33,661 research outputs found

    Fundamental Gates for a Strongly Correlated Two-Electron Quantum Ring

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    We demonstrate that conditional as well as unconditional basic operations which are prerequisite for universal quantum gates can be performed with almost 100% fidelity within a strongly interacting two-electron quantum ring. Both sets of operations are based on a quantum control algorithm that optimizes a driving electromagnetic pulse for a given quantum gate. The demonstrated transitions occur on a time scale much shorter than typical decoherence times of the system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, copyright 2010 The American Physical Societ

    Alien Registration- Hansen, Esther E V. (Baldwin, Cumberland County)

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    First measurement of cluster temperature using the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect

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    We discuss a new method of finding the cluster temperatures which is independent of distance and therefore very useful for distant clusters. The hot gas of electrons in clusters of galaxies scatters and distorts the cosmic microwave background radiation in a well determined way. This Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect is a useful tool for extracting information about clusters such as their peculiar radial velocity and optical depth. Here we show how the temperature of the cluster can be inferred from the SZ effect, in principle without use of X-ray data. We use recent millimetre observation of Abell 2163 to determine for the first time a cluster temperature using SZ observations only. The result T_e = 26^+34_-19 keV at 68% confidence level (at 95% c.l. we find T>1.5 keV) is in reasonable agreement with the X-ray results, T_e =12.4^+2.8_-1.9 keV.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Weak Wave Turbulence Scaling Theory for Diffusion and Relative Diffusion in Turbulent Surface Waves

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    We examine the applicability of the weak wave turbulence theory in explaining experimental scaling results obtained for the diffusion and relative diffusion of particles moving on turbulent surface waves. For capillary waves our theoretical results are shown to be in good agreement with experimental results, where a distinct crossover in diffusive behavior is observed at the driving frequency. For gravity waves our results are discussed in the light of ocean wave studies.Comment: 5 pages; for related work visit http://www.imedea.uib.es/~victo

    Suppression of hole-hole scattering in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures under uniaxial compression

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    Resistance, magnetoresistance and their temperature dependencies have been investigated in the 2D hole gas at a [001] p-GaAs/Al0.5_{0.5}Ga0.5_{0.5}As heterointerface under [110] uniaxial compression. Analysis performed in the frame of hole-hole scattering between carriers in the two spin splitted subbands of the ground heavy hole state indicates, that h-h scattering is strongly suppressed by uniaxial compression. The decay time Ï„01\tau_{01} of the relative momentum reveals 4.5 times increase at a uniaxial compression of 1.3 kbar.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Calibration of Irrigation Headgates by Model Analysis

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    Introduction The purpose of this research project was to calibrate the slide gates used by the D.M.A.D. Company (Delta, Melville, Abraham and Deseret Irrigation Companies). These gates, which number more than 600, are located throughout the distribution system. Each gate is placed in a concrete box 4 feet wide, 3-1/2 feet deep and 4 feet long. The structure is used as a means of diverting the water and is also used as a measuring device. A similar structure, but with a different type of slide gate, was calibrated in 1914. At the time rating tables were prepared which listed the flow rate when the height of gate opening and the difference in water levels upstream and downstream from the gate were know. A number of measurements of flow through the present structures have been made in the field. These measurements have been utilized to relate the height of gate opening, b, and the difference in water levels upstream and downstream from the gate, ΔH, to the discharge rate, Q. Discharge rates were obtained by current meter measurements and were checked by making a systems analysis of the flow throughout the distribution system. The water users have recognized for some time many of the problems inherent in calibrating these structures in the field. One of the primary difficulties is caused by the scour holes which have been formed immediately downstream from most of the structures. The depth of flow downstream from the gate has had to be observed at the scour hole because the concrete structure is short and does not allow full recovery of the kinetic energy of the flow to take place within the structure. The term full recovery refers to the kinetic energy associated with the high velocities of the jet issuing from the gate opening being converted back to potential energy in the form of depth of flow. The point of full recovery is the point downstream from the gate at which the flow is essentially re-established and maximum depth occurs. The principle of full recovery is illustrated in Figure 1 with maximum depth of flow, and consequently full recovery occurring at yd. The measurement of water level at the scour hole is influenced by flow conditions in the structure and added dissipation of energy at the scour hole. To include the scour hole in the flow measurement system would present many problems and would require extensive calibration work because of the variability of the size of the scour holes and the effect of downstream conditions on the dissipation of energy at the scour hole. Although these problems could be overcome in the laboratory, the cost of such a study would be many times the cost of the research effort reported herein. In order to obtain a general calibration of the gate structure system, a rigid channel was placed downstream from the model gate structure. The rigid channel, in effect, was comparable to increasing the length of the concrete gate structure. This system allowed full recovery to occur in the channel. The slide gate has steel angels attached around its periphery, which act as guides during the operation of the gate. These angles are located on only one face of the gate. The gates have been placed in the structure with the angles facing either upstream or downstream in a more-or-less random fashion. The water users have observed that for the same change in water surface elevation upstream and downstream from the gate, and with the same height of gate opening, the discharge will be greater with the gate angels facing upstream. Consequently, it was necessary that was calibration of the gate structure system include both conditions

    Evaluation of Chemical Composition and Particle Size Gradation of Evaporation-Reducing, Monolayer-Forming Materials

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    Initial field testing began shortly after the arrival of materials in August, 1964. The field experiments were designed to evaluate the effects of the long-chain alcohol C20 and particle size gradation on the effectiveness of evaporation retardants when applied by aerial techniques. The materials which were tested at Utah Lake are listed below

    Equipment and Techniques for Aerial Application of Evaporation-Reducing Monlayer-Forming Materials to Lakes and Reservoirs

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    The authors wish to express their gratitude and sincere appreciation to the many organizations and individual who assisted in this research effort. The U. S. Bureau of Reclamation has sponsored the investigation of aerial application equipment and techniques. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation personnel concerned with the evaporation reduction research program have b en most cooperative in supporting the efforts at Utah State University. The Reeder Flying Service has worked with Utah State University in the developn1 pilot of aerial application equipment since the inception of the project in 1961. Mr. Charles Reeder ha been very cooperative throughout the research program. Mr. Kenneth Jewkes, pilot and mechanic, ha aid d materially in the success of the equipment development. The efforts and interest displayed by Mr. Don Larson during flight and application test have been very much appreciated. The Commissioner of Utah Lake, Mr. David 1. Gardner, has assisted in the research efforts at Utah Lake. The effort of Mr. Dave Rowley, Price River Commissioner, and Mr. Francis Strange, caretaker at Scofield Reservoir, were very much appreciated. The continued cooperation of the Salmon River Canal Company, has aided in the success of the research program. Many of the staff at Utah State University have participated in the aerial application research effort . The initial developments by Mr. Glen Stringham of the spray equipment, and subsequent contributions of Mr. Earl Israel en in developing the powder dispensing unit are acknowledged. Professor Duane Chadwick and Mr. Don Griffin have undertaken the development of the radio altimeter. Me rs. Edwin Olsen, Derle Thorpe, and Eugene Israel. en have assisted during application tests. The illustration contained in this report, together with the cover design, were prepared by Mr. Joe England. The effort of Mr . C. W. Lauritzen, editor, and Miss Barbara South, secretary, have materially aided in the preparation of the report
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