1,215 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the article is to determine the factors contributing to the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer during pregnancy, and the assessment of the impact of HIV infection on the progression of dysplasia of the cervix during pregnancy. 1146 pregnant women at various stages of gestation, including in 124 HIV-positive were examined. The control group included 146 pregnant women without HIV The survey included: examination, colposcopy, PAP test, PCR for HPV and Chlamydia, HlV diagnosis activity: ELISA, immune blotting, PCR, VIRAL LOAD, identification numbers of CD4 + and CD8 +. The presence of HPV in HIV-positive pregnant women is the leading risk factor for cervical dysplasia epithelium regardless of gestational age. Dysplasia may be suspected at colposcopy examination. The final diagnosis is stated morphologically. HIV in combination with CIN detected in the early stage of pregnancy, it is important to determine the risk of cervical cancer, while maintaining the pregnancy. You must assign the ART in detecting cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of 2-3 grade. When CIN 3 during pregnancy is appropriate elective caesarean section, as a way to prevent the development of cervical cancer after the birth, along with a reduced likelihood of intrapartum transmission of HIV

    Homotopy types of stabilizers and orbits of Morse functions on surfaces

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    Let MM be a smooth compact surface, orientable or not, with boundary or without it, PP either the real line R1R^1 or the circle S1S^1, and Diff(M)Diff(M) the group of diffeomorphisms of MM acting on C(M,P)C^{\infty}(M,P) by the rule hffh1h\cdot f\mapsto f \circ h^{-1}, where hDiff(M)h\in Diff(M) and fC(M,P)f \in C^{\infty}(M,P). Let f:MPf:M \to P be a Morse function and O(f)O(f) be the orbit of ff under this action. We prove that πkO(f)=πkM\pi_k O(f)=\pi_k M for k3k\geq 3, and π2O(f)=0\pi_2 O(f)=0 except for few cases. In particular, O(f)O(f) is aspherical, provided so is MM. Moreover, π1O(f)\pi_1 O(f) is an extension of a finitely generated free abelian group with a (finite) subgroup of the group of automorphisms of the Reeb graph of ff. We also give a complete proof of the fact that the orbit O(f)O(f) is tame Frechet submanifold of C(M,P)C^{\infty}(M,P) of finite codimension, and that the projection Diff(M)O(f)Diff(M) \to O(f) is a principal locally trivial S(f)S(f)-fibration.Comment: 49 pages, 8 figures. This version includes the proof of the fact that the orbits of a finite codimension of tame action of tame Lie group on tame Frechet manifold is a tame Frechet manifold itsel

    Preparation of porous TiNi-Ti alloy by diffusion sintering method and study of its composition, structure and martensitic transformations

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    The study demonstrates a method for controlling not only the phase composition but also the atomic composition of TiNi matrix in porous TiNi-Ti alloys developed for biomedical uses as implants. The alloys were obtained from TiNi powder which was sintered with Ti powder added at as much as 0–10 at%. The structure, phase and chemical composition of the produced TiNi-Ti alloys was investigated with respect to the amount of Ti added into the material. It is shown that in the sintered product containing 5 at% and more of Ti additive, the composition of its TiNi matrix becomes close to equiatomic (with Ti:Ni atomic ratio ~1), and the excessive Ti precipitates as secondary phases Ti2Ni and Ti3Ni4. In parallel, with increase in Ti ad- ditive from 0–10 at%, the structure of the precipitating Ti2Ni type phases changes its morphology from separate spherical or pyramidal precipitates to large dendritic formations. The direct martensitic trans- formation from austenite to martensite in all the samples was found to proceed in two stages and through the R-phase (B2→R→B19′). Thermoresistive analysis demonstrated that TiNi-Ti samples with 5 and more at% of Ti had their characteristic starting temperature of martensite transition stabilizing at ~57 °C (330 K). This implies that the sample with 5 at% of Ti additive exhibited desired martensite transition temperatures, while containing a minimum concentration of secondary-phase precipitates in its matrix which deteriorate its properties. Thus, for the 곙rst time, we show that a very simple preparation approach based on sintering powders of TiNi and Ti is capable of producing porous TiNi-Ti alloys with properties optimized for fabricating bone implants

    Large-scale structure formation in cosmology with classical and tachyonic scalar fields

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    The evolution of scalar perturbations is studied for 2-component (non-relativistic matter and dark energy) cosmological models at the linear and non-linear stages. The dark energy is assumed to be the scalar field with either classical or tachyonic Lagrangian and constant equation-of-state parameter w. The fields and potentials were reconstructed for the set of cosmological parameters derived from observations. The comparison of the calculated within these models and experimental large-scale structure characteristics is made. It is shown that for w=const such analysis can't remove the existing degeneracy of the dark energy models.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, text corrected, references added, accepted by Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodie

    Connected components of spaces of Morse functions with fixed critical points

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    Let MM be a smooth closed orientable surface and F=Fp,q,rF=F_{p,q,r} be the space of Morse functions on MM having exactly pp critical points of local minima, q1q\ge1 saddle critical points, and rr critical points of local maxima, moreover all the points are fixed. Let FfF_f be the connected component of a function fFf\in F in FF. By means of the winding number introduced by Reinhart (1960), a surjection π0(F)Zp+r1\pi_0(F)\to{\mathbb Z}^{p+r-1} is constructed. In particular, π0(F)=|\pi_0(F)|=\infty, and the Dehn twist about the boundary of any disk containing exactly two critical points, exactly one of which is a saddle point, does not preserve FfF_f. Let D\mathscr D be the group of orientation preserving diffeomorphisms of MM leaving fixed the critical points, D0{\mathscr D}^0 be the connected component of idM{\rm id}_M in D\mathscr D, and DfD{\mathscr D}_f\subset{\mathscr D} the set of diffeomorphisms preserving FfF_f. Let Hf{\mathscr H}_f be the subgroup of Df{\mathscr D}_f generated by D0{\mathscr D}^0 and all diffeomorphisms hDh\in{\mathscr D} which preserve some functions f1Fff_1\in F_f, and let Hfabs{\mathscr H}_f^{\rm abs} be its subgroup generated D0{\mathscr D}^0 and the Dehn twists about the components of level curves of functions f1Fff_1\in F_f. We prove that HfabsDf{\mathscr H}_f^{\rm abs}\subsetneq{\mathscr D}_f if q2q\ge2, and construct an epimorphism Df/HfabsZ2q1{\mathscr D}_f/{\mathscr H}_f^{\rm abs}\to{\mathbb Z}_2^{q-1}, by means of the winding number. A finite polyhedral complex K=Kp,q,rK=K_{p,q,r} associated to the space FF is defined. An epimorphism μ:π1(K)Df/Hf\mu:\pi_1(K)\to{\mathscr D}_f/{\mathscr H}_f and finite generating sets for the groups Df/D0{\mathscr D}_f/{\mathscr D}^0 and Df/Hf{\mathscr D}_f/{\mathscr H}_f in terms of the 2-skeleton of the complex KK are constructed.Comment: 12 pages with 2 figures, in Russian, to be published in Vestnik Moskov. Univ., a typo in theorem 1 is correcte

    Topology of the spaces of Morse functions on surfaces

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    Let MM be a smooth closed orientable surface, and let FF be the space of Morse functions on MM such that at least χ(M)+1\chi(M)+1 critical points of each function of FF are labeled by different labels (enumerated). Endow the space FF with CC^\infty-topology. We prove the homotopy equivalence FR×M~F\sim R\times{\widetilde{\cal M}} where RR is one of the manifolds RP3{\mathbb R}P^3, S1×S1S^1\times S^1 and the point in dependence on the sign of χ(M)\chi(M), and M~{\widetilde{\cal M}} is the universal moduli space of framed Morse functions, which is a smooth stratified manifold. Morse inequalities for the Betti numbers of the space FF are obtained.Comment: 15 pages, in Russia

    Charge and Spin Effects in Mesoscopic Josephson Junctions

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    We consider the charge and spin effects in low dimensional superconducting weak links. The first part of the review deals with the effects of electron-electron interaction in Superconductor/Luttinger liquid/Superconductor junctions. The experimental realization of this mesoscopic hybrid system can be the individual single wall carbon nanotube that bridges the gap between two bulk superconductors. The dc Josephson current through a Luttinger liquid in the limits of perfectly and poorly transmitting junctions is evaluated. The relationship between the Josephson effect in a long SNS junction and the Casimir effect is discussed. In the second part of the paper we review the recent results concerning the influence of the Zeeman and Rashba interactions on the thermodynamical properties of ballistic S/QW/S junction fabricated in two dimensional electron gas. It is shown that in magnetically controlled junction there are conditions for resonant Cooper pair transition which results in giant supercurrent through a tunnel junction and a giant magnetic response of a multichannel SNS junction. The supercurrent induced by the joint action of the Zeeman and Rashba interactions in 1D quantum wires connected to bulk superconductors is predicted.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures; minor changes in reference

    System size and centrality dependence of charged hadron transverse momentum spectra in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at sqrt(s) = 62.4 and 200 GeV

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    We present transverse momentum distributions of charged hadrons produced in Cu+Cu collisions at sqrt(s) = 62.4 and 200 GeV. The spectra are measured for transverse momenta of 0.25 < p_T < 5.0 GeV/c at sqrt(s) = 62.4 GeV and 0.25 < p_T < 7.0 GeV/c at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV, in a pseudo-rapidity range of 0.2 < eta < 1.4. The nuclear modification factor R_AA is calculated relative to p+p data at both collision energies as a function of collision centrality. At a given collision energy and fractional cross-section, R_AA is observed to be systematically larger in Cu+Cu collisions compared to Au+Au. However, for the same number of participating nucleons, R_AA is essentially the same in both systems over the measured range of p_T, in spite of the significantly different geometries of the Cu+Cu and Au+Au systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let