибольшая урожайность ягод составила 833,6 г/м2, была получена при использовании Байкал ЭМ 1. Самая крупная ягода получена в 2016 году, также при обработке препаратом Байкал ЭМ 1 и составила 14,5 г. Использование микробиологического удобрения Эмикс привело к увеличению количества ягод с куста. Так, в 2016 году их количество составило 45,2 шт.; в 2018 году – 42,0 шт

    Урожайность и качество земляники садовой при внесении удобрений

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    Relevance. One of the most important elements of the technology of cultivation of strawberries for increasing productivity and improving the quality of berries is the use of fertilizers that can regulate the growth, development, yield and quality of products.Methods. During 2016-2018, the impact of pre-planting application of complex mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality of strawberries in the Udmurt Republic was studied. The analysis of meteorological conditions during the growing season of the crop according to the research results is carried out.Results. The results of the use of complex fertilizers Azofoska, Perm-yagodnoye and Fusco-yagodnoye on garden strawberries when grown in the conditions of the Udmurt Republic are presented. It was found that the use of these fertilizers in comparison with the control (Azofoska) contributes to an increase in yield and has a positive effect on the quality of berries. The aftereffect of the studied fertilizers on the second and third year of fruiting of wild strawberries is noted. According to the results of research, the highest yield of berries of the garden strawberry was obtained in 2016 in the first year of fruiting when applying Chamfer-berry (1.33 kg/m2 ). The pre-planting application of the FaskoYagodnoye fertilizer provided a reliable increase in yield at all times of berry harvesting, and on average for three years by 0.13 kg/m2 with an NSR of 0.04 kg/m2 . The content of dry matter, water-soluble sugars and vitamin C in the berries corresponded to the characteristics of the Darenka variety and to a greater extent depended on the meteorological conditions of the growing season of strawberries.Актуальность. Одним из важнейших элементов технологии возделывания земляники садовой для повышения продуктивности и улучшения качества ягод является применение удобрений, способных регулировать рост, развитие, урожайность и качество продукции.Материал и методика. В течение 2016-2018 годов в Удмуртской Республике изучали влияние предпосадочного внесения комплексных минеральных удобрений на урожайность и качество ягод земляники садовой. Проведен анализ метеорологических условий в период вегетации культуры по годам исследований. Приведены результаты использования комплексных удобрений «Азофоска», «Пермь-ягодное» и «Фаско-ягодное» на землянике садовой при выращивании в условиях Удмуртской Республики.Результаты. Выявлено, что применение данных удобрений по сравнению с контролем (Азофоска) способствует увеличению урожайности и положительно влияет на качество ягод. Отмечено последействие изучаемых удобрений на второй и третий год плодоношения земляники садовой. По результатам исследований наибольшая урожайность ягод земляники садовой получена в 2016 году в первый год плодоношения при внесении «Фаскоягодное» (1,33 кг/м2 ). Припосадочное внесение удобрения «Фаско-ягодное» обеспечило достоверную прибавку урожайности во все сроки сборов ягод, в среднем за три года на 0,13 кг/м2 при НСР05 0,04 кг/м2 . Содержание сухого вещества, водорастворимых сахаров и витамина С в ягодах соответствовало характеристике сорта Даренка и в большей степени зависело от метеорологических условий периода вегетации земляники садовой

    A facile low-temperature deposition of Sn-rich tin (II) monosulfide colloid particles

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    A novel, eco-friendly and low temperature synthesis of tin (II) monosulfide colloid particles is described. Chemical bath deposition was successfully applied for the deposition of polynanocrystalline SnS from acidic aqueous solutions. The characterization of the prepared samples was accomplished through elemental analysis, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and optical spectroscopy. The composition of tin (II) monosulfide colloids assembled of nanoparticles was found to be Sn-rich. Several simple scenarios for Sn surplus within SnS lattice (Svacancies at S-sublattice, Sn-atoms intercalated between SnS layers and Sn-doping of S-sites) have been analyzed by means of quantum chemical calculations. The potential application of the Sn1+xS colloid particles in solar cells as absorber material and as photocatalyst was demonstrated by measuring the optical properties. © 2020, ITMO University. All rights reserved.This work was performed in accordance with the scientific and research plans and state assignment of the ISSC UB RAS (theme AAAA-A19-119031890025-9) and by the Government of the Russian Federation (program 211, project No 02.A03.21.0006)


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    Аarticle describes the case of epiglottitis in a boy 3 years old, who was hospitalized  in a children's infectious disease department of city hospital of Izhevsk. He was hospitalized  in the department with a diagnosis of acute laryngotracheitis constrictive.The diagnosis  was clarified following an anesthetized laryngoscopy. Описан клинический случай эпиглоттита у мальчика 3 лет, находившегося на стационарном лечении в детском инфекционном отделении 7-ой Городской  клинической  больницы г. Ижевска. Госпитализирован в отделение с диагнозом: «острый стенозирующий ларинготрахеит». Диагноз был уточнен после проведенной поднаркозной ларингоскопии


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    Аarticle describes the case of epiglottitis in a boy 3 years old, who was hospitalized  in a children's infectious disease department of city hospital of Izhevsk. He was hospitalized  in the department with a diagnosis of acute laryngotracheitis constrictive.The diagnosis  was clarified following an anesthetized laryngoscopy


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    Аarticle describes the case of epiglottitis in a boy 3 years old, who was hospitalized  in a children's infectious disease department of city hospital of Izhevsk. He was hospitalized  in the department with a diagnosis of acute laryngotracheitis constrictive.The diagnosis  was clarified following an anesthetized laryngoscopy. Описан клинический случай эпиглоттита у мальчика 3 лет, находившегося на стационарном лечении в детском инфекционном отделении 7-ой Городской  клинической  больницы г. Ижевска. Госпитализирован в отделение с диагнозом: «острый стенозирующий ларинготрахеит». Диагноз был уточнен после проведенной поднаркозной ларингоскопии.</p